WEBBALL : n° 15062,
type : Book Section,
mots-clés : nea;eaf;kny;tnz;lng;grm;smn;bnt;g.42;n.101;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Bantu
Langue du texte : en
Ngonyani, Deogratias S. (1998).
Towards a typology of applicatives in Bantu. In Maddieson, I. & T. J. Hinnebusch (Ed), Language history and linguistic description in Africa, Trenton NJ & Asmara : Africa World Press., pp. 249-258.
Notes : Deals primarily with Ndendeule and Swahili. The title is given slightly differently in the book’s table of contents (Towards a typology of applicatives in Bantu languages).
Date de la dernière modification : 2009-07-01