4 langues concernées

01796Afro-Asiatique > Couchitique > Oriental > oromo (borana-arsi-guji)   (gax)
NomsArssie Oromo ; Arusi ; Boraana ; Boraana Oromo ; Boran ; Borana ; Gabra ; Galla (Borana) ; Galligna ; Oromo ; Oromo (Booran) ; Oromo (Boorana) ; borana ; gabbra

29 titres trouvés

[798]   Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1957) : Some preliminary observations on the Borana dialect of Galla
[802]   Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1960) : The categories of number in noun forms in the Borana dialect of Galla
[815]   Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1970) : The role of tone in the Borana dialect of Galla
[844]   Aneesa, Kassam (1984) : La geste de Rennarde - variations sur un conte gabbra: étude ethno-linguistique
[1737]   Bassi, Marco (1988) : On the Borana calendrical system: a preliminary field report
[26497]   Bitima, Tamene (2013) : A Dictionary of Oromo Technical Terms; Oromo-English
[4521]   Cooper, Robert L. , B. N. Singh & Abraha Ghermazion (1976) : Mother tongue and other tongue in Kefa and Arusi
[5383]   Diffabachew Demissie (1971) : Mutual word borrowing between Amharic and Galligna
[6401]   Ezra Ayele (1987) : Object language used in Arssie Oromo society
[9091]   Houghton, S. M. (1960) : Borana grammar notes
[9589]   Imai, Ichori (1982) : Small stock management and goat naming systems of the pastoral Gabra
[12115]   Leus, Ton (1995) : Borana dictionary: a Borana book for the study of language and culture
[16078]   Owens, Jonathan (1980) : Observations on tone in the Booran dialect of Oromo
[16080]   Owens, Jonathan (1982) : Case in the Booran dialect of Oromo
[17875]   Sasse, Hans-Jürgen (1973) : Elemente der Galla-Sprache (Borana Dialekt)
[24774]   Schlee, Günther & Abdullahi Shongolo (2007) : Boran Proverbs in their Cultural Context
[24886]   Stroomer, Harry (2008) : A Grammar of Boraana Oromo (Kenya). Phonology, Morphology, Vocabularies
[19187]   Stroomer, Harry J. (1987) : A comparative study of three Oromo dialects in Kenya: phonology, morphology and vocabulary
[19188]   Stroomer, Harry J. (1988) : On the base form and the non-base form of words in the Boorana, Orma and Waata dialects of Oromo
[19190]   Stroomer, Harry J. (1995) : A grammar of Boraana Oromo (Kenya): phonology, morphology, vocabularies
[19311]   Tablino, Paolo (1988) : The calculation of time among the Gabra of Kenya
[20309]   Venturino, Bartolomeo (1973) : Dizionario borana-italiano
[20310]   Venturino, Bartolomeo (1976) : Dizionario italiano-borana
[26575]   Voigt, Rainer (2013) : On Cushitic verbal innovation in Oromo
[20453]   Voigt, Rainer Maria (1984) : Zu den stimmlosen Vokalen des Borana
[20455]   Voigt, Rainer Maria (1985) : Tone types of nouns in Borana
[20785]   Webster, Eric J. (19--) : Boran dictionary
[20786]   Webster, Eric J. (19--) : Boran grammar
[20787]   Webster, Eric J. (1960) : The particle in Boran