581 langues concernées
1077 titres trouvés
[22082] [Anonymous] (1943-1974) : Manuscripts, papers, etc., on the study of Bantu languages
[22099] [Anonymous] (1951) : Universal decimal classification [...] reclassification of the Bantu languages
[22277] [Anonymous] (1981) : Essays in Bantu language studies
[20] Abbi, Anvita (Ed) (1972) : Reduplication in South African languages: an areal, typological and historical study
[352] Ainsley, A. D. (1972) : The Bantu sentence
[466] Aksʼonova, Irina Stepanovna (1997) : Kategorii vida, vremeni i nakloneniia v iazykakh bantu [The categories of aspect, tense and mood in Bantu languages]
[464] Aksʼonova, Irina Stepanovna & Irina Nikolaevna Toporova (1990) : Vvedenie v bantuistiku: imya, glagol
[483] Alcock, Janet (1994) : Origin and diffusion of Bantu languages (supplement)
[525] Alexandre, Pierre (1959) : Le bantu et ses limites
[534] Alexandre, Pierre (1967) : Note sur la réduction du système des classes dans les langues véhiculaires a fonds bantu
[535] Alexandre, Pierre (1968) : Le bantu et ses limites
[610] Almeida, António de & Ernst Oswald Johannes Westphal (19--) : Línguas não-bantas de Angola
[627] Alsina, Alex (1997) : A theory of complex predicates: evidence from causatives in Bantu and Romance
[626] Alsina, Alex & Sam A. Mchombo (1994) : Bantu multiple objects: analyse and fallacies
[27277] Ambadiang, Théophile (2011) : Semantic structuring and nominalization processes: the case of agent and instrument nouns in Bantu languages
[670] Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1982) : The elimination of number from an intra-linguistic analysis of Kiswahili gender and noun classes and its implications for class classification in Bantu
[681] Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1997) : The problem of lexical cohesion and lexical structure in Bantu classes ; part 1
[682] Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1998) : The problem of lexical cohesion and lexical structure in Bantu classes ; part 2
[717] Andah, Bassey W. (1983) : The Bantu phenomenon: some unanswered questions of ethnolinguistics and ethnoarchaeology
[718] Andeme Allogo, M.-F. (1991) : Morpho-syntaxe du ntumu, dialecte fang
[27244] Angenot, Jean-Pierre , Jacky Maniacky & Geralda de Lima Vitor Angenot (2013) : Quand les prefixes nominaux bantu de classes 9/10 cessent d’être des archisegments nasals syllabiques
[976] Ardener, Edwin W. (1956) : Coastal Bantu of the Cameroons
[991] Argyle, W. John (1994/95) : Khoisan-southern Bantu livestock exchanges: reinterpreting the linguistic evidence (summary)
[1057] Arvanites, Linda (1979) : Two developments in Bantu negation: comparative evidence
[1062] Asano, M. (1999) : The problem of NC configurations and phonological opacity in Bantu languages
[26234] Ashby, Simone & Sílvia Barbosa (2011) : Bantu Substratum Interference in Mozambican Portuguese Speech Varieties
[1074] Ashton, Ethel O. (1945) : Notes on form and structure in Bantu speech
[25729] Atindogbé, Gratien G. (2010) : Naming the Invisible in Bantu Languages of Cameroon: On the Semantic Coherence of Nominal Class Systems
[25939] Atindogbé, Gratien G. & Evelyn Fogwe Chibaka (2012) : Productive and Non-productive reduplication patterns in Bantu Zone A (Northwest) languages
[1110] Atkins, Guy (1961) : Notes on the concords and classes of Bantu numerals
[1122] Auber, Jacques (1958) : Français, Malgache, Bantus, Arabes, Turcs, Chinois, Canaques ... Parlons-nous une même langue? Essai de sémantique comparée
[25152] Avelar, Juanito , Sonia Cyrino & Charlotte Galves (2009) : Locative Inversion and Agreement Patterns: Parallelisms Between Brazilian Portuguese and Bantu Languages
[1236] Bachmann, Armin R. (1987) : Doppelreflexe von Proto-Bantu *p in den Sprachen der Zone C
[1237] Bachmann, Armin R. (1988) : Zum “Fortis/Lenis-Kontrast” in den nordwestlichen Bantusprachen
[1238] Bachmann, Armin R. (1989) : Zum Fortis/Lenis-Kontrast in den nordwestlichen Bantusprachen
[1302] Bailey, Richard Anthony (1987) : A critical evaluation of Proto-Bantu lexical reconstructions
[1304] Bailey, Richard Anthony (1995) : The Bantu languages of South Africa: towards a sociohistorical perspective
[1315] Baka, Jean (2000) : L’adjectif en bantu
[1336] Baker, Mark C. (1990) : Elements of a typology of applicatives in Bantu
[1373] Balibatsu, Maniragaba (2000) : Le potentiel ontologique des langues bantu face à l’ontologie classique
[1464] Bancel, Pierre (1988) : Double reflexes in Bantu A.70 languages
[28768] Bastin, Yvonne (2020) : The class 18 locative prefix and the expression of the present progressive in Bantu
[1755] Bastin, Yvonne [Angenot] (1989) : El prefijo locativo de la clase 18 y la expresión del progresivo presento en Bantu
[1763] Bastin, Yvonne [Angenot] , André Coupez & Michael Mann (1999) : Continuity and divergence in the Bantu languages: perspectives from a lexicostatistic study
[1759] Bastin, Yvonne [Angenot] , André Coupez , Bernard de Halleux & Colette Marchal-Nasse (1994) : Lexicostatistique appliquée à la zone B du bantu
[27516] Batibo, Herman (2015) : The classical laws and rules in Bantu languages: How plausible are they?
[1777] Batibo, Herman M. (1986) : Autosegmental phonology and the Bantu tone systems
[1779] Batibo, Herman M. (1987) : Le statut morphosyntaxique du referent sujet en langues bantu
[1784] Batibo, Herman M. (1989) : Algumas considerações fundamentais sobre a concepção da ortografia de línguas bantu
[1806] Batibo, Herman M. (1998) : A lexicostatistical survey of the Bantu language of Botswana
[1888] Beach, Douglas Martyn (1924) : The science of tonetics and its application to Bantu languages
[1912] Beaudoin-Lietz, Christa , Derek Nurse & Sarah Rose (2004) : Pronominal object marking in Bantu
[2014] Bell, Alan (1972) : The development of syllabic nasals in the Bantu noun class prefixes mu-, mi- and ma-
[2026] Bellusci, David Christian (1993) : Bantu: from SOV to SVO
[2154] Bennett, Patrick R. (1973) : Identification, classification and Bantu linguistics
[2156] Bennett, Patrick R. (1973) : A phonological history of N.E. Victoria Bantu
[2158] Bennett, Patrick R. (1976) : Some problems of Bantu lexicostatistics
[2165] Bennett, Patrick R. (1983) : Patterns in linguistic geography and the Bantu origins controversy
[2168] Bennett, Patrick R. (1986) : Suggestions for the transcription of 7-vowel Bantu languages
[2169] Bennett, Patrick R. (1986) : Grammar in the lexicon: two Bantu cases
[2160] Bennett, Tina L. & Larry Michael Hyman (1976) : Bibliography of Bantu tone studies
[2177] Benson, Thomas Godfrey (1964) : A century of Bantu lexicography
[2181] Bentley, Mayrene [Mimi] E. (1995) : The syntactic effects of animacy in Bantu languages
[2182] Bentley, Mayrene [Mimi] E. (1997) : Variation in Bantu verbal agreement
[23608] Bentley, Mayrene [Mimi] E. (1995) : Animacy and pronominal systems in Bantu
[2195] Berchem, Jörg (1989/90) : Sprachbeziehungen im Bereich des Kulturwortschatzes zwischen den Bantusprachen und dem Malagasy
[2198] Berger, Paul (1937/38) : Die mit B. -île gebildeten Perfektstämme in den Bantusprachen
[2294] Besha, Ruth Mfumbwa (1989) : Mood in Bantu languages: an exemplification from Shambala
[2383] Biddulph, Joseph (1993) : Meet me in Windhoek: notes on four Bantu languages of Namibia
[2388] Biddulph, Joseph (2001) : Bantu byways: some explorations among the languages of central and southern Africa
[2409] Bill, Mary C. (1982) : The blankets of darkness: problems in translating from a Bantu language into English in South Africa
[2414] Biloa, Edmond (1993) : Clitic climbing in Bantu
[2450] Bish, Ellen & von Panday (1992) : “Als sie langzaam praten, versta ik ze...” - Inquiry into the language communication between speakers of Crioulo and speakers of Papiamentu
[2511] Blanchon, Jean Alain (1990) : The great *HL split in Bantu group B40
[2525] Blanchon, Jean Alain (1999) : ‘Tone cases’ in Bantu group B.40
[2524] Blanchon, Jean Alain & Denis Creissels (Ed) (1999) : Issues in Bantu tonology
[2571] Blench, Roger M. (1993) : New developments in the classification of Bantu languages and their historical implications
[28893] Blench, Roger M. (2022) : The relevance of Bantoid for the reconstruction of Proto-Bantu verbal extensions
[2613] Blois, Kornelis Frans de (1970) : The augment in Bantu languages
[2614] Blois, Kornelis Frans de (1975) : Bukusu generative phonology and aspects of Bantu structure
[2622] Blok, H. P. (1955/56) : Localism and deixis in Bantu linguistics
[2628] Blommaert, Jan (1986) : Notes on the Bantu ku-prefix
[22530] Blommaert, Jan (1989) : Remarks on lexical semantics: the case of the Bantu colour terms
[2740] Bokamba, Eyamba Georges (1976) : Relativization in Bantu languages revisited
[2742] Bokamba, Eyamba Georges (1976) : Question formation in some Bantu languages
[2744] Bokamba, Eyamba Georges (1976) : On the syntax and semantics of derivational verb suffixes in Bantu languages
[2751] Bokamba, Eyamba Georges (1979) : Inversion as grammatical relation chaning rules in Bantu languages
[2758] Bokamba, Eyamba Georges (1985) : Verbal agreement as a noncyclic rule in Bantu
[2761] Bokamba, Eyamba Georges (1988) : Code-mixing, language variation and linguistic theory: evidence from Bantu languages
[2769] Bokamba, Eyamba Georges (1993) : Language variation and change in pervasively multilingual societies: Bantu languages
[2760] Bokamba, Eyamba Georges & Nkonko Mudipanu Kamwangamalu (1987) : The significance of code-mixing to linguistic theory: evidence from Bantu languages
[2784] Bokula, Moiso & Litanga Ngandi (1985) : Numération cardinale dans les langues bantu du haut-Zaïre
[2878] Borland, Colin H. (1986) : Internal relationships in southern Bantu
[2912] Bostoen, Koen (2001) : Osculance in Bantu reconstructions: a case study of the pair *-kádang-/*-káng- (‘fry’, ‘roast’) and its historical implications
[2914] Bostoen, Koen (2004) : Linguistics for the use of African history and the comparative study of Bantu pottery vocabulary
[2916] Bostoen, Koen (2004) : The vocabulary of pottery fashioning techniques in Great Lakes Bantu: a comparative onomasiological study
[23244] Bostoen, Koen (2005) : Comparative notes on Bantu agent noun spirantization
[24639] Bostoen, Koen (2008) : Bantu Spirantization : Morphologization, lexicalization and historical classification
[24723] Bostoen, Koen (2007) : Bantu Plant Names as Indicators of Linguistic Stratigraphy in the Western Province of Zambia
[25798] Bostoen, Koen (2009) : Semantic Vagueness and Cross-Linguistic Lexical Fragmentation in Bantu: Impeding Factors for Linguistic Palaeontology
[26058] Bostoen, Koen (2005) : A Diachronic Onomasiological Approach To Early Bantu Oil Palm Vocabulary
[28565] Bostoen, Koen (2019) : Reconstructing Proto-Bantu
[28888] Bostoen, Koen (2022) : An introduction to Reconstructing Proto-Bantu Grammar
[25546] Bostoen, Koen & Bonny Sands (2012) : Clicks in south-western Bantu languages – Contact-induced vs. language internal lexical change
[22635] Bostoen, Koen & Jacky Maniacky (Ed) (2005) : Studies in African comparative linguistics, with special focus on Bantu and Mande: essays in honour of Yvonne Bastin and Claire Grégoire
[28556] Bostoen, Koen & Mark Van de Velde (2019) : Introduction
[28896] Bostoen, Koen & Rozenn Guérois (2022) : Reconstructing suffixal phrasemes in Bantu verbal derivation
[26088] Bostoen, Koen & Yolande Nzang-Bie (2010) : On how “middle” plus “associative/reciprocal” became “passive” in the Bantu A70 languages
[28887] Bostoen, Koen , Gilles-Maurice de Schryver , Rozenn Guérois & Sara Pacchiarotti (eds.) (2022) : On reconstructing Proto-Bantu grammar
[26609] Bostoen, Koen , Sebastian Dom & Guillaume Segerer (2015) : The antipassive in Bantu
[2934] Botha, J. (1981) : Teaching Bantu languages for special purposes: an experiment with ‘Xhosa for factories’
[26052] Botne, Robert (2006) : Motion, time, and tense: on the grammaticization of come and go to future markers in Bantu
[26239] Botne, Robert (2010) : Perfectives and perfects and pasts, oh my!: On the semantics of -ILE in Bantu
[2948] Botne, Robert Dale (1986) : The temporal role of eastern Bantu -ba and -li
[2951] Botne, Robert Dale (1989) : Reconstruction of a grammaticalized auxiliary in Bantu
[2956] Botne, Robert Dale (1991) : Variation and word formation in Proto-Bantu: the case of *-yikad-
[2958] Botne, Robert Dale (1992) : Double reflexes in eastern and southern Bantu
[2959] Botne, Robert Dale (1992) : Phonemic split in Nen (A44): a case of tonal conditioning of glottalic Proto-Bantu consonants
[2961] Botne, Robert Dale (1993) : Noun incorporation into verbs: the curious case of “ground” in Bantu
[2965] Botne, Robert Dale (1998) : The evolution of future tenses from serial ‘say’ constructions in central eastern Bantu
[2968] Botne, Robert Dale (1999) : Future and distal -ka-’s: Proto-Bantu or nascent form(s)?
[26423] Botne, Robert Dale (2014) : Resultatives, Remoteness, and Innovation in Eastern and Southern Bantu T/A Systems
[27056] Botne, Robert Dale (2010) : Three properties of temporal organization in Bantu T/A systems
[2962] Botne, Robert Dale & Kisanga Salama-Gray (1994) : A Lega and English dictionary, with an index to Proto-Bantu roots
[2995] Bouquiaux, Luc (1967) : Some data for a comparative study of Birom (northern Nigeria) and Proto-Bantu
[3021] Bourquin, Walther (1923) : Neue Ur-Bantu-Wortstämme, nebst einem Beitrag zur Erforschung der Bantu-Wurzeln
[3023] Bourquin, Walther (1932/33) : Entstehung von Nasalen durch den Influss von i im Bantu
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[3049] Boyd, Raymond (1989) : Tone feature analysis: applications to Grassfields Bantu languages
[3151] Brain, James Lewton (1976) : A comparison of Bantu terms in east and west Tanzania
[3218] Breedveld, Anneke (1985) : Reflexes of Proto-Bantu alveolar consonants (in Bamileke, A.40, A.50 and A.60)
[3252] Bresnan, Joan & Lioba [Priva] Moshi (1990) : Object asymmetries in comparative Bantu syntax
[3258] Bresnan, Joan & Sam A. Mchombo (1995) : The lexical integrity principle: evidence from Bantu
[3349] Bruens, A. (1942/45) : The structure of Nkom and its relations to Bantu and Sudanic
[3386] Bryan, Margaret Arminel (1959) : The Bantu languages of Africa
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[26071] Buell, Leston , Jenneke van der Wal & and Kristina Riedel (2011) : What the Bantu languages can tell us about word order and movement
[3542] Bühlmann, P. Walbert (1950) : Die christliche Terminologie als Missions-methodisches Problem: dargestellt am Swahili und an andern Bantusprachen
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[3474] Bulkens, Annelies (1999) : Linguistic indicators for the use of calabashes in the Bantu world
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[3563] Bynon, Theodora & Michael Mann (1973) : Papers on ‘Comparative Bantu’: an introduction
[3571] Cabrera, Lydia (2001) : Vocabulario congo, el bantú que se habla en Cuba: español-congo y congo-español
[3659] Canonici, Noverino N. (1991) : A manual of comparative Bantu studies
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[3685] Capell, A. (1951) : Bantu and North Australian: a study in agglutination
[24553] Caron, Bernard (2002) : Notes de terrains sur les langues sud-Bauchi
[3829] Carstens, Vicky May (1997) : Empty nouns in Bantu locatives
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[3844] Carter, Hazel (1973) : Tonal data in ‘Comparative Bantu’
[3848] Carter, Hazel (1978) : Syntactic tone and Proto-Bantu
[3889] Cassimjee, Farida & Charles Wayne Kisseberth (1998) : Optimal domains theory and Bantu tonology: a case study from Isixhosa and Shingazidja
[3986] Chanda Chibila, Musamba (1974) : Du proto-bantu au nkore
[4119] Chiomio, Giovanni (1948) : L’articolo determinativo proclitico in alcune lingue e dialetti bantu
[26828] Choti, Jonathan (2015) : Phonological Asymmetries of Bantu Nasal Prefixes
[4236] Clements, George N. (1991) : Vowel height assimilation in Bantu languages
[4237] Clements, George N. (1992) : Vowel height assimilation in Bantu languages
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[26301] Cocchi, Gloria (2000) : Locative constructions in Bantu
[26302] Cocchi, Gloria (2003) : copulas in bantu: hints for verb movement
[26303] Cocchi, Gloria (2004) : Relative clauses in Bantu: affixes as relative markers
[4360] Cole, Desmond Thorne (1949) : South Africans are taking more and more interest in Bantu languages
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[26253] Connell, Bruce (2007) : Mambila fricative vowels and Bantu spirantisation
[4520] Cooper, Robin (1976) : Lexical and nonlexical causatives in Bantu
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[4609] Coupez, André (1978) : Linguistic taboo concerning cattle among the interlacustrine Bantu
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[4651] Crabb, David Wendell (1962) : Nasals and nasalized roots in proto-Southwest Bantu
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[27664] Crane, Thera Marie & Bastian Persohn (2019) : A Model-Theoretic Discussion of Bantu Actionality
[4685] Creider, Chet A. (1975) : The semantic system of noun classes in Proto-Bantu
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[4852] Daeleman, Jan (1977) : A comparison of some zone B languages in Bantu
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[24777] De Cat, Cécile & Katherine Demuth (2008) : The Bantu-Romance Connection; A comparative investigation of verbal agreement, DPs, and information structure
[27240] de Lima Santiago, Joane (2013) : Zoonimia histórico-comparativa bantu: Os Cinco Grandes Herbívoros Africanos
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[5056] Deetz, Patricia E. Scott (1977) : South African Bantu language theses 1919-1976: a preliminary bibliography
[5153] Dempwolff, Otto (1931/98) : Induktiver Aufbau des Urbantu
[5177] Demuth, Katherine Alison (2000) : Bantu noun class systems: loan word and acquisition evidence of semantic productivity
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[5172] Demuth, Katherine Alison & Carolyn Harford [Perez] (1996) : Verb raising and subject inversion in Bantu relatives
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[5245] Devlieger, P. J. (1998) : Physical ‘disability’ in Bantu languages: understanding the relativity of classification and meaning
[26308] Devos, Maud & Johan van der Auwera (2013) : Jespersen cycles in Bantu: double and triple negation
[26225] Devos, Maud & Koen Bostoen (2012) : Bantu do/say polysemy and the origins of a quotative in Shangaci
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