91 langues concernées

1308 titres trouvés

[21983]   [Anonymous] (19--) : Dictionary ia Kiswahili-Gekoio na Gekoio-Kiswahili
[21990]   [Anonymous] (19--) : Kiswahili phrase book and glossary
[22001]   [Anonymous] (19--) : Swahili phrasebook
[22030]   [Anonymous] (1925) : Tanganyika Territory. Report of the Education Committee, 1925, together with the Report of the Committee for the Standardization of the Swahili Language
[22044]   [Anonymous] (1928) : Report of the Committee for the Standardization of the Swahili Language
[22045]   [Anonymous] (1928) : Swahili phrases and large vocabulary
[22047]   [Anonymous] (1929) : Sarufi ya kiswahili
[22052]   [Anonymous] (1929) : A guide and aid to Swahili examinations
[22061]   [Anonymous] (1933) : Ekitabo loisisyanakin aswairin
[22083]   [Anonymous] (1944) : Akarimojong-Swahili-English vocabulary
[22090]   [Anonymous] (1948) : A veterinary glossary in Kiswahili, Kikuyu, Masai and Nandi (compiled for the Department of Veterinary Services, Kenya Colony)
[22097]   [Anonymous] (1950) : Linguaphone Swahili: introduction book based on Ashton’s Swahili grammar with text of records spoken by Sheikh Said Hilal El-Bualy and George James Magembe
[22160]   [Anonymous] (1965) : Provisional religious vocabulary: Swahili-English, English-Swahili; based on the “Katemisimu ya Kikristu” (Ndanda), submitted by Tanzania Episcopal Conference, Catholic Secretariat, Dar es Salaam
[22161]   [Anonymous] (1965) : Provisional list of mathematical terms
[22196]   [Anonymous] (1971) : Ordlista: svenska-engelska-swahili
[22228]   [Anonymous] (1975) : Suaheli für die Reise/Swahili for German-speaking travellers
[22293]   [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Zaïre, Kiswahili
[16]   Abayo, Adonijah (2003) : Swahili noun class system: a critical survey of the loanwords
[46]   Abdulaziz, Mohamed H. Mkilifi (1971) : Triglossie und Suaheli-englischer Bilingualismus in Tansania
[47]   Abdulaziz, Mohamed H. Mkilifi (1972) : Triglossia and Swahili-English bilingualism in Tanzania
[48]   Abdulaziz, Mohamed H. Mkilifi (1976) : Transitivity patterns in the Swahili clause
[51]   Abdulaziz, Mohamed H. Mkilifi (1982) : Patterns of language acquisition and use in Kenya: rural-urban differences
[52]   Abdulaziz, Mohamed H. Mkilifi (1985) : Aspects of lexical and semantic elaboration in the process of modernization of Swahili
[53]   Abdulaziz, Mohamed H. Mkilifi (1989) : Development of scientific and technical terminology with special reference to African languages
[56]   Abdulaziz, Mohamed H. Mkilifi (1996) : Transitivity in Swahili
[167]   Adam, Hassan (1987) : Kiswahili: elementary course with key
[241]   Adewole, Stephen Monday (1986) : A syntactic basis for noun classification in Swahili
[342]   Ahrenberg, Lars (1982) : An account of verbal derivation in Swahili
[459]   Aksʼonova, Irina Stepanovna (1966) : Distributsia i grammaticheskoe znachenie predkornevykh affiksov v suahili [Distribution ad grammatical meaning of sub-root affixes of infinitive in Swahili]
[461]   Aksʼonova, Irina Stepanovna (1974) : Morphonematicheskii analiz suffixov proizvodhnykh form glagola v yazyke suahili
[486]   Alcock, Katherine J. & Dumaris Ngorosho (2003) : Learning to spell a regularly spelled language is not a trivial task: patterns of errors in Kiswahili
[487]   Alcock, Katherine J. & Dumaris Ngorosho (2004) : Interaction between phonological and gramatical processing in single word production in Kiswahili
[544]   Alexandre, Pierre (1981) : Les langues bantu: tableau d’ensemble; description sommaire de deux langues (swahili et bulu)
[545]   Alexandre, Pierre (1983) : Langue arabe et kiswahili
[548]   Alexandre, Pierre (1989) : La nébuleuse swahili
[562]   Alidina, M. M. H. (1993) : The Persian factor in Kiswahili
[584]   Allan, Keith (1983) : Anaphora, cataphora and topic focusing: functions of the object prefix in Swahili
[591]   Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton (1945) : Arabic script for students of Swahili
[592]   Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton (1945) : The name ‘Dar es Salaam’
[593]   Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton (1957-1978) : Manuscripts, papers, correspondences, etc.
[594]   Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton (1959) : The rapid spread of Swahili
[595]   Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton (1961) : The East African Swahili Committee
[596]   Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton (1961) : The elision of the subjective prefix and the use of negative questions in Swahili
[597]   Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton (1964) : A note on Dr Nyerere’s translation of Julius Caesar: preliminary thoughts on the value and importance of the translation
[598]   Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton (1965) : The case for developing Swahili
[599]   Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton (1967) : Swahili prosody
[601]   Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton (1968) : Arabic script for students of Swahili (amendment)
[24760]   Amidu, Assibi (2007) : Semantic Assignment Rules in Bantu Classes; A Reanalysis Based on Kiswahili
[668]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1980) : Locative marking and locative choice in Swahili and their semantic and grammatical implications
[669]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1982) : The myth of the infinitive class in Kiswahili
[670]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1982) : The elimination of number from an intra-linguistic analysis of Kiswahili gender and noun classes and its implications for class classification in Bantu
[671]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1983) : The great morpho-syntactic split and lexical shifts in Kiswahili
[672]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1985/89) : Cultural contact and language preservation: the case of Kiswahili
[673]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1993) : The case for a ‘progressive’ derivational affix in Kiswahili predicative items
[674]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1993) : Observations on some derivational affixes in Kiswahili
[675]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1994) : What is a class? A study of Kiswahili
[676]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1994) : A ‘progressive’ derivational verbid in Kiswahili predicative items?
[677]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1995) : Kiswahili: people, language, literature and lingua franca
[678]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1995) : Kiswahili, a continental language: how possible it is? ; part 1
[679]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1996) : Kiswahili, a continental language: how possible it is? ; part 2
[680]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1997) : Classes in Kiswahili: a study of their forms and implications
[681]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1997) : The problem of lexical cohesion and lexical structure in Bantu classes ; part 1
[682]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1998) : The problem of lexical cohesion and lexical structure in Bantu classes ; part 2
[683]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (1998) : Exploring new horizons in Kiswahili class descriptions and linguistic theory
[684]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (2001) : Argument and predicate relations in Kiswahili: a new analysis of transitiveness in Bantu
[685]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (2004) : Kiswahili language description and translational grammars
[23147]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (2004) : Reflexives and reflexivization in Kiswahili grammar
[25768]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (2009) : Matrix Nominal Phrases in Kiswahili Bantu. A Study of their Effects on Argument Syntax
[26504]   Amidu, Assibi Apatewon (2013) : Objects and Complements in Kiswahili Clauses: A Study of their Mechanisms and Patterns
[857]   Angogo, Rachel Msimbi (1979) : Standard Kiswahili: its history and development
[1061]   Asangama, Natisa (1988) : Mabadiliko ya kifonetiki ya *D ya Kibantu katika Kiswahili Sanifu na Kiswahili cha Zaire
[1070]   Ashton, Ethel O. (1935) : The ‘idea’ approach to Swahili
[1071]   Ashton, Ethel O. (1935) : The structure of a Bantu language, with special reference to Swahili; or form and function through Bantu eyes
[1072]   Ashton, Ethel O. (1937) : The e and o of Luganda and the o of Swahili
[1073]   Ashton, Ethel O. (1944) : Swahili grammar (including intonation)
[1075]   Ashton, Ethel O. (1947) : Swahili grammar (including intonation)
[1114]   Attas, Ali (1991) : Swahi’lî
[23777]   Awde, Nicholas (2000) : Swahili-English/English-Swahili dictionary
[1323]   Bakari, Mohamed (1985) : The morphophonology of the Kenyan Swahili dialects
[1343]   Bakhressa, Salim K. (1992?) : Kamusi ya maana na matumizi
[1356]   Baldi, Sergio (1976) : A contribution to the Swahili maritime terminology
[1359]   Baldi, Sergio (1982) : Les emprunts arabes en swahili et haoussa
[1361]   Baldi, Sergio (1988) : A first ethnolinguistic comparison of Arabic loanwords common to Hausa and Swahili
[1363]   Baldi, Sergio (1989) : I prestiti portoghesi in Swahili
[1616]   Barrett-Keach, Camillia [Nevada] (1985) : The syntax and interpretation of the relative clause construction in Swahili
[1617]   Barrett-Keach, Camillia [Nevada] (1985) : o epenthesis: a positional treatment of Swahili pronominal clitics
[1618]   Barrett-Keach, Camillia [Nevada] (1987) : Phonological allomorphy in Swahili: on the form of inanimate pronominal clitics
[1619]   Barrett-Keach, Camillia [Nevada] (1988) : NP switch in inalienable possession constructions in Swahili
[1621]   Barrett-Keach, Camillia [Nevada] (1995) : Subject and object markers as agreement and pronoun incorporation in Swahili
[1620]   Barrett-Keach, Camillia [Nevada] & Michael Rochemont (1992/94) : On the syntax of possessor raising in Swahili
[1632]   Bartens, Angela (2000) : Ideophones and sound symbolism in Atlantic Creoles
[1637]   Barwani-Sheikh, Sauda & Eleonore Adwiraah (1990) : Die deutschsprachigen Swahili-Lehrbücher: ein Überblick
[1638]   Barwani-Sheikh, Sauda & Ridder Samson (1994) : Sprichwörter und ihr Gebrauch
[1639]   Barwani-Sheikh, Sauda , Ludwig Gerhardt & Ridder Samson (1994) : Arbeitsvokabular Deutsch-Swahili
[1734]   Bassett, [Reverend] Udy (192-) : Everyday Swahili phrases and vocabulary
[1735]   Bassett, [Reverend] Udy (1928) : Everyday Swahili phrases and vocabulary
[1736]   Bassett, [Reverend] Udy (1937) : Everyday Swahili phrases and vocabulary
[1754]   Bastin, Yvonne [Angenot] , André Coupez & Bernard de Halleux (1989) : Position lexicostatistique du bantu G42 swahili
[1778]   Batibo, Herman M. (1987) : The challenge of linguistics in language development: the case of Kiswahili in Tanzania
[1780]   Batibo, Herman M. (1988) : Root affixation rules in Zairean Swahili as evidence of earlier Bantu rules
[1781]   Batibo, Herman M. (1989) : The position of Kiswahili among the lingua francas of Africa
[1782]   Batibo, Herman M. (1989) : Les parlers ruraux de Zanzibar: “dialectes” swahili? Premiers résultats d’une enquête lexicostatistique
[1783]   Batibo, Herman M. (1989) : Evolution et dialectalisation du swahili standard
[1785]   Batibo, Herman M. (1990) : Vowel length: the forgotten distinctive feature in Swahili?
[1789]   Batibo, Herman M. (1992) : Term development in Tanzania
[1791]   Batibo, Herman M. (1992) : The fate of ethnic languages in Tanzania
[1792]   Batibo, Herman M. (1992) : Morphological and semantic regularity in lexical expansion process: the case of nominal derivation in Kiswahili
[1794]   Batibo, Herman M. (1994) : Does Kiswahili have diphtongs: interpreting foreign sounds in African languages
[1796]   Batibo, Herman M. (1995) : The growth of Kiswahili as language of education and administration in Tanzania
[1797]   Batibo, Herman M. (1996) : Loanword clusters nativization rules in Tswana and Swahili: a comparative study
[1802]   Batibo, Herman M. (1997) : Double allegiance between nationalism and western modernization in language choice: the case of Botswana and Tanzania
[1819]   Batibo, Herman M. (2002) : The evolution of the Kiswahili syllable structure
[1790]   Batibo, Herman M. & Franz Rottland (1992) : The minimality condition in Swahili word forms
[1795]   Batibo, Herman M. & Franz Rottland (1994) : The markedness principle and Swahili syllable structure
[1900]   Bearth, Thomas (1994) : Wortstellung, Topik und Fokus
[1901]   Bearth, Thomas (1994) : Sein und Nichtsein/Kuwa na kutokuwa
[1904]   Bearth, Thomas (1997) : Inferential and counter-inferential grammatical markers in Swahili dialogue
[24986]   Bearth, Thomas (1998) : Procédés de cohésion dans le discours
[1910]   Beaudoin-Lietz, Christa (1996/97) : Exploration of the semantic difference between the two negative markers ha- and (-)si(-) in Swahili
[1911]   Beaudoin-Lietz, Christa (1999) : Formatives of tense, aspect, mood and negation in the verbal construction of standard Swahili
[1950]   Beck, Rose Marie (2001) : Texte auf Textilien in Ostafrika: Sprichwörlichkeit als Eigenschaft ambiger Kommunikaiton
[1952]   Beck, Rose Marie (2003) : Perceptions of gender in Swahili language and society
[1948]   Beck, Rose Marie , Lutz Diegner , Thomas Geider & Werner Gräbner (Ed) (2000) : Swahili Forum VII
[1949]   Beck, Rose Marie , Lutz Diegner , Thomas Geider & Werner Gräbner (Ed) (2001) : Swahili Forum VIII
[1951]   Beck, Rose Marie , Lutz Diegner , Thomas Geider & Werner Gräbner (Ed) (2002) : Swahili Forum IX
[1940]   Beck, Rose Marie , Thomas Geider & Werner Gräbner (Ed) (1994) : Swahili Forum I
[1943]   Beck, Rose Marie , Thomas Geider & Werner Gräbner (Ed) (1995) : Swahili Forum II
[1944]   Beck, Rose Marie , Thomas Geider & Werner Gräbner (Ed) (1996) : Swahili Forum III
[1946]   Beck, Rose Marie , Thomas Geider & Werner Gräbner (Ed) (1998) : Swahili Forum V
[1947]   Beck, Rose Marie , Thomas Geider & Werner Gräbner (Ed) (1999) : Swahili Forum VI
[1945]   Beck, Rose Marie , Thomas Geider , Werner Gräbner & Bernd Heine (1997) : Swahili Forum IV
[2008]   Bell, Christopher Richard Vincent & George Wynn Brereton Huntingford (1942) : Kiswahili
[2079]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (1987) : Some possible African creoles
[23598]   Benjamin, Martin & Ann [Joyce] Biersteker (2001) : The Kamusi Project edit engine: a tool for collaborative lexicography
[2169]   Bennett, Patrick R. (1986) : Grammar in the lexicon: two Bantu cases
[2181]   Bentley, Mayrene [Mimi] E. (1995) : The syntactic effects of animacy in Bantu languages
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[2195]   Berchem, Jörg (1989/90) : Sprachbeziehungen im Bereich des Kulturwortschatzes zwischen den Bantusprachen und dem Malagasy
[2212]   Bergvall, Victoria L. (1985) : A typology of empty categories for Kikuyu and Swahili
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[2288]   Bertoncini-Zúbková, Elena (1994) : Idiomatische Wendungen
[2289]   Bertoncini-Zúbková, Elena (1997) : Swahili verbs in modern fiction
[25859]   Bertoncini, Elena (2009) : Sheshe babu kubwa: Oral features in a Swahili newspaper
[2290]   Berwouts, Kris (1988) : Language and modernization: Kiswahili lexical expansion in the domain of the organisation of the modern nation/state
[2297]   Besha, Ruth Mfumbwa (1991) : The acquisition of Swahili by adult Maasai speakers: possible areas of conflict
[2395]   Biersteker, Ann [Joyce] (1996) : Kujibizana: questions of language and power in nineteenth and twentieth century poetry in Kiswahili
[2428]   Binns, [Reverend] H. K. (1925) : Swahili-English dictionary
[2610]   Block, H. P. (1948) : Swahili anthology with notes and glossaries
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[2627]   Blommaert, Jan (1990) : Standardization and diversification in Kiswahili: a note on language attitudes
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[2631]   Blommaert, Jan (1992) : Codeswitching and the exclusivity of social identities: some data from Campus Swahili
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[2743]   Bokamba, Eyamba Georges (1976) : On the syntax and semantics of Wh-questions in Kikongo and Kiswahili
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[2831]   Bonde, C. V. (1933) : Note on the Swahili names of certain fishes of Zanzibar
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[3437]   Buell, Leston (2000) : Swahili relative clauses
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[3567]   Cabral, António Augusto Pereira (1924) : Vocabulário português, shironga, shitsua, guitonga, shishope, shisena, shinhungue, shishuabo, kikua, shi-yao e kissuahili
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