WEBBALL : 5594, type : Book, mots-clés : saf;rsa;lng;dct;bnt;s.42;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Zulu (00462).    Langue du texte : en

Doke, Clement Martyn, Daniel McKenzie Malcolm, J. M. A. Sikakana & B. W. Vilakazi (1990). English-Zulu, Zulu-English dictionary. Johannesburg : Witwatersrand University Press. xiv, 572; xxvi, 918 pp. (First combined edition)

ISBN(10) 1-86814-160-8 pb, ISBN(13) 978-1-86814-160-9 pb
Notes : Includes the second edition of »Zulu-English dictionary« by Doke & Vilakazi (published 1953) and »English-Zulu dictionary« by Doke, Malcolm & Sikakana (published 1958).

Date de la dernière modification : 2007-08-27