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16 titres trouvés
[798] Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1957) : Some preliminary observations on the Borana dialect of Galla
[802] Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1960) : The categories of number in noun forms in the Borana dialect of Galla
[815] Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1970) : The role of tone in the Borana dialect of Galla
[1737] Bassi, Marco (1988) : On the Borana calendrical system: a preliminary field report
[8552] Heine, Bernd & Matthias Brenzinger (1988) : Plant concepts and plant use: an ethnobotanical survey of the semi-arid and arid lands of East Africa, part IV: plants of the Borana (Ethiopia and Kenya)
[9091] Houghton, S. M. (1960) : Borana grammar notes
[12115] Leus, Ton (1995) : Borana dictionary: a Borana book for the study of language and culture
[17875] Sasse, Hans-Jürgen (1973) : Elemente der Galla-Sprache (Borana Dialekt)
[24774] Schlee, Günther & Abdullahi Shongolo (2007) : Boran Proverbs in their Cultural Context
[20309] Venturino, Bartolomeo (1973) : Dizionario borana-italiano
[20310] Venturino, Bartolomeo (1976) : Dizionario italiano-borana
[20453] Voigt, Rainer Maria (1984) : Zu den stimmlosen Vokalen des Borana
[20455] Voigt, Rainer Maria (1985) : Tone types of nouns in Borana
[20785] Webster, Eric J. (19--) : Boran dictionary
[20786] Webster, Eric J. (19--) : Boran grammar
[20787] Webster, Eric J. (1960) : The particle in Boran