Authorizations and access

The data is available via the search tools. However, it is possible to work on private data in a way that maintains their privacy. Registered users (see create user account) may also submit comments, access PDF documents and create objects (datasets, cognate sets, queries, alignments, tags, correspondence sets) for their own research purpose.

User account

Users wishing to participate in the project may create an account by clicking the user icon in the top banner.

Creating a user account

New users can register using the online form available by clicking on the user icon or directly at the following address: register.

Obligatory field are marked with a red dotpointrouge, and you are asked to confirm via a simple captcha at the bottom of the page.


We recommend that you state your expectations about the languages you wish to see incorporated into RefLex as a priority, and those that you have some experience with.

Once created, the account must be activated by an administrator.


You can log in by clicking on the login or login2 icons in the top banner (in the Header zone). You will be asked for a name and a password.


Lost password

If you lose or forget your password, you can get a new one by providing the email address associated with your user account via the appropriate form on the website.


Changing personal information

Once connected, your user name is displayed in the connection box, and the user_edit icon enables you to change your basic account information.

modification compte

Changing password

You can change your password by clicking "change Password ?" in the above window.
You will need to enter your current password, and will be asked to confirm the new one you have chosen.

mot de pass


You can log out via the exit2 icon or the exit icon. The following message appears.


Public data

The public data are made up of wordlists with certain fields already filled in (see the data entry manual ).

This formatted information is available for consultation by browsing and querying using the search tools.

Public data are sometime grouped into sets called natural dataset, comprising a set of sources that usually correspond to a publication bringing together data from several languages.

Public comments submitted by registered users are also available for consultation.

Pdf documents

Each source deposited in RefLex should in principle be linked to a paper document (e.g. an article, fieldnotes etc.). These documents are scanned and converted into PDF files to serve as a reference. Out of respect for publishers and copyright, only portions (not the complete documents) will be accessible to the registered users, one page at a time. The PDF files may be accessed from the lexical entries by clicking one the name of the language, when a cognate set or a recordset is loaded in the Active elements zone. If the document is available for consultation, a question mark is displayed close to the cursor when the cursor is moved over the language name (in the Active elements and Available elements zones). A click on the language name opens a window like below. You can click on the "View record in pdf" button in order to display the pdf in a new window.


Most sources contain various information about the data, including the scripting standards that have been used. This information is currently being made available. In this case, a click on the language name opens a window like below.. The additional information will display in a new window after a click on the "View information in PDF" button.


Object accessibility

The status of created objects may be of three kinds: private, public or shared with selected users.

Most of these sharings can be managed in the Management module.

Faire des liens vers module management

Basic objects


In principle, all sources are public and available to all users for consultation, and to registered users for research purposes (including the creation of objects and access to PDF files). However, in some cases, a (registered) user may want to use one or more source(s) before making them publicly available. It is then possible (but not encouraged, RefLex having a vocation of reference database), for a limited time, to restrict access to one or more source(s) to a single user.

To facilitate the community's collaborative work, it is possible to share private sources with other registered users.

These shared sources will be available to the selected users for consultation and research: they can include them in datasets and use them as any other source.

Voir si ça change?
Liens vers module management


Access to the records depends on the accessibility of the object to which they belong: only records from public or shared sources are accessible, whereas those from private source are not.


When you create a dataset, it is a private object.

It is possible to share a dataset and all the objects build from it, namely: recordsets, cognate sets, alignments, correspondences and reconstructions. This is especially useful in the case of collaborative work.

You can also choose your dataset to become public (à venir).

Once a dataset is shared, all objects created from it are visible to all who have access to it, making it possible to compare different user choices.

The users with whom you share a dataset may submit comments on all your objects. They cannot use a private source in another dataset, but they can create new recordsets (or cognate sets) on your dataset, or copy recordsets (or cognate sets) that you have created in order to make changes.

A dataset that you have not created but that is shared with you may be used as if you had created it, except that you may not alter it, and that you may potentially lose access to it and all the objects depending on the will of the sharer. (commentaire de Guillaume: voir avecSeb ce qui se passe en cas de suppression de partage).

Liens vers module management


When you create a recordset, it is a private object.

It is possible to share a recordset with other users.

You can also choose your recordset to become public (à venir?).
Liens vers module management

Cognate sets

A cognate set is visible by all the users who share a same dataset.

Only the owner can use the cognate set operations and tools. However, the other users can copy the cognate set (by saving it) and then, use it as one of their own.


When you create an alignment, you can choose this alignment to be private or you can share it.

You can also choose your alignment to become public (à venir?).

Only one alignment per cognate set can be public.

It is possible to submit a proposition of alignment to the owner of a cognate set. (Comment?)

Liens vers module management?

Correspondence sets

Correspondence sets are visible by all the users who share a same dataset.

Only the owner can use the correspondence set operations and tools.

Specific objects


Access to the tags depends on the accessibility of the object on wich they depend (record, source, dataset, recordset, cognate set, alignment and correspondence set).


Access to the notes depends on the accessibility of the object on wich they depend (record, source, dataset, recordset, cognate set, alignment and correspondence set).


Comments are attached to an object. By default, comments are private objects.  It is possible to share comments in order to communicate with other users (see details on comments).

If the comment is submitted to the administrator, all the users who share an object can see the comment. To become public, a comment needs the approval of the administrator.

Other objects


Borrowings are attached to records, they are filled in the EML, EMF, EMT categories.


Queries can be public, private or shared by several users.

Liens vers module management?


When a source is shared, inventories attached to this source are automatically visible by all the users.


A map is a private object. It is possible to share a map by sharing its link.


A tree is a private object.

Summary table of objects accessibility

Inherited from the parent object


Dataset X


Cognate set

Correspondence set


Comment X X X X

Query X X X

Map X X

Tree X