Management module

In this module, you can manage objects created in the other modules: inventories, queries, maps, trees, tags, datasets and comments.


Browsing inventories

In the "Inventories" menu, you can see the list of sources for which you have saved inventories in the statistics module.


Displaying inventories

You need to click on the source to visualize saved inventories. The inventories appear in the Available elements zone.


Modifying an inventory

When inventories are displayed in the Available elements zone, you can modify an inventory by clicking on the adit icon. The inventory appears in the Active elements zone. You can dragg the segments and blocks with the cursor. You also can add blocks by clicking on the block button. You need to save the modification by using the save button.


Deleting an inventory

To delete an inventory displayed in the Available elements zone, you need to click on the delete icon. You need to validate your choice by clicking on the ok button in the dialog box that appears.


Visualising comment on the source

When an inventory is displayed in the Available elements zone, you can visualise the comment(s) attached to the source by using the comment icon. A dialog box (that contains the comment(s)) appears.


Note: It is possible to add a comment by using the comment icon in this dialog box.

Adding a comment on the source

When an inventory is displayed in the Available elements zone, it is possible to add a comment on the source by using the comment icon. You need to complete the dialog box that appears and validate by using the save button.


Displaying all the users' inventories

It is possible to see the inventories created by the other users, by using the show button. There are displayed bellow.

It is possible to copy other users' inventories.


Copying an inventory

It is possible to copy an inventory created by another user. You need to display the other users' inventories and use the copy icon. The inventory is displayed in the Active elements zone. You can modify it by moving the segments, moving the blocks or adding blocks and you can save it by using the save button.


Browsing queries

In the "Queries" menu, you can see the three kinds of queries you have saved: queries on statistics, queries on sources and queries on dataset. You can display one of the three by using the button on the top of the Explorer zone: query. (Modifier la capture quand ce sera "stat")

Displaying a query

To display a query, you need to click on it in the Explorer zone. The query appears in the Available elements zone.

Modifying a query


Sharing a query

It is possible to share a saved query by checking the query box in the Explorer zone and, then, using the share icon.

Deleting a query

To delete one or more queries, you need to check the queries you want to delete (in the Explorer zone) and use the delete icon. You need to validate the deletion in the dialog box that appears.



Browsing maps

In the "Maps" menu, you can see the maps you have created. They are organised alphabetically.

Displaying a map

To display a map, you need to click on it in the Explorer zone. The map appears in the Available elements zone.

Deleting a map

To delete a map, you need to click on the delete icon. You need to validate the deletion in the dialog box that appears.



Browsing trees

In the "Trees" menu, you can see the trees you have created. They are organised alphabetically.

Displaying a tree

To display a tree, you need to click on it in the Explorer zone. The tree appears in the Available elements zone.

Modifying a tree


Deleting a tree

To delete a tree, you need to click on the delete icon. You need to validate the deletion in the dialog box that appears.



Browsing tags

In the "Tags" menu, you can see all the tags you have created. They are organised alphabetically in the Explorer zone.

Filtering records using tags

To filter records by tag, you can click on the corresponding tab in the Explorer zone. The tagged records appear in the Available elements zone.


Renaming a tag

When the tags are displayed in the Available elements zone, you can rename  a tag by using the add icon. You can propose a new name in the dialog box that appears and validate by using the ok button.


Deleting a tag

When the tags are displayed in the Available elements zone, you can delete a tag by using the delete icon. You need to validate the deletion in the dialog box that appears.



In the "sources" menu, you can manage your private sources.

From this module, you have access to all the source operations and tools from the Data module.

Browsing sources

In the "Sources" menu, you can see the private source you have created. You can browse sources by four fields : source name (src), author (aut), language group (grp) and language (lng). You can choose the sorting criterion for the sources by using the button on the top left of the Explorer zone : search source.

Displaying a source

To display a source, you need to click on it in the Explorer zone. The source appears in the Available elements zone.

Loading a source

à compléter quand ça marchera

Sharing a source

à compléter quand ça marchera

Deleting a source

à compléter quand ça marchera


Browsing datasets

When you click on the "dataset" menu, the list of private datasets are displayed in the Explorer zone. They are organised alphabetically.

Loading a dataset

To load a dataset in the Active elements zone, you need to check the dataset box in the Explorer zone and use the add icon or you can directly use the red or green icons.

From here, you have access to all the dataset operations and tools (from the Data module).


Browsing comments

In the "Comments" menu, you can see the various kinds of comments you have saved: comments on sources, comments on datasets, comments on records, comments on cognate sets, comments on correspondence sets and bug reports: comment.


Displaying the records attached to a comment

To display the records to which a specific comment is attached, you need to click on the comment in the Explorer zone or use the info icon. The associated records appear in the Available elements zone.


Modifying a comment

When the comments are displayed in the Explorer zone, you can modify a comment, by using the modify icon.
The records associated with this comment appear in the Available elements zone and the comment appears in the Active elements zone. It is possible to modify the content and the status of the comment.


Deleting a comment

When the comments are displayed in the Explorer zone, you can delete a comment, by using the delete icon.
You need to validate the deletion in the dialog box that appears by using the ok button.

delete comment