WEBBALL : 4012, type : Book Section, mots-clés : caf;eaf;mlw;edc;lng;bnt;n.00;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Malawi (90025).    Langue du texte : en

Chauma, Amos M., Moira [Primula] [Frances] Chimombo & Al[fred] D. Mtenje (1997). Problems and prospects for the introduction of vernacular languages in primary education: the Malawi experience. In Smieja, B. (Ed), Proceedings of the LICCA Workshop in Dar es Salaam, Duisburg : Languages in Contact and Conflict in Africa (LICCA), Gerhard Mercator University., pp. 37-46.

Date de la dernière modification : 2007-09-29