WEBBALL : n° 23144,
type : Book Section,
mots-clés : saf;bts;edc;lng;scl;bnt;s.31;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Setswana
Langue du texte : en
Molosiwa, Annah (2005).
Extinction or distinction? Empowering Setswana as the medium of instruction and instrument in Botswana schools. In Brock-Utne, B. & R. K. Hopson (Ed), Languages of instruction for African emancipation: focus on postcolonial contexts and considerations, Dar es Salaam & Cape Town : Mkuki na Nyota Publishers in association with the Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS).
Date de la dernière modification : 2007-07-27