436 langues concernées
1464 titres trouvés
[24149] Abakah, Emmanuel N. (2005) : Tone rules in Akan
[26709] Abakah, Emmanuel N. (2010) : Tone and the Associative Construction in Akan
[28464] Abakah, Emmanuel Nicholas (2002) : A Closer Look at Downstep in Akan
[44] Abdoullaye, D. & John Kelly (1985) : On the ‘compound’ tone in Migaama
[25557] Aborobongui, Martial Embanga , Annie Rialland & Jean-Marc Beltzung (2012) : Tones and intonation in Boundji Embósí (C25)
[137] Abu-Bakari, Bawa (1977) : The sound system of Dagbani
[138] Abu-Bakari, Bawa (1990) : Tone and orthography: the case of Dagbani
[28051] Adeniyi, Kolawole & Ben Elugbe (2018) : Consonant Voicing, Tonal Morphemes, and Downstep in Gwari
[26757] Adopo, Assi Francois (2008) : Changement tonal et vocalique dans le système verbal de l’Akyé
[26749] Adouakou, Sandrine (2005) : Tons et intonation dans la langue agni indénié
[341] Ahoua, Firmin (1996) : Prosodic aspects of Baule, with special reference to the German of Baule speakers
[26046] Ajiboye, Oladiipo (2007) : Mid-toned and high-toned elements in Yoruba
[370] Akanlig-Pare, George (1988) : Towards a phonological study of tone in the Wiani dialect of Buli
[371] Akanlig-Pare, George (1994) : Aspects of Buli phonology
[373] Akanlig-Pare, George (1997) : Tonal structure of Buli phonological nouns
[375] Akanlig-Pare, George (2002) : Tone in Buli
[22611] Akanlig-Pare, George & Michael J. Kenstowicz (2003) : Tone in Buli
[28053] Akinbo, Samuel (2019) : Representation of Yorùbá Tones by a Talking Drum. An Acoustic Analysis
[392] Akinlabí, Akinbiyi M. (1985) : Tonal underspecification and Yoruba tones
[397] Akinlabí, Akinbiyi M. (1995) : Prosodic truncation and template satisfaction in Ibibio verbs
[404] Akinlabí, Akinbiyi M. (2004) : Yoruba sound system
[23749] Akinlabí, Akinbiyi M. (1992) : A two tone analysis of Yorùbá
[399] Akinlabí, Akinbiyi M. & Eno-Abasi E. Urua (2000) : Tone in Ibibio verbal reduplication
[401] Akinlabí, Akinbiyi M. & Eno-Abasi E. Urua (2003) : Foot structure in the Ibibio verb
[398] Akinlabí, Akinbiyi M. & M. Liberman (2000) : The tonal phonology of Yoruba clitics
[400] Akinlabí, Akinbiyi M. & Ngessimo M. Mutaka (2001) : Tone in the infinitive in Kinande: an OT analysis
[28841] Akinlabi, Akinbiyi , Lee Bickmore , Michael Cahill , Michael Diercks , Laura J , Downing , James Essegbey , Katie Franich & Laura McPherson (eds.) (2021) : Celebrating 50 years of ACAL: Selected papers from the 50th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
[445] Akoha, A. B. (1977) : Problème des tons en fòngbè: identification, combinaisons
[26724] Akumbu, Pius W. (2011) : Tone in Kejom (Babanki) associative construction
[28237] Akumbu, Pius W. (2019) : A featural analysis of mid and downstepped high tone in Babanki
[27352] Akumbu, Pius W. & Larry M. Hyman (2017) : Nasals and Low Tone in Grassfields Noun Class Prefixes
[576] Allan, Edward Jay (1974) : Tone in Dizi
[599] Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton (1967) : Swahili prosody
[613] Alo, Paulin Ogundipe (19--) : Étude phonetique et phonologique du cabe, un parler yoruba
[22643] Alo, Paulin Ogundipe (1989) : Phonetic aspects of nasalization in Tsabe (Yoruba)
[22707] Alo, Paulin Ogundipe (1990) : Interaction between segments and tone in Tsabe
[25552] Amargira, Adelino (2012) : The function of tone in the Tennet language
[24915] Ambouroue, Odette (2006) : De la tonalité des nominaux en orungu (B11b)
[25080] Ambouroue, Odette (2007) : Eléments de description de lʼorungu ; Langue bantu du Gabon (B11b)
[1218] Amha, Azeb (1996) : Tone-accent and prosodic domains in Wolaitta
[23484] Amha, Azeb (1997) : The tone system of Maale
[727] Andersen, Torben (1986) : Tone splitting and vowel quantity: evidence from Lugbara
[735] Andersen, Torben (1988) : Downstep in Päri: the tone system of a Western Nilotic language
[737] Andersen, Torben (1990) : Vowel length in western Nilotic languages
[739] Andersen, Torben (1992) : Aspects of Mabaan tonology
[745] Andersen, Torben (1994) : Consonantal tones in Lugbara
[756] Andersen, Torben (2002) : Studies in western Nilotic languages
[26008] Andersen, Torben (2009) : Verbal suffixes and suffix reduction in Surkum and other Northern Burun languages: Interaction with focus
[28384] Anderson, Jonathan C. , Christopher R. Green & Samuel G. Obeng (2018) : On the Expression of Diminutivity in Susu
[772] Anderson, Stephen Craig (1981) : An autosegmental account of Bamiléké-Dschang tonology
[775] Anderson, Stephen Craig (1983) : Tone and morpheme rules in Bamileke-Ngyemboon
[22887] Anderson, Stephen Craig (1980) : A autosegmental account of Bamileke-Dschang tonology
[777] Anderson, Stephen Craig (Ed) (1991) : Tone in five languages of Cameroon
[771] Anderson, Stephen Craig & Jeanette Swackhamer (1981) : From consonants to downstep in Podoko
[799] Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1957) : Is Somali a tone language?
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[851] Angenot, Jean-Pierre & Jacques L. Vincke (1977) : Règles tonales ruwund
[28455] Angsongna, Alexander (2021) : Tone alternation in Dàgáárè verbs: Perfectives and Imperfectives
[890] Ansre, Gilbert (1961) : The tonal structure of Ewe
[893] Ansre, Gilbert (1963) : The tones of Ewe verbals
[908] Anttila, Arto & Adams B. Bodomo (1996) : Tonal correspondences in Dagaare
[909] Anttila, Arto & Adams B. Bodomo (1999) : Tonal polarity in Dagaare
[911] Anyanwu, Rose-Juliet (1996) : Aspects of Igbo grammar
[912] Anyanwu, Rose-Juliet (1998) : Aspects of Igbo grammar: phonetics, phonology, morphology and the tonology of nouns
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[946] Appleyard, David L. (1991) : The role of tone in some Cushitic languages
[1005] Armstrong, Lillias Eveline (1940) : The phonetic and tonal structure of Kikuyu
[1017] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1968) : Yala (Ikom): a terraced-level language with three tones
[1056] Arvanites, Linda (1976) : Kimbundu tones: tone patterns in two contexts
[1065] Ashenafi Tesfay, & Klaus Wedekind (1990) : Characteristics of Omotic tone: Shinasha (Borna)
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[1073] Ashton, Ethel O. (1944) : Swahili grammar (including intonation)
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[29097] Asiimwe, Allen (2023) : On the expression of mirativity in Rukiga
[1086] Asongwed, Tah & Larry Michael Hyman (1976) : Morphotonology of the Ngamambo noun
[1101] Atindogbe, Gratien G. (1996) : Bankon (A40): éléments de phonologie, morphologie et tonologie
[1102] Atiru, Robert S. (1978) : A phonological study of tone in Kasem
[1105] Atkins, Guy (1953) : The tonal structure of Portuguese loan words in Kimbundu
[25147] Atoyebi, Joseph Dele (2009) : Apparent Grammatical Tones in Ọ̀KỌ
[26238] Aunio, L. (2010) : Ikoma nominal tone
[26621] Aunio, Lotta (2013) : Ikoma Verbal Tone
[27523] Aunio, Lotta (2015) : A typological perspective on Bantu nominal tone: the case of Ikoma-Nata-Isenye in western Tanzania
[27733] Aunio, Lotta & Axel Fleisch (2019) : Linguistic Diversity Research among Speakers of isiNdebele and Sindebele in South Africa
[27741] Aunio, Lotta , Stephan Schulz , Nailya Philippova & Antti Olavi Laine (2019) : Nominal tone in isiNdebele
[22525] Austen, Cheryl Lynn (1974) : Anatomy of the tonal system of a Bantu language
[1133] Avermaet, E. van (1945) : Les tons en kiluba-samba et le tambour-téléphone
[1141] Awambeng, Elizabeth Ncheafor (1991) : A generative phonology of Nkwen
[1142] Awambeng, Elizabeth Ncheafor (2002) : Tonal processes in Nkwen: an autosegmental perspective
[23011] Awedoba, Albert Kanlisi (1990) : Kasem tones and orthography
[1166] Awóbùlúyì, Oládélé (1970) : High-tone-junction-contracting verbs in Yoruba
[23832] Ayuʼnwi, N. Neba (1997) : Tone in the Bafut noun phrase
[23705] Aziza, Rose O. (2003) : Tonal alternations in the Urhobo noun phrase
[24646] Aziza, Rose O. (2006) : An overview of the tone system of Urhobo
[26042] Aziza, Rose O. (2008) : Neutralization of Contrast in the Vowel System of Urhobo
[1241] Badameli-Kassan, Balaïbaou (2000) : De l’influence du ton du consecutif dans les formes de l’aoriste en kabiye
[1244] Badejo, Bamidele Rotimi (1981) : Tons et intonation en Yoruba
[1246] Badejo, Bamidele Rotimi (1989) : An experimental study of tone-marking in Bura
[1248] Badejo, Bamidele Rotimi (1990) : Aspects of Yoruba tone: the interaction of pitch, amplitude and tone
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[1298] Bailey, Richard Anthony (1976) : Copi phonology and morphotonology
[1305] Bailleul, Charles (1973) : Lexique bambara-français, syllabique et tonal
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[27360] Bakpa, Mimboabe (2014) : Etude du ngbem, parler gangam de Koumongou: Description et analyse comparative
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[1382] Baltazani, Mary (2002) : Case, tone, and intonation in Maa
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[1609] Barreteau, Daniel (1995) : Vowel and tonal variations within the consonantal framework of the verbal stem in Central Chadic languages
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[1770] Batibo, Herman M. (1976) : A new approach to Sukuma tone
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[1888] Beach, Douglas Martyn (1924) : The science of tonetics and its application to Bantu languages
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