WEBBALL : 13476, type : Journal Article, mots-clés : caf;eaf;saf;lng;phn;tnl;rcn;bnt;0.00;c.54;c.51;c.32;l.22;l.31a;l.32;e.51;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Bantu (90012).    Langue du texte : en

Meeussen, Achille Emiel (1954). The tones of prefixes in Common Bantu. Africa: journal of the International African Institute 24-1., pp. 48-53.

Notes : Assigns tonal values to noun class affixes in Proto-Bantu, based on data primarily from Ulumbu (C54), Mumbisa (C51), Bubangi (C32), Mbagani (L22), Luba (L31a), Kanyok (L.32), Kikuyu (E51).

Date de la dernière modification : 2009-04-03