3 langues concernées

29 titres trouvés

[22307]   [Anonymous] (1984) : A problemática da alfabetização em Moçambique
[1469]   Banda, Felix (1998) : The classification of languages in Zambia and Malawi
[1815]   Batibo, Herman M. (2000) : The linguistic situation of Tanzania
[4012]   Chauma, Amos M. , Moira [Primula] [Frances] Chimombo & Al[fred] D. Mtenje (1997) : Problems and prospects for the introduction of vernacular languages in primary education: the Malawi experience
[7171]   Gerdes, Paulus (Ed) (1993) : A numeração em Moçambique: contribução para uma reflexão sobre cultura, língua e educação matemática
[8649]   Herbert, Robert K. & Thomas N. Huffman (1993) : A new perspective on Bantu expansion and classification: linguistic and archaeological evidence fifty years after Doke
[8984]   Holden, Claire Janaki (2002) : Bantu language trees reflect the spread of farming across sub-Saharan Africa: a maximum-parsimony analysis
[9020]   Hombert, Jean-Marie & Larry Michael Hyman (Ed) (1999) : Bantu historical linguistics: theoretical and empirical perspectives
[10096]   Jungraithmayr, Herrmann & Wilhelm Johann Georg Möhlig (1983) : Lexikon der Afrikanistik: afrikanische Sprachen und ihre Erforschung
[10596]   Kähler-Meyer, Emmi (1963) : Bantu-Tonsprachen und -Nichttonsprachen in Tanganyika
[10605]   Kähler-Meyer, Emmi (1971) : Niger-Congo, Eastern Bantu
[24891]   Kamba-Muzenga, Jean-Georges (2003) : Substitutifs et possessifs en bantou
[12745]   Maho, Jouni Filip (1999) : A comparative study of Bantu noun classes
[12759]   Maho, Jouni Filip (2003) : A classification of the Bantu languages: an update of Guthrie’s referential system
[23272]   Maho, Jouni Filip (2004) : Indices to Bantu languages
[23273]   Maho, Jouni Filip (2006?) : Comparative TMA morphology in Niger-Congo:the case of persistive, and some other, markers in Bantu
[23274]   Maho, Jouni Filip (2006) : The linear ordering of TAM/NEG markers in Bantu, and a few historical implications
[23352]   Maho, Jouni Filip (2006) : A referential classification of the Bantu languages: keeping Guthrie’s system updated - Preliminary version
[24882]   Maho, Jouni Filip (2008) : The Bantu Bibliography
[14242]   Moto, Francis B. (2001) : Language and societal attitudes: a study of Malawi’s ‘new language’
[14305]   Moyo, Themba (2003) : Language loss and language decay of Malawi’s indigenous languages
[15094]   Ngunga, Armindo Saul Atelela (2001) : Language policy for education and the media in Mozambique: an alternative perspective
[15466]   Nurse, Derek (1997) : Languages of eastern and southern Africa in historical perpective
[15475]   Nurse, Derek & Gérard Philippson (2003) : Towards a historical classification of the Bantu languages
[15397]   Nurse, George Trevor (1967) : The name ‘Akafula’
[17557]   Rubagumya, Cashmir M. (1990) : Language in Tanzania
[20635]   Wald, Benji [Victor] (1994) : East Coast Bantu and the evolution of constraints on passivization
[20637]   Wald, Benji [Victor] (1998) : Issues in the north/south syntactic split of East Bantu
[21300]   Wilson, Monica Hunter (1958) : The peoples of the Nyasa-Tanganyika corridor