169 langues concernées
18 titres trouvés
[22287] [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Zaïre, Monokutuba
[28164] Blench, Roger M. & Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] Williamson (2007) : Kolokuma Ịzọn dictionary
[26132] Blood, Cynthia L. (1999) : The Oku noun class system
[26134] Blood, Cynthia L. & Leslie K. Davis (compiled by) (1999) : Oku - English Provisional Lexicon
[22882] Davis, Leslie K. (1992) : A segmental phonology of the Oku language
[26133] Davis, Leslie K. (1997) : Tone in the Oku Noun and Verb
[23922] Hobgood, H. C. (1----) : Lokundo English grammar
[9233] Hulstaert, [Révérend] [Père] Gustaaf (1941) : Nederlands-lonkundo woordenboek
[10075] Jungraithmayr, Herrmann (1977) : Zum Verb im “Mokulu”
[24178] Koelle, Sigismund Wilhelm (1963 [1854]) : Polyglotta africana, or a comparative vocabulary of nearly three hundred words and phrases in more than one hundred distinct African languages
[23897] Nforbi, Emmanuel (1993) : Oku verb morphology: tense, aspect and mood
[15762] Ohta, Itaru (1986) : Turukanazoku no Goshusei [Reciprocity among the Turkana]
[24323] Paulin, Pascale (1995) : Etude comparative des langues du groupe Ring - langues Grassfields de l'ouest, Cameroun
[22915] Saunders, Philip & Arthur Eddie (1996) : Lexique sokuya: sokuya-français, français-sokuya
[21192] Williamson, Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] (1965) : A grammar of the Kolokuma dialect of Ijo
[21203] Williamson, Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] (1969) : A grammar of the Kolokuma dialect of Ijo
[28612] Yensi , Agnes Mbibeh (1996) : The noun class system of Oku
[23898] Yensi, Agnes Mbibeh (1996) : The noun class system of Oku