WEBBALL : 9018, type : Journal Article, mots-clés : caf;eaf;saf;lng;phn;lxl;rcn;bnt;0.00;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : bantu (90012).    Langue du texte : fr

Hombert, Jean-Marie, Médard Mwélé & Lai-Won Seo (1991). Outils informatiques pour la linguistique historiques bantu. Pholia 6., pp. 131-143.

Notes : “Three computer tools useful for doing comparative linguistics are presented. They have been developed on MacIntosh and are applied to Bantu languages. They deal with the presentation of a linguistic atlas (including audio data), the organization of a proto-bantu [sic] lexicon and testing of diachronic rules” (from the English abstract).

Date de la dernière modification : 2009-04-03