617 langues concernées

415 titres trouvés

[22083]   [Anonymous] (1944) : Akarimojong-Swahili-English vocabulary
[22111]   [Anonymous] (1953) : Miners’ companion in English, Afrikaans and Fanakalo
[22140]   [Anonymous] (1962) : The writing of Akan
[22180]   [Anonymous] (1969) : Miners’ companion in English, Afrikaans and Fanakalo
[22202]   [Anonymous] (1972) : Miners’ dictionary: English/Fanakalo & Afrikaans/Fanakalo
[22254]   [Anonymous] (1978) : Miners’ dictionary: English/Fanakalo, Afrikaans/Fanakalo
[22258]   [Anonymous] (1979) : Unified Akan orthography
[22314]   [Anonymous] (1985) : Miners’ dictionary: English-Fanakalo/Woordeboek vir mynwerkers: Afrikaans-Fanakalo
[23989]   [Anonymous] (1999) : Lexique des mathématiques français-maninkakan
[24149]   Abakah, Emmanuel N. (2005) : Tone rules in Akan
[26709]   Abakah, Emmanuel N. (2010) : Tone and the Associative Construction in Akan
[7]   Abakah, Emmanuel Nicholas (1993) : Some aspects of the phonology of the Mfantse dialect of Akan
[9]   Abakah, Emmanuel Nicholas (2005) : Phonological analysis of word-final consonants in Akan
[26964]   Abakah, Emmanuel Nicholas (2012) : Some assimilatory processes in Akan
[28464]   Abakah, Emmanuel Nicholas (2002) : A Closer Look at Downstep in Akan
[25306]   Abels, Klaus & Peter Kinyua Muriungi (2006) : The focus particle in Kitharaka
[222]   Adendorff, Ralph (2002) : Fanakalo: a pidgin in South Africa
[27461]   Adomako, Kwasi (2012) : Verbal nominalization as a derivational process: The case of Akan
[27482]   Adomako, Kwasi (2017) : Morphophonological Analysis of Akan Female Family-Name Formation
[28390]   Adomako, Kwasi (2018) : Velar Palatalization in Akan:A Reconsideration
[287]   Afido, Pedro J. (1988) : Descrição da estrutura fonológica da esaaka (variante do Emakhuwa)
[328]   Agyakawa, Kofi Okyere (1976) : Akan epistemology and western thought: a philosophical approach to the problem of educational modernization in Ghana
[329]   Agyekum, Kofi (1975) : The communicative role of silence in Akan
[330]   Agyekum, Kofi (1996) : Akan verbal taboos, in the context of the ethnography of communication
[331]   Agyekum, Kofi (2003) : Honorifics and status indexing in Akan communication
[332]   Agyekum, Kofi (2004) : Ntam ‘reminiscential oath’ taboo in Akan
[333]   Agyekum, Kofi (2004) : The socio-cultural concept of face in Akan communication
[23801]   Agyekum, Kofi (2006) : Aspects of Akan semiotics
[26097]   Agyekum, Kofi (2010) : The Sociolinguistics of Thanking in Akan
[26129]   Agyekum, Kofi (2006) : The Sociolinguistic of Akan Personal Names
[26687]   Agyekum, Kofi (2008) : The language of Akan ideophones
[26995]   Agyekum, Kofi (2015) : Ani ‘eye’ metaphorical expressions in Akan - Ani anhunu a ɛnyɛ tan, ‘If the eyes do not see it, it is not nasty.’
[27463]   Agyekum, Kofi (2013) : The pragmatics of ‘Mouth’ metaphors in Akan
[27591]   Agyekum, Kofi (2018) : Akan Body Parts Expressions - Cognitive Semantics and Pragmatic Approach
[29069]   Agyekum, Kofi (2023) : Sociocultural Aspects of Animal Metaphor in Akan
[29057]   Agyepong, Dorothy Pokua (2022) : The combinatorial patterns of twá 'to cut' in Asante-Twi (Akan): Multiple senses or contextual modulations?
[28413]   Agyepong, Dorothy Pokua & E. Kweku Osam (2020) : The Semantics and Argument Realization Potentials of Akan Verbs of Separation
[27353]   Agyepong, Dorothy Pokua , Nana Aba Appiah Amfo & E. Kweku Osam (2017) : Literal and Metaphorical Usages of ‘Eat’ and ‘Drink’ in Akan
[25819]   Allison, Sean (2009) : Derivation of the PAM System of Makary Kotoko
[27405]   Allison, Sean (2017) : Conditional constructions in Makary Kotoko
[28199]   Allison, Sean (2020) : A Grammar of Makary Kotoko
[28300]   Allison, Sean (2015) : Borrowings? Yes! But diffusion? A case of language contact in the Lake Chad basin
[28306]   Allison, Sean (2018) : The notion of ‘word’ in Makary Kotoko (Chadic, Cameroon)
[654]   Ameka, Felix K. (1992) : Focus constructions in Ewe and Akan: a comparative perspective
[27464]   Ameka, Felix K. & James Essegbey (2013) : Serialising languages: Satellite-framed, verb-framed or neither
[666]   Amfo, Nana Aba Appiah (2001) : A relevance-theoretic study of some pragmatic markers in Akan
[667]   Amfo, Nana Aba Appiah (2005) : Modal marking in Akan: the case of anka
[24733]   Amfo, Nana Aba Appiah (2007) : Akan Demonstratives
[26049]   Amfo, Nana Aba Appiah (2007) : Noun phrase and clausal connectives in Akan
[27060]   Anderson, Jonathan (2010) : Preliminary to preliminary: Speech rhythm in Akan (Twi)
[26972]   Anderson, Jonathan C. (2013) : Verb-internal compound formation in Akan
[875]   Aning, Simon Kwasi (1998) : Nominal constructions in Akan
[25958]   Ansah, Gladys Nyarko (2011) : Emotion Language in Akan: the Case of Anger
[27476]   Ansah, Gladys Nyarko , Jemima Asabea Anderson , Suleman Alhassan Anamzoya & Fidelia Ohemeng (2017) : ‘Bra, Sɛn, Yɛnkↄ... That is All I Know in Akan’: How Female Migrants From Rural North Survive with Minimum Bilingualism in Urban Markets in Ghana
[26616]   Apenteng, Monica Amoah & Nana Aba Appiah Amfo (2014) : The Form and Function of English Loanwords in Akan
[28369]   Appah, Clement Kwamina Insaidoo (2016) : Akan verb-noun compounds
[23885]   Awah, Valerie Nahjella (1997) : Wh-movement in Mungaka: a generative approach
[1287]   Bahuchet, Serge (197-) : Les pygmées Aka et Baka: contribution de l’ethnolinguistique a l’histoire des populations forestieres d’Afrique centrale
[1289]   Bahuchet, Serge (1985) : Les pygmées Aka et la forêt centrafricaine: éthnologie écologique
[1288]   Bahuchet, Serge (Ed) (1979) : Pygmées de Centrafrique: études ethnologiques, historiques et linguistiques sur les “Ba.Mbenga” (aka/baka) du nord-ouest du bassin congolais
[1290]   Bahuchet, Serge & Jacqueline M. C. Thomas (1986) : Linguistique et histoire des pygmées de l’ouest du bassin congolais
[1324]   Bakatumana, Ntumba (1986) : Les réflexes dans les phonèmes proto-bantu en kinyakasenga
[1370]   Baleke, M. (1979) : Étude géolinguistique des dialectes yaka (phonologie et morphologie)
[1372]   Balep, Lydie Ngo (19--) : Essai d’analyse contrastive de la determination nominale en français et en bakaa
[1378]   Balmer, William Turnbull & F. C. F. Grant (1929) : A grammar of the Fante-Akan language
[1624]   Barry, Abdoulaye (1987) : The Joola languages: subgrouping and reconstruction
[28878]   Beermann, Dorothee & Lars Hellan (2020) : Enhancing grammar and valence resources for Akan and Ga
[23644]   Berry, Jack & Agnes Akosua Aidoo (1975) : An introduction to Akan
[2312]   Betti, Jean L. (2004) : An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants among the Baka Pygmies in the Dja Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon
[26658]   Blench, Roger M. (2014) : The Shakara [=Tari] language of Central Nigeria and its affinities
[27016]   Blench, Roger M. , Philippe Aviwaï & Tony Smith (2009) : Baka: A highly endangered language of Northern Cameroun
[2650]   Boadi, Lawrence A. (1968) : Some aspects of Akan deep syntax
[2652]   Boadi, Lawrence A. (1972) : The development of some affixes in the Bia and Central Akan subgroups of Tano
[2655]   Boadi, Lawrence A. (1990) : Questions in Akan
[23656]   Boadi, Lawrence A. (1975) : The associative in Akan: a semantic interpretation
[23739]   Boadi, Lawrence A. (1984) : Busumur and the Akan language in Koelle‘s ‘Polyglotta’
[25221]   Boadi, Lawrence A. (2008) : Tense, Aspect and Mood in Akan
[3011]   Bouquiaux, Luc & Jacqueline M. C. Thomas (1994) : Quelques problèmes comparatifs de langues bantoues C10 des confins oubanguiens: le cas du mbati, du ngando et de l’aka
[3051]   Boyd, Raymond (1994) : Historical perspectives on Chamba Daka
[3054]   Boyd, Raymond (1995) : De l’expression et de l’expressivité en morphologie: analyse comparée de la dérivation verbale en zande et en nzakala
[24458]   Boyd, Raymond (2004) : The syntax and semantics of the Chamba-Daka verbal noun
[25748]   Boyd, Raymond (2010) : Subordination from a Chamba-Daka perspective
[26277]   Boyd, Raymond (1996-7) : Chamba Daka and Bantoid: A further look at Chamba Daka classification
[3045]   Boyd, Raymond & Helma Pasch (1988) : Le groupe sere-ngbaka-mba
[27156]   Brindle, Jonathan (2017) : A dictionary and grammatical outline of Chakali
[27690]   Brindle, Jonathan A. (2015) : Why is Chakali still spoken?
[24744]   Brindle, Jonathan Allen (2009) : On the Identification of Noun Class and Gender Systems in Chakali
[26152]   Brindle, Jonathan Allen & Samuel Awinkene Atintono (2012) : A Comparative Study of Topological Relation Markers in Two Gur Languages: Gurenɛ and Chakali
[3283]   Brisson, Robert (1984) : Lexique français-baka
[28091]   Brisson, Robert (2010) : Petit dictionnaire baka-français - sud-Cameroun
[28092]   Brisson, Robert (2010) : Lexique français-baka - sud-Cameroun
[3282]   Brisson, Robert & Daniel Boursier (1979) : Petit dictionnaire baka-français
[3477]   Bundo, Daisuke (2001) : Social relationship embodied in singing and dancing performances among the Baka
[23006]   Cahill, Michael [Clark] (1985) : An autosegmental analysis of Akan nasality and tone
[3647]   Campbell, Richard (1988) : Verbal inflection in Kwawu Akan
[3649]   Campbell, Richard (1998) : A note on subject clitics in Akan
[26958]   Casali, Roderic F. (2012) : [+ATR] dominance in Akan
[25292]   Charette, Monik (1984) : Analyse phonologique des emprunts en dida de Niakassé
[26487]   Cheucle, Marion (2014) : Etude comparative des langues makaa-njem (bantu A80) : phonologie, morphologie, Lexique - Vers une reconstruction du proto-A80
[4187]   Clark, D. (1---) : Akarimojong manuscript grammar
[4229]   Clements, George N. (1984) : Vowel harmony in Akan: a consideration of Stewart’s word structure conditions
[4232]   Clements, George N. (1985) : Akan vowel harmony: a nonlinear analysis
[23958]   Clements, George N. (1981) : Akan vowel harmony: a nonlinear analysis
[4267]   Cloarec-Heiss, France & Jacqueline M. C. Thomas (1978) : L’aka, langue bantoue des pygmées de Mongoumba (Centrafrique). Introduction à l’étude linguistique: phonologie
[4355]   Coker, Increase H. E. (1954) : Grammar of African names: an outline guide to the study and appreciation of African names selected from the Akan (Gold Coast), Yoruba, Ibo, Ijaw and Efik-Ibibio language groups
[4399]   Colldén, D. & Lisa Colldén (197-) : Kisakata, grammatik
[4400]   Colldén, D. & Lisa Colldén (197-) : Ordbok kisakata-svenska, svenska-kisakata
[27271]   Coly, Jules-Jacques (2014) : Noun formation strategies in Maaka
[27251]   Coly, Jules-Jacques & Anne Storch (2017) : Semantics of number marking in Maaka
[28910]   Commission Nationale de Linguistique du Togo (1983) : Listes lexicales du Togo
[4453]   Connell, Bruce A. (1991) : Phonetic aspects of the Lower-Cross languages and their implications for sound change
[25548]   Connell, Bruce , William Bennett , Inoma Essien , Ebitare Obikudo , Akin Akinlabi & Ozo-mekuri Ndimele (2012) : Defaka and Ịjọ – A reassessment of the Ijoid relationship
[4551]   Cordemans, A.-T. (19--) : Vocabulaire “basakata”, non-publié
[4639]   Cowan, J. Ronayne (1981) : The syntax of Baka and Kresh
[24293]   Creissels, Denis (1982) : Note sur les prédicatifs du maukakan
[25043]   Creissels, Denis (1982) : Document lexical Maukakan (parler manding du Maou)
[27725]   Creissels, Denis & Yaya Dramé (2019) : Tonologie du mandinka du Pakaawu
[4795]   Cutler, Sue A. & Abu Varflai Talawoley (1981) : A learner directed approach to Maniyaka: a handbook on communication and culture with dialogs, texts, cultural notes, exercises, drills, and instructions
[23625]   Cutler, Sue A. & David J. Dwyer (1981) : Maniyaka: a reference handbook of phonetics, grammar, lexicon and learning procedures
[24408]   Dacko, Bruno (1978?) : Le Ngbaka Bobangui : Esquisse phonologique - Etude de lʼénoncé minimal et des nominaux
[5038]   Dawili, Nabina (1997) : Premier essai bibliographique des ngbaka
[28358]   De Veaugh-Geiss, Joseph P. (2021) : nà-Cleft (non-)exhaustivity: Variability in Akan
[5223]   Deschamps, Hubert Jules (1936) : Le dialecte antaisaka (langue malgache)
[5347]   Diarra, Sékou Oumar (1992) : Eléments de description du fuladugukakan de sébékoro (parler manding du Mali)
[24245]   Diarra, Sékou Oumar (1992) : Le système tonal du fuladugukakan
[27289]   Diop, Abdou Kounta (1994) : Contribution à l'étude dialectologique du wolof : le lebou de Ouakam
[23834]   Djoupée, Bertille (2002) : Morphologie nominale du baka
[24152]   Djoupée, Bertille (2005) : Les nominaux à expansion en baka
[27137]   Djoupée, Bertille (2017) : La prédication nominale en ɓaka
[5614]   Dolphyne, Florence Abena (1971) : A classification of Akan verb stems
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[26395]   Dramé, Malamine (1976) : Description générale du diakanké de Guinée
[28419]   Duah, Reginald Akuoko & Obadele Kambon (2020) : On the Structure of Causatives in Akan
[5784]   Duke, Daniel [Joseph] (2001) : Aka as a contact language: sociolinguistic and grammatical evidence
[5879]   Dyson-Hudson, Rada (1962) : An Akarimojong-English check list of the trees of southern Karamojong
[5920]   Ebanda, wa Kalema (1990) : Esquisse phonologique du nzakara, un parler oubanguien
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[25982]   Epelboin, Alain, Avec La Collaboration De Bobino Topesua Mbabo Patrice (2004) : “Nous avons creusé la terre” : igname toxique et accident domestique chez les Aka
[6278]   Erasmus, J. S. & Kenneth L. Baucom (1976) : Fanakalo through the medium of English: a language laboratory course
[25780]   Ermisch, Sonja (2009) : Focus and topic constructions in Akan
[6345]   Essilfie, Thomas (1999) : Space, time and agency in Akan: syntactic and semantic interconnections in locative sentences
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[6493]   Farina, Felice (1986) : Nakarimojon-English and English-Nakarimojon dictionary
[6555]   Ferraz, Luiz Ivens (1984) : Fanakalo: a pidgin caught in a crisis
[6762]   Forson, Barnabas K. (1968) : A description of language situations classified in a corpus representing a bilingual register range (Akan varieties and English)
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[24406]   Grandʼeury, Sylvie (1991) : Le Parler ngbaka minagende, langue oubanguienne du Zaïre : Unités de base, prédication et énonciation
[27753]   Grubic, Mira , Agata Renans & Reginald Akuoko Duah (2019) : Focus, exhaustivity and existence in Akan, Ga and Ngamo
[7944]   Gyekye, Kwame (1987) : An essay on African philosophical thought: the Akan conceptual scheme
[8178]   Hanson, Kobena T. (2004) : Rethinking the Akan household: acknowledging the importance of culturally and linguistically meaningful images
[8184]   Harford [Perez], Carolyn (1991) : Object asymmetries in Kitharaka
[8186]   Harford [Perez], Carolyn (1997) : Empty operator raising in Kitharaka
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[8430]   Heath, Daniel (1991) : Tone in the Makaa associative construction
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[22877]   Heath, Daniel & Teresa Heath (1994) : Preposed constituents and discontinuities in Makaa discourse
[8436]   Heath, Teresa (2003) : Makaa (A83)
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[8620]   Henrix, Marcel (2000) : Dictionnaire ngbaka-français
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