To use the reconstruction tools, you need to select a dataset in the list of datasets.
The dataset list appears in the Explorer zone, when you click on the "datasets" menu.
You can display the datasets by "Natural dataset", "Public dataset", "Own dataset" or "Shared dataset".
The dataset list is organised alphabetically.
There are two ways of loading a dataset in the Active elements zone:
As for all objects, it is possible to add a (private or public) comment to a dataset via the icon. You need to load the cognate set up to the Active elements zone and use the icon (in the Toolbar).
The dialog box below appears and you can choose to make a private comment or a public comment.
As for all objects, it is possible to add a tag to a dataset via the icon.
In RefLex, the cognate set is created in relation with a dataset.
There are different ways to isolate records which may belong to a cognate set:
When records are loaded in the Active elements, you can save a cognate set by using either of two icons:
When a cognate set is loaded in the Active elements zone, you can create a new cognate set by using either of the two icons ( and ) presented above (see create a cognate set).
When you select the "cognates" menu, the list of created cognate sets associated with a dataset is displayed in the Explorer zone.
There are two visualization options:
Cognate sets can be filter by the following criteria: "Sort by records", "Sort by aligned records", "Exclude aligned records".
The list of cognate sets is organised alphabetically. You can browse cognate sets list through letter of alphabet.
You also can visualize the records contained in several cognate sets by checking the cognate sets and use the icon on the top of the Explorer zone.
On the bottom of the Explorer zone, in a box named "Select fields to display", you can choose the fields you want to visualize .
To load a cognate set up to the Active elements zone, you need to use the icon associated to the cognate set in the Explorer zone.
When a cognate set is loaded in the Active elements zone, you can modify it by using the icon (in the Toolbar).
To rename a cognate set, you need to load a cognate set and to click on the icon in the Toolbar. Then, you need to modify the name in the dialog box that appears and you need to save it by using the button.
You can modify a cognate set by using the icon (in the Toolbar) when a cognate set is loaded in the Active elements zone.
It is possible to add, modify or delete comments.
Other changes are possible:
When a cognate set is loaded in the Active elements zone, you can create a new cognate set by using the icon (in the Toolbar). You can keep certain records from the original cognate set by dragging them over the pink bar.
Then, you can name the new cognate set and save it by using the button.
When the dialog box is closed, the remaining records (unsaved records) are displayed in the Active elements zone.To delete a cognate set, you need to load the cognate set up to the Active elements zone and use the icon (in the Toolbar).
The dialog box below appears and you need to confirm the deletion.
To add a comment to a cognate set, you need to load the cognate set up to the Active elements zone and use the icon in the "Recordset" part of the Toolbar.
The dialog box below appears and you can choose to make a private comment or a public comment.
When a cognate set is loaded up to the Active elements zone, it is possible to add a comment to the selected record(s) by using the icon in the "Records" part of the Toolbar.
The dialog box below appears and you can choose to make a private comment or a public comment.
When a cognate set is loaded up to the Active elements zone, it it possible to add a tag to the selected record(s) by using the icon in the "Records" part of the Toolbar. On the image below, the two tags “animal” and “reptile” are added to the records.
When a cognate set is loaded in the Active elements zone, you can view on a map the languages that are represented in the recordset by selecting the icon.
When a cognate set is loaded in the Active elements zone, you can view on a tree the languages that are represented in the recordset by selecting the icon.
When a cognate set is loaded in the Active elements zone, you can visualize the alignment(s) that have been created by using the icon on the bottom of the Active elements zone.
It is possible to create several alignments per cognate set (see Advanced uses). There are the steps to follow:
When a cognate set is saved and loaded in the Active elements zone, you can use the icon to create an alignments.
The default table is left aligned with three blank cells on each side.
The elements can be moved from one cell to another (See modify an alignment).
From the default alignment, you can create your own alignment. There are different ways to move elements from one cell to another:
When you select the "Alignments" item in the Breadcrumb trail, the list of created alignments associated with a dataset is displayed in the Explorer zone.
There are several visualization options:You can filter alignments by the following criteria: "No public alignment", "Recent submit", "My alignments".
The list of cognate sets is organised alphabetically. You can browse cognate sets list through letter of alphabet.
To view the content of an alignment, you need to click on the attached icon. The records contained in the alignment appear in the Available elements zone.
You also can visualize the records contained in several alignments by checking the alignments and use the icon on the top of the Explorer zone.
On the bottom of the Explorer zone, you can choose the fields you want to visualize .
You can load a saved alignment in the Active elements zone:
You can display a saved alignment below a loaded cognate set in the Active elements zone by using the icon.
When records have been added to a cognate set, you can add them to the alignment already saved by using the icon in the Toolbar.
The new records appear and you can modify the default alignment. Don't forget to save the new alignment by using the icon in the "Alignment" part of the Toolbar.
You can remove records
from an alignment:
you need to select the record(s) you want to delete and click on the icon in the
"Alignment" part of the Toolbar.
A new default alignment appears and you need to modify it.
The icon deletes the loaded alignment in the Active elements zone.
To add a comment to an alignment, you need to load the alignment up to the Active elements zone and use the icon (in the Toolbar).
The dialog box below appears and you can choose to make a private comment or a public comment.
When an alignment is loaded in the Active elements zone, you can visualize the associated cognate set by using the icon on the bottom of the Active elements zone.
When you create an alignment, you can choose this alignment to be "personal" or "shared", on the right side of the Active elements zone.
On the right side of the Active elements zone, it is also possible to consider an alignment as "obsolete" alignment. The alignment becomes grey.
To create a correspondence set, you need, first, to validate an alignment.
When the additional line appears, you can propose a correspondence label by using the icon.
To modify a correspondence label in a displayed alignment (in the Active elements zone), you need to click on the correspondence label and to make changes in the dialog box that appears. Changes must be saved by using the button.
To delete a correspondence label in a displayed alignment (in the Active elements zone), you need to select the correspondence label and to click on the button in the dialog box that appears.
To associate a tag
to a correspondence
set, there are several possibilities:
Note: The tag are associated to a correspondence set in a specified cognate set.
See other uses of tags.
The created correspondence sets are grouped in the list of correspondence sets organised by correspondence labels.
To browse in the list of correspondence sets, you need to select the "Correspondence set" item of the Breadcrumb trail under the "Reconstruction" tab.
There are several visualization options:
Several display choices are possible. You can display:
The list of correspondence labels is displayed alphabetically in the Explorer zone. You can choose to differentiate correspondence labels based on their diacritics or not ("remove diacritics").
There are two ways to display cognate sets attached to one or more correspondence sets:
The icon allows you to display a synthetic view in tabular form of the correspondence set(s) checked in the Explorer zone.
The list of cognate sets attached to the selected correspondence set(s) appears in a table in the Available elements zone.The columns are:
If you click on the column title, you can sort the content alphabetically.
It is possible to filter the cognate sets attached to a correspondence set via tags or to filter them via column headings.
When the cognate sets attached to one or more correspondence set(s) are displayed in the Available elements zone, it is possible to filter them via tags.The relevant rows will be extracted and display above the main table:
To validate one or more hypotheses as reconstructed segments, you need to select (by checking the boxes) the cognate set(s) in the list of the cognate sets attached to the correspondence set displayed in the Available elements zone. Then, you need to use the icon. An asterisk is added in front of the selected correspondence labels and they become "reconstructed segments" and are no longer "hypotheses".
When one or more correspondence set(s) are selected (by checking the box) in the Explorer zone, you can display the associated alignments by clicking on the icon. The alignments appear in the Available elements zone.
When the cognate
sets attached to one or more correspondence set(s) are displayed in
the Available
elements zone, you can load the alignment associated with a cognate set by clicking on the cognate set in the
list. The alignments appear in the Active elements zone.
When an alignment is loaded up in the Active elements zone, you can display the associated cognate set by clicking on the icon. The cognate set appears below the alignment.
When an alignment is loaded up in the Available elements zone, you can load the associated cognate set by clicking on the icon in the Toolbar. The cognate set appears in the Active elements zone.
To visualize the records contained in the cognate sets attached to a correspondence set, you need to check the correspondence set box in the Explorer zone and to click on the icon. The cognate sets' records appear one below the other in the Available elements zone.
In the reconstruction module, The "search in a dataset" item in the Breadcrumb trail is used to identify and create cognate sets.
See Search options.
The search results are displayed in the Available elements zone.To search in a dataset's cognate set, you can:
Then, you can choose the language(s) you want to search in and you can
choose the fields to display.
By default, all source boxes are checked, you can invert the selection by
using the icon.
See Search options.
When the results appear in the Available elements zone, you can save the query by using the icon. The dialog box below appears. You can name the query and save by using the button.