1119 langues concernées
2920 titres trouvés
[507] [Anonymous] (1993) : Manuel de fulfulde
[21953] [Anonymous] (1---) : Un vocabulaire français-lokele
[21954] [Anonymous] (1---) : Vocabulaire français-kituba-tshiluba-tshisonge-tshikuba-tshitetela
[21956] [Anonymous] (1---) : Italian-Kikuyu and Kikuyu-Italian dictionary
[21958] [Anonymous] (1---) : Fragments of a Chigogo dictionary
[21959] [Anonymous] (1---) : A dictionary of Chigogo
[21960] [Anonymous] (1---) : English-Chokwe vocabulary
[21961] [Anonymous] (1---) : Zigula vocabularies and phrases
[21962] [Anonymous] (1---) : Glossary of Chikabanga
[21964] [Anonymous] (1---) : Kingoreme word list
[21966] [Anonymous] (1---) : Vocabulaire lingala-français, français-lingala
[21968] [Anonymous] (1---) : Kinyamwezi grammar and vocabulary
[21970] [Anonymous] (1---) : Essai sur la grammaire npongue
[21971] [Anonymous] (1---) : Lexique ewondo-français et français-ewondo
[21973] [Anonymous] (1---) : Kingoreme grammar
[21974] [Anonymous] (1---) : Chokwe-English vocabulary
[21977] [Anonymous] (1---) : Vocabulaire nioniossé
[21980] [Anonymous] (1---) : Vocabulaire lingala: lingala-français, français-lingala
[21983] [Anonymous] (19--) : Dictionary ia Kiswahili-Gekoio na Gekoio-Kiswahili
[21984] [Anonymous] (19--) : KiHehe-Deutsches Wörterbuch
[21985] [Anonymous] (19--) : Deutsch-kiHehe Wörterbuch
[21986] [Anonymous] (19--) : Afrikaans-Tsonga woodlysileidende Afrikaans
[21987] [Anonymous] (19--) : Vocabulaire français-shi
[21988] [Anonymous] (19--) : Vocabulaire shi-français
[21990] [Anonymous] (19--) : Kiswahili phrase book and glossary
[21991] [Anonymous] (19--) : Esimbi-English wordlist, English-Esimbi wordlist
[21993] [Anonymous] (19--) : Vocabulaire kihaya, kinyarwanda, kigwe
[21996] [Anonymous] (19--) : Maasai grammar and vocabulary
[21998] [Anonymous] (19--) : Unpublished Masai dictionary: Masai-English, English-Masai
[22000] [Anonymous] (19--) : Dictionnaire français-mashi
[22001] [Anonymous] (19--) : Swahili phrasebook
[22002] [Anonymous] (19--) : Afrikaans-Engels-Tswana woordelys
[22007] [Anonymous] (19--) : Dictionnaire francais--ki-sukuma, ki-sukuma--français
[22008] [Anonymous] (19--) : English-Kisukuma dictionary
[22009] [Anonymous] (19--) : Kisukuma-English dictionary
[22010] [Anonymous] (19--) : A kiSukuma-English dictionary
[22011] [Anonymous] (19--) : Éléments de dictionnaire français-kifipa
[22015] [Anonymous] (19--) : Zigua-English dictionary
[22016] [Anonymous] (19--) : Vocabulaire sile
[22025] [Anonymous] (1922) : Vocabulary Nilotic-English
[22029] [Anonymous] (1924) : The Oxford South African dictionary
[22032] [Anonymous] (1926) : Puisano ea Sesotho le se-English (phrase-book Sesuto-English)
[22033] [Anonymous] (1926) : Diccionario manual español-pamue et pamue-español
[22035] [Anonymous] (1927) : Petit vocabulaire tshiluba-français
[22038] [Anonymous] (1927) : Éléments de la grammaire mangala de l’Uelé, suivis d’un vocabulaire
[22041] [Anonymous] (1928) : English-Ibo phrase book
[22042] [Anonymous] (1928) : A dictionary with notes on the grammar of the Mashona language
[22043] [Anonymous] (1928) : Vocabulaire français, oromo, abyssin
[22045] [Anonymous] (1928) : Swahili phrases and large vocabulary
[22046] [Anonymous] (1928) : Vocabulario de Chimanhica
[22055] [Anonymous] (1930/46) : Lexique boré-français et lexique français-boré
[22058] [Anonymous] (1931) : Lexicon kikuyense-latinum
[22059] [Anonymous] (1931) : Lexicon latinum-kikuyense
[22061] [Anonymous] (1933) : Ekitabo loisisyanakin aswairin
[22062] [Anonymous] (1933) : Lexicon cinyanja-cilatini
[22065] [Anonymous] (1934) : English-Tsonga, Tsonga-English pocket dictionary
[22066] [Anonymous] (1935) : Dholuo grammar, with some useful phrases and vocabulary of common words
[22067] [Anonymous] (1935-1938) : Sukuma-English word list
[22068] [Anonymous] (1936) : Nomenclatura elementare e espressioni nelle lingue amarica, galla, araba (dialetto tripolino)
[22074] [Anonymous] (1939) : Dictionnaire français-kiHa
[22075] [Anonymous] (1939) : Wörterbuch Deutsch-Kinyankyusa
[22076] [Anonymous] (1939) : The Acholi-English handbook
[22077] [Anonymous] (1939) : Kikamba-English dictionary
[22078] [Anonymous] (1940) : Luragoli-English vocabulary
[22080] [Anonymous] (1940) : English-Chinyanja dictionary
[22081] [Anonymous] (1941) : An easy Zulu vocabulary and phrase book, with grammatical notes
[22083] [Anonymous] (1944) : Akarimojong-Swahili-English vocabulary
[22084] [Anonymous] (1944) : Puisano ea Sesotho le se-English (phrase-book Suto-English)
[22087] [Anonymous] (1946) : Simple English-Nuer phrases for beginners
[22088] [Anonymous] (1947) : Bemba-English dictionary
[22105] [Anonymous] (1951) : Dictionnaire français-lingala, lingala-français, avec manuel de conversation
[22107] [Anonymous] (1952) : Kutaura cirungu: Zezuru and English phrase book
[22108] [Anonymous] (1952) : English-Tsonga, Tsonga-English pocket dictionary
[22109] [Anonymous] (1953) : Bura-English dictionary
[22113] [Anonymous] (1954) : The White Fathers’ Bemba-English dictionary
[22115] [Anonymous] (1955) : English-Chinyanja dictionary
[22116] [Anonymous] (1955) : Puisano ea Sesotho le Senyesemane: Suto-English phrase-book to which is newly added a list of Suto idioms
[22119] [Anonymous] (1956) : Pequeno dicionário escolar: bundo-português/português-bundo
[22120] [Anonymous] (1957) : Hanyar tadi da turanci/A dictionary of English conversation for Hausa students
[22121] [Anonymous] (1957) : Zulu-Xhosa terminology and spelling 1
[22122] [Anonymous] (1957) : Citumbuka-English, English-Citumbuka: some common useful words
[22124] [Anonymous] (1957) : Sotho: terminology and orthography 1
[22129] [Anonymous] (1959) : A textbook of Nandi grammar and idiom, with exercises and vocabularies
[22130] [Anonymous] (196-) : Kutaura cirungu: zakakudziridzwa (Zezuru and English phrase book)
[22134] [Anonymous] (196-) : Dictionary: English-Xhosa, Xhosa-English
[22135] [Anonymous] (1960) : English-Tsonga, Tsonga-English pocket dictionary
[22142] [Anonymous] (1962) : Kutaura cirungu: Zezuru and English phrase book
[22143] [Anonymous] (1962) : Southern Sotho: terminology and spelling 2
[22144] [Anonymous] (1962) : Tswana terminology and orthography 2
[22145] [Anonymous] (1962) : Venda terminology and spelling 2
[22146] [Anonymous] (1962) : Tsonga terminology and orthography 2
[22148] [Anonymous] (1963) : Dicionario cinyanja-português
[22154] [Anonymous] (1964) : Dictionary Maninka-English
[22155] [Anonymous] (1964) : Dicionário português-cinyanja
[22158] [Anonymous] (1964) : Afrikaans-Xhosa, Xhosa-Afrikaans woordeboek
[22162] [Anonymous] (1966) : Dicionário português-cinyanja
[22167] [Anonymous] (1967) : Dictionary Tyebara-English, English-Tyebara
[22170] [Anonymous] (1968) : Hanyar tadi da turanci/A dictionary of English conversation for Hausa students
[22171] [Anonymous] (1968) : Lexique bambara à l’usage des centres d’alphabétisation
[22186] [Anonymous] (1969?) : English-Xhosa, Xhosa-English
[22188] [Anonymous] (197-) : Kwangali: linguistic terms and abbreviations/taalkundige terme en afkortings
[22191] [Anonymous] (1970) : Afrikaans-Tsonga woordelys
[22193] [Anonymous] (1971) : Dictionnaire elementaire fulfulde-français-anglais
[22194] [Anonymous] (1971) : Ndonga: taalkundige terme en afkortings
[22195] [Anonymous] (1971) : Kwanyama: taalkundige terme en afkortings
[22196] [Anonymous] (1971) : Ordlista: svenska-engelska-swahili
[22197] [Anonymous] (1971) : Towards a dictionary of South African English on historical principles
[22198] [Anonymous] (1972) : A Karimojong dictionary
[22202] [Anonymous] (1972) : Miners’ dictionary: English/Fanakalo & Afrikaans/Fanakalo
[22205] [Anonymous] (1972) : English-Nyanja dictionary
[22211] [Anonymous] (1973) : Ndonga taalkunde en rekenkunde: terminologielys
[22212] [Anonymous] (1973) : Kwanyama taalkunde en rekekunde: terminologielys
[22214] [Anonymous] (1973) : Mbukushu taalkunst en rekenkunde: terminologielys
[22219] [Anonymous] (1974) : Règle de transcription et lexique de base Jula
[22223] [Anonymous] (1974) : English-Tsonga, Tsonga-English pocket dictionary
[22232] [Anonymous] (1975) : Herero rekenkunde: terminologielys
[22233] [Anonymous] (1975) : Sisaala-English, English-Sisaala dictionary
[22235] [Anonymous] (1976) : Orthographe et lexique du Bambara
[22236] [Anonymous] (1976) : Dictionnaire bamiléké des mots et expressions fe'e fe'e, avec leur traduction française. Fascicules 1-2: A-Kà
[22239] [Anonymous] (1976) : Herero taalkundige terminologielys
[22240] [Anonymous] (1976) : Nama/Damara taalkundige terminologielys
[22248] [Anonymous] (1977/79) : Lexique wolof-français
[22249] [Anonymous] (1978) : Shek nkarn ke shektok mwa nden Ngas / Ngas-Hausa-English dictionary
[22252] [Anonymous] (1978) : A simple science vocabulary
[22254] [Anonymous] (1978) : Miners’ dictionary: English/Fanakalo, Afrikaans/Fanakalo
[22259] [Anonymous] (1979) : Petit lexique gunu-français
[22267] [Anonymous] (1980) : Lexiques fondamentaux des sciences exactes, maninke, soso, kpelewo, kissie, loma
[22278] [Anonymous] (1981) : Dictionary English-Xhosa, Xhosa-English
[22283] [Anonymous] (1982) : Lexique d’agriculture français-kinyarwanda, kinyarwanda-français
[22287] [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Zaïre, Monokutuba
[22288] [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Centrafrique, Sango
[22289] [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Rwanda, Ikinyarwanda
[22290] [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Cameroun, Basaa
[22291] [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Zaïre, Ciluba
[22292] [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Burundi, Kirundi
[22293] [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Zaïre, Kiswahili
[22294] [Anonymous] (1983) : Juta se sakwoordeboek/Juta’s pocket dictionary
[22295] [Anonymous] (1983) : Setswana-English, English-Setswana word list
[22297] [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexique du senufo de Ndorola
[22304] [Anonymous] (1984) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Tchad, Sara-ngambay
[22314] [Anonymous] (1985) : Miners’ dictionary: English-Fanakalo/Woordeboek vir mynwerkers: Afrikaans-Fanakalo
[22316] [Anonymous] (1985) : Xhosa language: phrase dictionary and study guide
[22318] [Anonymous] (1986) : Lexique dogon, français
[22319] [Anonymous] (1986) : The student’s English-Chichewa dictionary
[22320] [Anonymous] (1986) : Learner’s English-Tswana dictionary
[22321] [Anonymous] (1986) : Dictionary Tigrinya-English
[22325] [Anonymous] (1987) : The learner’s Russian-Hausa-Yoruba dictionary
[22327] [Anonymous] (1987) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Congo, Lingala
[22335] [Anonymous] (1989) : Ndebele dictionary sample
[22340] [Anonymous] (199-) : Lexique bambara-français/Bamaman kan ni tubabu kan danyègafé
[22344] [Anonymous] (1991) : English-Xhosa/Xhosa-English dictionary
[22346] [Anonymous] (1991) : The Oxford junior primary dictionary for South Africa
[22347] [Anonymous] (1991) : A Fulfulde-English dictionary
[22348] [Anonymous] (1991) : South African multi-language dictionary and phrase book: English, Afrikaans, Northern Sotho, Sesotho, Tswana, Xhosa, and Zulu
[22354] [Anonymous] (1993) : Lexique lyélé-français
[22365] [Anonymous] (1996) : English-Ndonga dictionary
[22368] [Anonymous] (1997) : Glossário de conceitos político-sociais: caderno de trabalho na língua cindau
[22369] [Anonymous] (1997) : Glossário de conceitos político-sociais: caderno de trabalho na língua ciutée
[22370] [Anonymous] (1997) : English-Somali dictionary and thesaurus/Qaamuus iyo ‘tesooras’ Ingiriisi-Soomaali: advanced level dictionary incorporating the Somali-English thesaurus
[22371] [Anonymous] (1997) : Thesaurus: Somali-English/Qaamuuska tesooras: Soomaalu-Ingriisi
[22373] [Anonymous] (1997) : Glossário de conceitos político-sociais: caderno de trabalho na língua cimanyika
[22384] [Anonymous] (2001) : A dictionary of the Yorùbá language
[22386] [Anonymous] (2005) : A dictionary of Ogba, an Igboid language of southern Nigeria
[22476] [Anonymous] (1991) : Dictionnaire tigrinia-français/français-tigrinia
[22745] [Anonymous] (1940) : Dictionary of the Eggon language
[23043] [Anonymous] (2001) : Kithaapu ya maana a mattakhuzi/Dicionário temático nas linguas Koti, Português e Inglês/Thematic dictionary of Koti, Portuguese and English
[23590] [Anonymous] (1966) : Health vocabulary, 1966: guide for translation into the language, Chinyanja, of the host country, Malawi
[23679] [Anonymous] (2003) : Yambetta provisional lexicon
[23989] [Anonymous] (1999) : Lexique des mathématiques français-maninkakan
[23990] [Anonymous] (1999) : Lexique des mathématiques français-pular
[23991] [Anonymous] (1999) : Lexique des mathématiques français-soso
[23995] [Anonymous] (1999) : Lexique des mathématiques français-fon, fon-français
[23996] [Anonymous] (1999) : Lexique des mathématiques français-yorùba
[24001] [Anonymous] (1997) : Lexique des mathématiques: français-wolof
[24002] [Anonymous] (1997) : Lexique des mathématiques: français-pulaar
[24003] [Anonymous] (1997) : Lexique des mathématiques: français-sooninke
[24006] [Anonymous] (1999) : Lexique des mathématiques français-kanuri
[24007] [Anonymous] (1999) : Lexique des mathématiques français-fulfude
[24008] [Anonymous] (1999) : Lexique des mathématiques français-hausa
[24009] [Anonymous] (1999) : Lexique des mathématiques français-tamajaq
[24010] [Anonymous] (1999) : Lexique des mathématiques français-zarma
[24013] [Anonymous] (1998) : Code électoral de la République Centrafricaine: français-sango
[24181] [Anonymous] (1996) : Lexique bainouke / français
[25095] [Anonymous] (19--) : Lexique Susu-Français
[25106] [Anonymous] (1845) : Vocabulaires guiolof, manding, foule, saracole, séraire, bagnon et floupe, recueillis à la côte dʼAfrique pour le service de lʼancienne Compagnie Royale du Sénégal
[25129] [Anonymous] (1982) : Guide de Transcription et Lexique Bozo [Tieyaxo sawananbaana yee a xarabuye]
[25307] [Anonymous] (1881) : Dictionnaire pongoué-français précédé des principes de la langue pongouée
[21] Abbink, Jon (19--) : Chai manuscript dictionary
[22] Abbink, Jon (1993) : Suri-English basic vocabulary
[29] Abcarius, John J. (1974) : An English-Arabic reader’s dictionary
[31] Abdallah, Hassan (1982) : A dictionary of international relations and conference terminology
[32] Abdeen, Adnan M. (1980) : English-Arabic dictionary for accounting & finance
[23361] Abdel-Massih, Ernest T. (1971) : A computerized lexicon of Tamazight: Berber dialect of Ayt Seghrouchen
[37] Abdou, Kamar M. & Ahmed T. Hassansin (1992) : The concise Arabic-English lexicon of verbs in context
[24005] Abdoulkarim, Chérif Ari , Manoua Djibir & Mai Mai Moussa (1997) : Lexique des élections français-kanuri
[77] Abega, Prosper (1975) : Petit lexique ewondo
[28165] Abegha, M.L. (prepared by R. Blench) (2012) : Mein dictionary
[90] Abinal, F. G. P. & [Révérend] [Père] V. Malzac (1955) : Dictionnaire malgache-français
[95] Aboagye, P. A. Kwesi (1968) : Nzema-English, English-Nzema dictionary
[22515] Abraham, Getahun Y. (2002) : Svensk-amharisk ordlista
[113] Abraham, Roy Clive (1940) : A dictionary of the Tiv language
[119] Abraham, Roy Clive (1951) : The Idoma language / Idoma wordlists / Idoma chrestomathy / Idoma proverbs
[121] Abraham, Roy Clive (1958) : Dictionary of modern Yoruba
[125] Abraham, Roy Clive (1962) : Dictionary of the Hausa language
[126] Abraham, Roy Clive (1962) : Dictionary of modern Yoruba
[127] Abraham, Roy Clive (1964) : Somali-English dictionary
[128] Abraham, Roy Clive (1967) : English-Somali dictionary
[129] Abraham, Roy Clive (1967) : The principles of Ibo
[130] Abraham, Roy Clive (1968) : Somali-English dictionary
[117] Abraham, Roy Clive & Malam Mai Kano (1946) : Dictionary of the Hausa language
[118] Abraham, Roy Clive & Malam Mai Kano (1949) : Dictionary of the Hausa language
[23292] Abu-Talib, Mohammed & Th. R. Fox (1966) : A dictionary of Moroccan Arabic
[168] Adam, S. M. (Ed) (1999) : Dikshaneeriga cusub ee ardayda / New student dictionary, English-Somali
[165] Adam, Yacoudima (1982) : Lexique kanuri
[24609] Adami, P. (avec la collaboration de Dj. Djarangar, J. Fédry, Ng. Nassity et P. Palayer) (1981) : Lexique bediondo-français
[172] Adams, R. F. G. (1934) : Some Efik plant names
[173] Adams, R. F. G. (1939) : English-Efik, Efik-English dictionary
[174] Adams, R. F. G. (1943) : Efik vocabulary of living things ; part 1
[175] Adams, R. F. G. (1943) : English-Efik, Efik-English dictionary
[176] Adams, R. F. G. (1947) : Efik vocabulary of living things ; part 2
[177] Adams, R. F. G. (1948) : Efik vocabulary of living things ; part 3
[178] Adams, R. F. G. (1952/53) : English-Efik/Efik-English dictionary
[184] Adamte-Awate (1---) : English-vernacular handbook (English-Twi-Ga-Adangme-Ewe)
[25358] Adamu, Mohammed Alhaji & Usman Babayo Garba Potiskum (2009) : Ngizim-English-Hausa dictionary
[28962] Adaw, Hashim Orta , Sadig Bashir Tingala , Huda Daldoum , Anur Omar Salva Adam , Musa Abdul hkim , Ezadin Abir Adik , Yaasir Khamis Konjur & Timothy Stirtz (2015) : Gaahmg – English – Arabic Dictionary
[29009] Adegbuyi, Emmanuel (2020) : Obulom – English Dictionary
[275] Adnani, Muhammad (1984) : Dictionary of common mistakes in modern written Arabic: Arabic-Arabic
[26916] Adou Kossia, Marie-Laure (2006) : Lexique agni Bona
[280] Adzomada, Kofi Jacques (1969) : Dictionary of Ewe homonyms
[281] Adzomada, Kofi Jacques (1975) : Dictionnaire français-ewe: des mots usuels selects et des locutions étrangères
[282] Adzomada, Kofi Jacques (1975) : Kristotongkowo gomedede/Equivalents eve des prénoms chrétiens. Répertoire des noms togolais: eve - kabiy - ben - tem
[283] Adzomada, Kofi Jacques (1991) : Dictionnaire français-ewe, ewe-francais: des mots usuels selects et des locutions étrangères
[319] Agheyisi, Rebecca Nogieru (1986) : An Edo-English dictionary
[326] Agostini, Francesco , Annarita Puglielli & Ciise Maxamed Siyaad (1985) : Dizionario somalo-italiano
[344] Aigbe, Emmanuel Ikponmwosa (1986) : Emwen Edo na zedu ere y’Ebo/Edo-English dictionary
[354] Aitken-Cade, S. E. (1951) : So! You want to learn the language! An amusing and instructive Kitchen Kaffir dictionary
[24860] Ajello, Roberto , Mayore Karyo , Antonio Melis & Ousmanou Dobio (2001) : Lexique comparatif de six langues du tchadique central (Gizey, Ham, Lew, Marba, Masa, Musey)
[28961] Akinbo, Samuel (ed.) (2018) : Fungwa – English Dictionary
[408] Akinniyi, John A. & Uvais S. Sultanbawa (1983) : A glossary of Kanuri names of plants, with botanical names, distribution and uses
[23356] Akintan, E. A. (1948) : Iwe gbedegbeyo aladun t’Akintan / English-Yoruba vocabulary
[418] Aklilu Amsalu, & G. P. Mosback (1973) : English-Amharic dictionary
[28087] Akomo-Zoghe, Cyriaque Simon-Pierre (2019) : Vocabulaire thématique fang-français
[458] Akrofi, C. A. & G. L. Botchey (1965) : English-Twi-Ga dictionary
[476] Alapini, Julien (1950) : Le petit dahoméen: grammaire, vocabulaire, lexique en langue du Dahomey
[480] Albertyn, A. P. J. (1984) : Die ensiklopedie van name in Suidwes-Afrika
[23673] Albro, Daniel M. (1998) : Nawdem-English dictionary with examples
[520] Alexandre, [Révérend] [Père] Gustave (1934) : Lexique français-möré
[522] Alexandre, [Révérend] [Père] Gustave (1935) : Dictionnaire möré-français
[523] Alexandre, [Révérend] [Père] Gustave (1953) : La langue möré
[27358] Alfira, David Abbi , Timothy Kuku Kafi , Hassan Kuwa Kaki , Ali Alaliim Hasan , Anjo Kuku Anjo , Dayan Kuku Jas & Sadik Kafi Sarukh with Tim Stirtz (2017) : Caning-English Dictionary
[549] Alga, Lemma & Micha Wedekind (1995) : Boro wordlists
[571] Alio-Daouchane, Khalil & Herrmann Jungraithmayr (1990) : Lexique bidya
[618] Alojaly, Ghoubeïd (1980) : Lexique touareg-français
[26083] Alomofor, Christian (compiled by) (2007) : Awing-English dictionary and English-Awing index
[622] Aloys, (1---) : Vocabulaire kikumu-kifransa
[631] Alves, [Padre] Albano (1939) : Noções gramaticais da língua chisena
[632] Alves, [Padre] Albano (1951) : Dicionário etimológico bundu-português, ilustrado com muitos milhares de exemplos entre os quais 2000 provérbios indígenas
[633] Alves, [Padre] Albano (1957) : Dicionário português-chisena e chisena-português
[647] Amborn, Hermann & Alexander Kellner (1999) : Burji vocabulary of cultural items: an insight into Burji culture (based on field notes of Helmut Straube)
[663] Ames, David W. & Anthony V. King (1971) : Glossary of Hausa music and its social contexts
[27559] Ameur, Meftaha , Khalid Ansar , Abdellah Boumalk , Noura El Azrak , Rachid Laabdelaoui & Hamid Souifi (2017) : Dictionnaire général de la langue amazighe
[22984] Amsalu, Aklilu (198-) : Amharic-English dictionary
[27436] Anangwe, Alfred & Michael R. Marlo (2008) : Luwanga-English Dictionary
[721] Anders, H. D. (1934/35) : A note on a south-eastern Bushman dialect
[29076] Anderson, Heidi & Susanne Krüger (2004) : A Rapid Appraisal (RA) Survey of Kendem
[773] Anderson, James Maltie (1981) : A dictionary of Gambian Wolof
[759] Anderson, V. A. , W. F. McElroy & G. T. McKee (1939) : Dictionary of the Tshiluba language
[794] Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (19--) : Unpublished grammatical and lexical materials on Oromo and Somali
[841] Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1992) : Reflections on R. C. Abraham’s Somali-English dictionary
[867] Angrand, Armand Pierre (192-) : Manuel français-ouolof
[1124] Angrand, Armand Pierre (1943) : Manuel ouolof
[23357] Angrand, Armand Pierre (1952) : Manuel français-ouolof
[23358] Angrand, Armand Pierre (1940) : Manuel français-ouolof
[888] Anòká, G. M. K. (1979) : A pronouncing dictionary of Ìgbo place names
[885] Anoka, Kemjika (1979) : Pronouncing dictionary of Igbo place names
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