WEBBALL : 20759, type : Journal Article, mots-clés : eaf;ugn;ant;lng;lxl;v.117;v.123;v.922;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Karamoja (*), Labwor (02004), Wanderobo (*), Dodotho (*), Jie (01970), Karamojong (01967).    Langue du texte : en

Wayland, E. J. (1931). Preliminary studies of the tribes of Karamoja: the Labwor, the Wanderobo, the Dodotho, and the Jie; with a note concerning the Karamojong. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 61., pp. 187-230.

Notes : The Wanderobo discussed here seem to refer the Ik. Includes short comparative vocabularies: English-Labwor-Lango-Karamojong (p 210-212), English-Dorobo-Karamojong (p 217-218).

Date de la dernière modification : 2007-07-23