WEBBALL : n° 14242,
type : Journal Article,
mots-clés : caf;eaf;mlw;lng;scl;bnt;y.331;y.241;bnt;n.00;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Malawi
(*? 419 ou 484 ?).
Langue du texte : en
Moto, Francis B. (2001).
Language and societal attitudes: a study of Malawi’s ‘new language’. Nordic journal of African studies 10-3., pp. 320-343.
Notes : A study of Malawian youth language, which “is made of words that are newly coined from Malawi’s indigenous languages and a venacularization of the words of some foreign languages such as French and English as well as the dead language Latinm” (from the abstract). Available for download at ‹www.njas.helsinki.fi›.
Date de la dernière modification : 2007-09-18