61 langues concernées
615 titres trouvés
[22020] [Anonymous] (192-) : Primer in the Gang language
[22031] [Anonymous] (1926) : Grammar sy’oluganda
[22061] [Anonymous] (1933) : Ekitabo loisisyanakin aswairin
[22069] [Anonymous] (1936) : The Hima method of counting
[22076] [Anonymous] (1939) : The Acholi-English handbook
[22083] [Anonymous] (1944) : Akarimojong-Swahili-English vocabulary
[22089] [Anonymous] (1947) : Standard Luganda rules of spelling: summary [...] according to the 1947 orthrography conference
[22093] [Anonymous] (1948) : The majority and minority report of the Luganda Orthography Committee 1947
[22106] [Anonymous] (1952) : Derivations of some Teso place-names
[22114] [Anonymous] (1955) : British East Africa: official standard names approved by the United States Board on Geographic Names
[22127] [Anonymous] (1958) : Runyoro-Rutooro orthography rules
[22152] [Anonymous] (1964) : Report of the Ateso orthography committee
[22198] [Anonymous] (1972) : A Karimojong dictionary
[22358] [Anonymous] (1995) : Conference report from the first Runyakitara conference, Makerere University, 1994
[27885] Ahn, Dorothy & Jenneke van der Wal (2019) : What does that Lugwere demonstrative refer to? A semantic analysis of proximity and exteriority
[28077] Alati, Atichi Reginald (2015) : A pragmatic analysis of Olunyole idioms
[727] Andersen, Torben (1986) : Tone splitting and vowel quantity: evidence from Lugbara
[729] Andersen, Torben (1986) : The phonemic system of Madi
[732] Andersen, Torben (1987) : An outline of Lulubo phonology
[744] Andersen, Torben (1994) : From aspect to tense in Lulubo: morphosyntactic and semantic restructuring in a Central Sudanic language
[745] Andersen, Torben (1994) : Consonantal tones in Lugbara
[747] Andersen, Torben (1998) : Verb-coding in Madi relative clauses
[730] Andersen, Torben & Didiers L. Goyvaerts (1986) : Reflexivity and logophoricity in Moru-Madi
[1072] Ashton, Ethel O. (1937) : The e and o of Luganda and the o of Swahili
[1076] Ashton, Ethel O. , Enoch M. K. Mulira , E. G. M. Ndawula & Archibald Norman Tucker (1954) : A Luganda grammar
[29097] Asiimwe, Allen (2023) : On the expression of mirativity in Rukiga
[28341] Asiimwe, Allen & Jenneke van der Wal (2021) : The multifunctionality of -o in Rukiga: pronoun, contrastive topic, and mirative marker
[1111] Atkinson, Ronald R. (1985) : ‘State’ formation and language change in westernmost Acholi in the eighteenth century
[1314] Baj, G. (1---) : Linguistic guide on Madi language
[27335] Barasa, David (2017) : Ateso Grammar - A Descriptive Account of an Eastern Nilotic Language
[1581] Barr, L. I. (19--) : Manuscript outline of morphology of Lugbara
[1582] Barr, L. I. (1965) : A course in Lugbara
[1640] Basema, David Milton (1996) : Child code switching between typologically different languages, Lusoga and English: a case study
[1764] Bastin, Yvonne [Angenot] (2003) : The interlacustrine group (Zone J)
[1862] Bavin, Edith L. [Woock] (1981) : Lango: some morphological changes in verb paradigm
[1863] Bavin, Edith L. [Woock] (1982) : Aspects of morphological and syntactic divergence in Lango and Acholi
[1864] Bavin, Edith L. [Woock] (1983) : Morphological and syntactic divergence in Lango and Acholi
[1865] Bavin, Edith L. [Woock] (1989) : The ki-verb construction in Acholi: grammaticalization of a resultative morpheme
[1867] Bavin, Edith L. [Woock] (1996) : Body parts in Acholi: alienable and inalienable distinctions and extended uses
[1861] Bavin, Edith L. [Woock] & Michael [Paul] Noonan (1979) : Vowel harmony in Lango
[1909] Beattie, John H. M. (1957) : Nyoro personal names
[29132] Beer, Samuel (2018) : Retention and contraction in Nyang’i nominal number marking
[2072] Bender, Marvin Lionel (Ed) (1983) : Nilo-Saharan language studies
[2227] Bernsten, Jan[ice] Graham (1998) : Runyakitara: Uganda’s ‘new’ language
[28329] Bickmore, Lee S. (2021) : Unaltered morphemes as phonological triggers and targets in Rutooro
[2377] Biddulph, Joseph (1985) : An introduction to Luo (Victoria Nyanza Region, Kenya): being an analysis of the usage & structures of the Luo New Testament, a window into a language of the Nilotic group: with brief remarks on Acoli (Acholi) (Uganda)
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[2619] Blok, H. P. (1951) : Iets over die zogenaamde “geïntensiveerde” fonemen in het Ganda en Nyoro
[28837] Bochnak, M. Ryan (2018) : Two-place exceed comparatives in Luganda
[28838] Bochnak, M. Ryan & Peter Klecha (2018) : Temporal remoteness and vagueness in past time reference in Luganda
[2859] Boone, Douglas W. & Richard L. Watson (Ed) (1992) : Moru-Ma’di survey report
[2882] Borowsky, Toni (1983) : Geminate consonants in Luganda
[2883] Borowsky, Toni (1983) : On glide insertion in Luganda
[3133] Bradford, N. H. G. (1962) : Bunyoro adult literacy campaign
[3277] Bright, J. A. (1962) : The teaching of English in Uganda
[3328] Brown, Gillian (1968) : The dialect situation in Bugisu
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[3331] Brown, Gillian (1972) : Phonological rules and dialect variation: a study of the phonology of Lumasaaba
[26922] Bukenya, Augustin & Leonard Kamoga (2009) : Standard Luganda - English Dictionary
[3472] Bulck, [Révérend] [Père] Gaston van & Peter E. Hackett (1956) : Report of the eastern team: Oubangui to Great Lakes
[3550] Byandala, G. (19--) : The Lusoga orthography
[3551] Byandala, G. (1947) : The Lusoga language
[3615] Calderola, E. (1---) : English-Madi handbook
[3755] Carlin, Eithne B. (1993) : Das So: eine Kuliak-Sprache aus Uganda
[3756] Carlin, Eithne B. (1993) : The So language
[29085] Carollo, Bruno (1991) : A Practical Lango Grammar and Dictionary
[3903] Caumartin, P. B. (1---) : Runyoro grammar
[3915] Cernicenko, A. S. (1969) : Soglasovatel’nye modeli i sistema imenych klassov v jazyke Luganda [Congruence model and system of nominal classes in Luganda]
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[3955] Chagas, Jeremy E. (1976) : The tonal structure of Olusamia
[3986] Chanda Chibila, Musamba (1974) : Du proto-bantu au nkore
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[4187] Clark, D. (1---) : Akarimojong manuscript grammar
[4224] Clements, George N. (1978) : Syllable and mora in Luganda
[4227] Clements, George N. (1981) : An outline of Luganda syllable structure
[4233] Clements, George N. (1986) : Compensatory lengthening and consonant gemination in Luganda
[4261] Clifton, John M. (1975) : Nonsegmental tone in Lango
[4343] Cohen, David William (1983) : The face of contact: a model of a cultural and linguistic frontier in early eastern Uganda
[4349] Cohen, Kevin Bretonnel (2000) : Aspects of the grammar of Kukú
[4378] Cole, Desmond Thorne (1964) : Some features of Ganda linguistic structure
[4379] Cole, Desmond Thorne (1965) : Some features of Ganda linguistic structure
[4381] Cole, Desmond Thorne (1967) : Some features of Ganda linguistic structure
[4498] Cook, Albert R. (1921) : A medical vocabulary in Luganda
[4656] Crabtree, William Arthur (1921) : A manual of Lu-Ganda
[4659] Crabtree, William Arthur (1923) : Elements of Luganda grammar, together with exercises and vocabulary
[4662] Crabtree, William Arthur (1931) : The N sound in Lu-Ganda
[4677] Crazzolara, Joseph Pasquale (1938) : A study of the Acooli language: grammar and vocabulary
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[4680] Crazzolara, Joseph Pasquale (1960) : A study of the Logbara (Ma’di) language: grammar and vocabulary
[4681] Crazzolara, Joseph Pasquale (1960) : Logbara grammar
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[4748] Criper, Clive & Peter Ladefoged (1971) : Linguistic complexity in Uganda
[4782] Cullen, Wendy Ruth (1999) : Tense and aspect in Lubwisi narrative discourse
[4791] Curley, Richard T. & Ben G. Blount (1971) : The origins of the Langi: a lexicostatistical analysis
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[4880] Dakin, J. C. (1---) : Vocabulary of about sixty [So] words
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[5033] Davis, Margaret Beatrice (1938) : A Lunyoro-Lunyankole-English and English-Lunyoro-Lunyankole dictionary
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[26241] De Schryver, Gilles‑Maurice & Minah Nabirye (2010) : A quantitative analysis of the morphology, morphophonology and semantic import of the Lusoga noun
[5137] Demolin, Didier & Didiers L. Goyvaerts (1986) : Some aspects of Madi phonology and morphology
[5247] Dewees, John W. (1971) : The role of syntax in the occurence of the initial vowel in Luganda and some other Bantu languages
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[5441] Dimmendaal, Gerrit Jan (1998) : Language contraction versus other types of contact-induced change
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[5645] Doneux, Jean Léonce (1971) : Deux études sur les interrogatifs en zone J du bantu
[5696] Downing, Laura J. (2004) : Bukusu reduplication
[5722] Driberg, Jack H. (1923) : The Lango: a Nilotic tribe of Uganda
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[5749] Dubnova, Elena Zinovʼevna (1976) : [Deixis systems of Ganda and Rwanda languages (towards a typology of demonstrative pronouns in Bantu languages)]
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[5902] Eastman, Carol M. (1972) : Lunyole of the Bamenya
[5967] Edenmyr, Niklas (2000) : Locative nouns in four Bantu languages
[6034] Ehret, Christopher (1981) : The classification of Kuliak
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[6109] Elderkin, Edward Derek (1983) : Tanzanian and Ugandan isolates
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[6488] Farina, Felice (19--) : Karimojong grammar and dictionary
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[26039] Ferrari-Bridgers, Franca (2009) : Luganda verb morphology: a new analysis of the suffixes [-YE] and [-A] and their distribution across the indicative, subjunctive and imperative moods
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[6658] Fischer, Allestree (2000) : English for Uganda in the next millenium
[6691] Fleming, Harold C. (1983) : Kuliak external relations: step one
[6761] Fornasa, G. B. (1---) : Essential vocabulary: English-Italian-Acholi
[6926] Fromkin, Victoria (1971) : In defence of systemic phonemics
[28303] Gardner, William (2016) : Morphophonemic alternations in the initial consonants of stems in Olunyole, a Luyia Bantu language
[7097] Gary, Judith Olmstedt (1977) : Implications for universal grammar of object-creating rules in Luyia and Mashi
[7325] Glick, Ruth Moser (1969) : The relationship between selected sociolinguistic variables and the ability to read English among Ugandan children
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[7537] Grannis, Oliver Culver (1970) : Relative constructions in Acholi
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[8771] Hérault, Georges (1997) : Syllabic genesis and Luganda phonology
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[26743] Hermann, C. (2015) : Lusiba, die Sprache der Länder Kisiba, Bugabu, Kjamtwara, Kjanja und Ihangiro, speziell der Dialekt der Bayossa im Lande Kjamtwara
[23451] Heusing, Gerald (2000) : The classification of Kumam within Nilotic
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[9154] Hubbard, Kathleen (1995) : Prenasalized consonants and syllable timing: evidence from Runyambo and Luganda
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[9345] Huntingford, George Wynn Brereton (1927) : Grammar and vocabulary of Orusyan of north-east Uganda
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[27609] Hyman, Larry (2014) : Tonal Melodies in the Lulamogi Verb
[29058] Hyman, Larry (2022) : Deverbal nominalization in Runyankore
[27391] Hyman, Larry M. (2017) : Prefixal vowel length in Lulamogi: A stratal account
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[9460] Hyman, Larry Michael (1981) : An autosegmental accentual account of Luganda tone
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[9479] Hyman, Larry Michael & Francis X. Katamba (1990) : Final vowel shortening in Luganda
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[26810] Kawachi, Kazuhiro (2012) : Polysemy of the grammatical morpheme k̘úle in Kupsapiny and its grammaticalization from a verb of saying
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