7 langues concernées
120 titres trouvés
[22096] [Anonymous] (1949) : Setswana and Xhosa grammatical terms
[22225] [Anonymous] (1974) : First steps in spoken Setswana
[22260] [Anonymous] (1979) : Tlhofofatso ketapele ya puo ya Setswana / Simplified introduction to Setswana grammar
[22275] [Anonymous] (1981) : Setswana standard orthography 1981
[22295] [Anonymous] (1983) : Setswana-English, English-Setswana word list
[22324] [Anonymous] (1987) : Bua Setswana
[22381] [Anonymous] (1999) : The sound system of Setswana
[22382] [Anonymous] (2000) : The structure of Setswana sentences: an introduction
[1231] Baaitse, Montlenyane & Ahmed el Amin (1992) : Setswana: time for a revolution
[1280] Bagwasi, Mompoloki M. (2004) : The functional distribution of Setswana and English in Botswana
[1798] Batibo, Herman M. (1996) : The role of language in the discovery of cultural history: reconstructing Setswana speakers’ cultural past
[1807] Batibo, Herman M. (1998) : The Proto-Bantu cultural vocabulary in southern Bantu: the case of Setswana
[1809] Batibo, Herman M. (1999) : A lexicostatistical survey of the Setswana dialects spoken in Botswana
[1811] Batibo, Herman M. (1999) : The grammaticalization process in Setswana
[1820] Batibo, Herman M. (2004) : Setswana: an under-exploited national resource?
[1808] Batibo, Herman M. & D. Mae (1999) : The tone pattern of Setswana nominal forms
[28239] Bennett, Wm. G. (2019) : ‘Backwards’ sibilant palatalization in a variety of Setswana
[26857] Boyer, One & Elizabeth Zsiga (2013) : Phonological Devoicing and Phonetic Voicing in Setswana
[3340] Brown, John Tom (1993) : Setswana-English-Setswana dictionary
[3646] Campbell, Alec C. & Robert Karl Hitchcock (1985) : Some Setswana names of woody plants
[29048] Chebanne, Andy (2023) : A Note on Setswana Onomatopoeia
[4021] Chebanne, Andy M. (1996) : Intersuffixing in Setswana
[4025] Chebanne, Andy M. (2002) : Glides in Setswana
[23605] Chebanne, Andy M. (1992) : The Setswana i(n) verbal prefix
[23606] Chebanne, Andy M. (1993) : The imbrication of suffixes in Setswana
[23586] Clark, Raymond C. & David B. Hopkins (1979) : Setswana: teacher’s handbook
[4390] Cole, Desmond Thorne (1995) : Setswana - animals and plants (Setswana - ditshedi le dithlare)
[4726] Creissels, Denis (1996) : Conjunctive and disjunctive verb forms in Setswana
[4729] Creissels, Denis (1998) : Expansion and retraction of H domains in Setswana
[4733] Creissels, Denis (1999) : The role of tone in teh conjugation of Setswana
[4736] Creissels, Denis (2000) : A domain-based approach to Setswana tones
[22677] Creissels, Denis (2001) : Setswana ideophones, whither hence? The need for a social theory of ideophones
[4737] Creissels, Denis & Andy M. Chebanne (2000) : Dictionnaire français-setswana, setswana-français
[4727] Creissels, Denis , Andy M. Chebanne & H. W. Nkhwa (1997) : Tonal morphology of the Setswana verb
[5027] Davies, Ian R. L. , C. MacDermid , Greville G. Corbett , H. McCurk , D. Jerrett , T. Jerrett & P. Sowden (1992) : Color terms in Setswana: a linguistic and perceptual approach
[5163] Demuth, Katherine Alison (1989) : Discourse functions of independent pronouns in Setswana
[5162] Demuth, Katherine Alison & Mark Johnson (1989) : Interaction between discourse functions and agreement in Setswana
[5165] Demuth, Katherine Alison & Mark Johnson (1989) : Discourse functions of agreement in Setswana
[5353] Dichabe, Soipati Bernice (1997) : Advanced tongue root harmony in Setswana
[5769] Dufberg, Mats (1984) : Labialiserade konsonanter i setswana: en akustisk analysis [Labialized consonants in Setswana: an acoustic analysis]
[5770] Dufberg, Mats (1987) : Why two labialization strategies in Setswana?
[25996] Groenewald, Hendrik Johannes (2009) : Using Technology Transfer to Advance Automatic Lemmatisation for Setswana
[23587] Hopkins, David B. (1979) : Setswana: communication and culture handbook
[23588] Hopkins, David B. (1979) : Setswana: special skills handbook
[23589] Hopkins, David B. (1979) : Setswana: grammar handbook
[9781] Janson, Tore (1982) : A bibliography of Setswana, Sepedi and Sesotho, 1945-1981
[9783] Janson, Tore (1985) : Labialization in Setswana: phonetics and phonology
[9784] Janson, Tore (1987) : What happens to Setswana?
[9786] Janson, Tore (1990) : Setswana-English word list
[9788] Janson, Tore & Joseph Tsonope (1991) : Birth of a national language: the history of Setswana
[10696] Kgasa, Morulaganyi L. A. (1972) : The development of Setswana
[10697] Kgasa, Morulaganyi L. A. (1976) : Thanodi ya Setswana ya dikole [Setswana dictionary for schools]
[10698] Kgasa, Morulaganyi L. A. & Joseph Tsonope (1995) : Thanodi ya Setswana [Setswana dictionary]
[29044] Kgolo-Lotshwao, Naledi , Sonja Eisenbeiss & Thapelo J. Otlogetswe (2023) : Evaluating the representativeness of the Setswana corpus using behavioral data
[10915] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne (1990) : Morphological high tones in Sesotho and Setswana
[10916] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne & Sheila Onkaetse Mmusi (1990) : The tonology of the object prefix in Setswana
[11397] Krüger, Casper J. H. (198-) : Elementary phonetics of Setswana
[11399] Krüger, Casper J. H. (1988) : Comparisons between co-ordination and other semantic relations in Setswana
[23784] Krüger, Casper J. H. (2006) : Introduction to the morphology of Setswana
[11398] Krüger, Casper J. H. & Jan Winston Snyman (1986) : The sound system of Setswana
[29040] Kula, Nancy & Lutz Marten (2023) : Morphosyntactic variation in Bantu: The case of Setswana
[12801] Makgone, V. L. (1996) : Setswana in basic education
[12857] Malimabe, Refilwe M. (1990) : The influence of non-standard varieties on the standard Setswana of high school pupils
[12858] Malimabe, Refilwe M. (1993) : The impact of economic factors on the development of vehicular languages, especially in the process of urbanization (with reference to Setswana)
[12869] Malope, M. R. (1998) : The state of Setswana lexicography
[13234] Matumo, Zacharia I. (1993) : Setswana-English-Setswana dictionary
[13654] Merriweather, Alfred M. (1965) : English-Setswana medical phrasebook and dictionary
[13740] Mhundwa, Philip H. (1999) : Comparative pragmatics: a contrastive survey of speech act categories in English, Setswana, Ikalanga and Shona
[13843] Mistry, Karen S. & Grace Gare (1969) : An introduction to spoken Setswana
[13896] Mmusi, Sheila Onkaetse (1992) : OCP violations in Setswana: evidence for redefining the OCP?
[13897] Mmusi, Sheila Onkaetse (1993) : Obligatory contour principle effects and violations: the case of Setswana verbal tone
[13919] Mogapi, Kgomotso (1979) : Thutapuo ya Setswana: mephato I-III
[13920] Mogapi, Kgomotso (1981) : Thutapuo ya Setswana: mephato IV le V
[13975] Mokaila, Dingaan Mpho (198-) : Setswana yesterday, today and tomorrow
[13985] Molalapata, Bontsi Tjanana (2005) : The treatment of kinship terminology in Sotho dictionaries, with special reference to Setswana
[23144] Molosiwa, Annah (2005) : Extinction or distinction? Empowering Setswana as the medium of instruction and instrument in Botswana schools
[14007] Molosiwa, Annah , N. Ratsoma & Joseph Tsonope (1998) : A comprehensive report on the use of Setswana at all levels of Botswana’s education system
[27371] Monich, Irina (2014) : Tonal Processes in the Setswana Verb
[14058] Mooko, Theophilus (2004) : An investigation into the state of use of Setswana to teach primary school mathematics
[27063] Morapedi, Setumile (2007) : The syntax of locative inversion and related constructions in Setswana : an approach to information structure in lexical functional grammar
[27064] Morapedi, Setumile (2010) : The syntax of locative inversion and related constructions in Setswana : an approach to information structure in lexical functional grammar
[14386] Mphusu, Bapasi (1988) : Setswana’s future
[14711] Mwikisa, Peter (1988) : Setswana, Sesotho and Silozi: a preliminary forecast of mutual intelligibility
[14712] Mwikisa, Peter (1989) : Enhancing mutual intellibibility among Sesotho, Setswana and Silozi: problems and prospects
[14858] Nato, Lerato Thandie (1985) : The description of the Setswana adjective
[15017] Nfila, Bokang Itumeleng (2002) : Standard in Setswana in Botswana
[16160] Palai, Esther Basadi & Laureen OʼHanlon (2004) : Word and phoneme frequency of occurence in conversational Setswana: a clinical linguistic application
[16380] Persson, Ulla (1983) : Låneord i setswana: en fonologisk studie [Loan words in Setswana: a phonological study]
[26001] Pretorius, Rigardt , Ansu Berg , Laurette Pretorius & Biffie Viljoen (2009) : Setswana Tokenisation and Computational Verb Morphology: Facing the Challenge of a Disjunctive Orthography
[22521] Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus (2004) : Revising Matumo’s Setswana-English-Setswana dictionary
[17021] Ramoshoana, D. M. (1939) : A study of Setswana words ; part 3
[17022] Ramoshoana, D. M. (1942) : Setswana words and phrases
[17023] Ramoshoana, D. M. (1943) : Setswana: a few dying words ; part 1
[17024] Ramoshoana, D. M. (1944) : Setswana: a few dying words ; part 2
[17025] Ramoshoana, D. M. (1945) : Some Setswana words not in Brown’s dictionary
[17026] Ramoshoana, D. M. (1946) : Setswana: a few dying words ; part 3
[17373] Rooy, Bertus van & Rigardt Pretorius (2003) : A word-class tagset for Setswana
[17811] Sandilands, Alexander (1940) : The first Setswana grammar
[18277] Seaborn, Bibiana Nalwindi (1979) : Vocabulary (Bua Setswana): Setswana-English, English-Setswana
[18278] Seaborn, Bibiana Nalwindi (1979) : Bua Setswana: a ten week introduction to speaking Setswana
[29038] Sebina, Boikanyego & Thapelo Otlogetswe (2023) : Vowels sex-based symbolism in Setswana personal names First and last names
[22669] Selvik, Kari-Anne (2001) : When a dance resembles a tree: a polysemy analysis of three Setswana noun classes
[18369] Sethibe, D. (1998) : The extent of cultural influence in Sebirwa from Setswana: a linguistic account
[18376] Setshogo, Moffat P. (1998) : Setswana plant names and the identification of local flora
[18766] Snyman, Jan Winston , J. S. Shole & J. C. le Roux (1990) : Dikishinare ya Setswana-English-Afrikaans dictionary/woordeboek
[18770] Snyman, Jan Winston , L. Moyane , B. M. Malefo & Refilwe M. Malimabe (1998) : The current position of Setswana in the Republic of South Africa
[19915] Trewby, Richard (1998) : The status of Setswana in education in Namibia
[19969] Tshinki, Abby Mosetsanagape (2002) : Code-switching in Setswana in Botswana
[19975] Tsonope, Joseph (1987) : A relational grammar analysis of the syntax of Setswana causative constructions
[19978] Tsonope, Joseph (1988) : The acquisition of Setswana noun class and agreement morphology: with special reference to demonstratives and possessives
[19979] Tsonope, Joseph (1991) : Impersonal passives in Setswana
[19980] Tsonope, Joseph (1991/92) : Historical implications for the Bantu prefix/concord relationship: evidence from Setswana child language
[20143] Ulin, R. O. (1975) : The future of Setswana in the schools
[20306] Venter, Willem Marthinus , Joseph Motlhasedi N. Ntsime & Ernest Sedumeni Moloto (1959) : An elementary handbook and language guide to learn Setswana without a tutor
[20542] Vossen, Rainer (1990) : Researching into second language use and usage: with special reference to SeTswana in Ngamiland, Botswana
[20551] Vossen, Rainer & Klaus Keuthmann (1995) : Linguistic variation and inter-dialect contact in Setswana: a preliminary report on current research
[20737] Watkins, Mark Hanna (1978) : Setswana phonemics: Sefokeng dialect
[21139] Wilken, Pam & Refilwe M. Malimabe (1994) : Understanding everyday Setswana: a vocabulary and reference book
[21475] Wookey, Alfred John (1963) : Tswana-English phrasebook (Puisanyo ya sekgowa le setswana), with a short introduction to grammar and a vocabulary
[21477] Wookey, Alfred John (1975) : Setswana-English phrasebook (Puisanyo ya Sekgowa le Setswana), with a vocabulary and short introduction to grammar