WEBBALL : 14761, type : Book Section, mots-clés : eaf;tnz;lng;scl;lxl;bnt;g.42;y.241;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Swahili (00269).    Langue du texte : en

Myers-Scotton, Carol (2000). Comparing verbs in Swahili/English codeswitching with other data sets. In Kahigi, K. K., Y. M. Kihore & M. Mous (Ed), Lugha za Tanzania/Languages of Tanzania: studies dedicated to the memory of Prof. Clement Maganga, Leiden : Research School of Asian, African and Amerindian Studies (CNWS), State University of Leiden., pp. 203-214.

Date de la dernière modification : 2007-08-17