4 langues concernées
26 titres trouvés
[22083] [Anonymous] (1944) : Akarimojong-Swahili-English vocabulary
[22198] [Anonymous] (1972) : A Karimojong dictionary
[4187] Clark, D. (1---) : Akarimojong manuscript grammar
[4748] Criper, Clive & Peter Ladefoged (1971) : Linguistic complexity in Uganda
[4881] Dakin, J. C. (1---) : A vocabulary of Karamojong
[5879] Dyson-Hudson, Rada (1962) : An Akarimojong-English check list of the trees of southern Karamojong
[6488] Farina, Felice (19--) : Karimojong grammar and dictionary
[6491] Farina, Felice (1964) : Karimojong grammar
[6492] Farina, Felice (1973) : Dizionario karimojong-italiano
[6493] Farina, Felice (1986) : Nakarimojon-English and English-Nakarimojon dictionary
[7857] Gulliver, Philip Hugh (1952) : Bell-oxen and ox-names among the Jie
[9200] Hulley, D. M. (1923) : Vocabulary and grammar for use in Turkana, Karamoja and Tapossa
[26285] Lesley-Neuman, Diane (2012) : Morpho-phonological levels and grammaticalization in Karimojong: A review of the evidence
[12299] Loor, John Logyel (1976) : Ngakarimojong-English dictionary
[13010] Mantovani, Mario A. (1963) : An introduction to the Karimojong language
[13011] Mantovani, Mario A. (1985) : A new Karimojong grammar
[13012] Mantovani, Mario A. (1992) : The value in English of the Karimojong verbal tense
[22571] Meillet, Antoine & Marcel Cohen (1924) : Groupe nilo-équatorien (26 langues)
[15341] Novelli, Bruno (1985) : A grammar of the Karimojong language
[15342] Novelli, Bruno (1987) : Small grammar of the Karimojong language
[17355] Roncari, G. & Mario A. Mantovani (1973) : Appunti di grammatica karimojong
[17836] Santandrea, Stefano (1948) : Bibliografia di studi africani della Missione dell’Africa Centrale
[19990] Tsumura, Hiroʼomi & Kaori Kawai (2004) : GIS (Geographic Information System) based analysis and evaluation of cognitive maps: a preliminary approach to the spatial cognition of the pastoral Dodoth in north-eastern Uganda [in Japanese]
[20759] Wayland, E. J. (1931) : Preliminary studies of the tribes of Karamoja: the Labwor, the Wanderobo, the Dodotho, and the Jie; with a note concerning the Karamojong
[21319] Wilson, J. G. (1973) : Check-list of the artefacts and domestic works of the Karimojong
[21291] Wilson, W. (1---) : Teso-Karamojong-English dictionary