WEBBALL : n° 13365,
type : Book,
mots-clés : naf;mrc;lng;grm;phn;smn;x.111;ths;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Berber
Langue du texte : en
McClelland, Clive W. (2000).
The interrelations of syntax, narrative, structure and prosody in a Berber language. Lewiston NY & Lampeter UK : Edwin Mellen Press. xxi, 371 pp.
ISBN(10) 0-7734-7740-3
Notes : Publication of the author’s dissertation ‘Interrelations of prosody, clause structure and discourse pragmatics in Tarifit Berber’ (xxvi+276 pp), University of Texas at Arlington, 1996.
Date de la dernière modification : 2007-09-18