WEBBALL : 1624, type : Thesis, mots-clés : waf;sng;gmb;gnb;lng;lcl;rcn;u.831;ths;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Afinyaam (00009), Banjaal (00008), Kuluunay (02319), Blis (02304), Efok (00010), Esuuləəlu (00014), Elana (00012), Fogny (00012), Jaŋ (00012), Kanyobong (00012), Kuricaakay (00012), Tenduck (00012), Gulompaay (00016), Gusiilaay (00009), Huluf (00013), Karoon (00015), Keeraku (00011), Kuwaatay (00017), Bayoot (00007), Gubaare (00007), Kuxinge (00007).    Langue du texte : en

Barry, Abdoulaye (1987). The Joola languages: subgrouping and reconstruction. School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London (PhD thesis).

Date de la dernière modification : 2020-04-21