6 langues concernées
23 titres trouvés
[4682] Crazzolara, Joseph Pasquale (1967) : General sketch grammar and vocabulary of the language of the Ik (alias Teuso): Kang’ole
[8495] Heine, Bernd (1975/76) : Ik, eine ostafrikanische Restsprache: historische Entwicklung und Vokabular
[8539] Heine, Bernd (1983) : The Ik language
[8561] Heine, Bernd (1990) : The dative in Ik and Kanuri
[8577] Heine, Bernd (1999) : Ik dictionary
[11253] König, Christa (1998) : Kasus im Ik
[11255] König, Christa (2002) : Kasus im Ik
[26443] Schrock, Terrill (2014) : A grammar of Ik (Icetod) Northeast Uganda’s last thriving Kuliak language
[26480] Schrock, Terrill (2014) : Unlocking the Ik instrumental case
[26592] Schrock, Terrill (2008) : Ik wordlist
[27155] Schrock, Terrill (2017) : The Ik language: Dictionary and grammar sketch
[27423] Schrock, Terrill (2015) : On whether 'Doboro' was a fourth Kuliak language
[18352] Serzisko, Fritz (1985) : Nepek’a Longoriainie nda Arwakori/A quarrel between Longorie and Arwakori: an Ik dialogue
[18354] Serzisko, Fritz (1987) : The verb ‘to say’ in Ik (Kuliak)
[18355] Serzisko, Fritz (1988) : On bounding in Ik
[18357] Serzisko, Fritz (1992) : Sprechhandlungen und Pausen: diskursorientierte Sprachbeschreibung am Beispiel des Ik
[18358] Serzisko, Fritz (1993) : Lokalisierung im Ik: Beobachtungen zur Verwendung deiktischer Elemente in narrativen Texten
[18359] Serzisko, Fritz (1993) : Prädikationskomplex und Paragraph am Beispiel des Ik
[20056] Tucker, Archibald Norman (1971) : Notes on Ik ; part 1
[20057] Tucker, Archibald Norman (1972) : Notes on Ik ; part 2
[20058] Tucker, Archibald Norman (1973) : Notes on Ik ; part 3
[20759] Wayland, E. J. (1931) : Preliminary studies of the tribes of Karamoja: the Labwor, the Wanderobo, the Dodotho, and the Jie; with a note concerning the Karamojong
[21685] Zaborski, Andrzej (1975) : The verb in Cushitic