WEBBALL : n° 18685,
type : Journal Article,
mots-clés : eaf;tnz;kny;lng;lxl;bnt;g.42d;g.42b;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Bantu
Langue du texte : en
Slavíková, Magdalena & Margaret Arminel Bryan (1973).
‘Comparative Bantu’: the case of two Swahili dialects. African language studies 14., pp. 53-81.
Notes : Looks at a whole range of lexical items in Unguja and Mvita, and compares them to Guthrie’s (1967/71) starred roots. Included in a special section devoted to articles dealing with various aspects of Malcolm Guthrie’s »Comparative Bantu«.
Date de la dernière modification : 2011-09-21