WEBBALL : n° 29100,
type : Journal Article,
mots-clés : waf;caf;eaf;saf;lng;grm;bnt;0.00;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Bantu
Langue du texte : en
Lippard, Hannah, Justine Sikuku, Crisófia Langa da Câmara, Rose Letsholo, Madelyn Colantes, Kang (Franco) Liu & Michael Diercks (2023).
Emphatic Interpretations of Object Marking in Bantu Languages. Studies in African Linguistics Vol. 52 No. Supplement 14 : Mirativity and evidentiality in Bantu., pp. 78-109.
URL : https://journals.flvc.org/sal/issue/view/6281
Date de la dernière modification : 2024-04-10