347 langues concernées

170 titres trouvés

[18]   Abbakar, J. , A. Abbakar , Y. Addeep , A. Neetyo , M. Banaat , A. Yuunus & Jacques Fédry (1975) : Sironte dangla/Manuel de dangaléat (est) pour scolarisés
[144]   Abu-Manga, Al-Amin (1995) : Behaviour of the Sudanese Arabic verbal stems in Sudanese Hausa
[146]   Abu-Manga, Al-Amin (1999) : Hausa in the Sudan: process of adaptation of Arabic
[184]   Adamte-Awate (1---) : English-vernacular handbook (English-Twi-Ga-Adangme-Ewe)
[558]   Ali, Abdel-Khalig (1996) : A prosodic account of syncope and epenthesis in Sudanese Colloquial Arabic
[25401]   Alio-Daouchane, Khalil (2008) : Contacts de langues et contacts de cultures dans les régions de l'Abou-Telfane et du Bahr Signakha (Guéra, Tchad)
[25226]   Ameka, Felix K. & Mary Esther Kropp Dakubu (2008) : Imperfective Constructions: Progressive and Prospective in Ewe and Dangme
[26722]   Amfo, Nana Aba Appiah (2011) : The Dangme clausal connective n
[783]   Anderson, Heidi (2005) : Intelligibility testing (RTT) between Mendankwe and Nkwen
[884]   Annett, Mary (1983) : L’expression de la localisation en langue mundani
[25368]   Annett, Mary (1987) : Exploring urban mother tongue literacy
[24487]   Apronti, Eric Ofoe (1977 [1972]) : Dangme
[1050]   Arpino, Ludovico dʼ (1938) : Vocabolario dall’italiano nelle versioni galla (oromo)-amara-dancala-somala
[28953]   Association pour la Promotion de la Langue Dangaléat (2016) : Dangaleat – French Dictionary
[1312]   Baird, Kathryn (1984) : The noun phrase in Mundani
[28353]   Baker, Mark C. & Bleu Gildas Gondo (2020) : Possession and nominalization in Dan: Evidence for a general theory of categories
[24846]   Baldi, Sergio (2007) : Les emprunts arabes en dangaleat
[1858]   Baumer, Michel (1975) : Noms vernaculaires soudanais utiles à l’écologiste
[1894]   Bearth, Thomas & Hugo Zemp (1967) : The phonology of Dan (Santa)
[2010]   Bell, G. W. (1953) : Some examples of Arabic slang used in the Sudan
[2092]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (1992) : Central Sudanic segmental and lexical reconstruction
[2101]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (1996) : Genetic sub-grouping of East Sudanic
[2116]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (2005) : The East Sudanic languages: lexicon and morphology
[2208]   Bergman, Elizabeth M. (2002) : Spoken Sudanese Arabic: grammar, dialogues and glossary
[2236]   Berry, Jack (1957) : Some notes on the pronunciation of the Krobo dialect of Adangme
[24960]   Birema, Ali Obeid (2006) : The Deviation of the Nubian Language of Kadero into Sudanese Colloquial Arabic
[3106]   Böhm, Gerhard (1992) : Zur Urspachstammesgeschichte der Papua und Sudanneger
[2822]   Bolli, Margrit (1975) : Étude prosodique du dan (blossé)
[2821]   Bolli, Margrit & Eva Flik (1973) : Phonological statement: Dan (Blossé)
[24428]   Boyeldieu, Pascal (2006) : Reflexes of a Labiovelar Series in Central Sudanic
[27786]   Boyeldieu, Pascal (2020) : Central Sudanic
[25811]   Boyeldieu, Pascal & Pierre Nougayrol (2009) : Les langues soudaniques centrales : essai d'evaluation
[3349]   Bruens, A. (1942/45) : The structure of Nkom and its relations to Bantu and Sudanic
[3467]   Bulck, V. van (1952) : International Bantu-Sudanese Team
[22902]   Burke, Lawrence R. (1995) : An introduction to the verbal system of Central Dangaleat
[3525]   Burton, G. S. M. (1934) : Sudan Arabic notebook
[26165]   Caesar, Regina Oforiwah (2012) : Negation in Dangme
[28825]   Caesar, Regina Oforiwah & Yvonne Akwele Amankwaa Ollennu (2018) : A morphosyntactic analysis of adjectives in two Kwa languages: Ga and Dangme
[24553]   Caron, Bernard (2002) : Notes de terrains sur les langues sud-Bauchi
[3926]   Cerulli, Enrico (1929/30) : Le stazioni lunari nelle nozioni astronomiche dei Somali e dei Danakil
[4040]   Chesley, William , Stephen Bagwell & Rosalind Bebb (2001) : Enquête sociolinguistique: dangaléat
[4356]   Colby, James (1961) : Danakil grammar (Lessons 1-16)
[5138]   Demolin, Didier (1988) : Some problems of phonological reconstruction in Central Sudanic
[5148]   Demolin, Didier (1999) : Tone in Central Sudanic languages
[27785]   Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. & Angelika Jakobi (2020) : Eastern Sudanic
[5494]   Djibrine, B. A. Z. , P. de Montgolfier & autres (1973) : Vocabulaire dangaléat - Kawo dangla
[5643]   Doneux, Jean Léonce (1968) : Esquisse grammaticale du dan
[5711]   Drexel, Albert (1924) : Parallèlles soudanais
[5946]   Ebobissé, Carl (1979) : Die Morphologie des Verbs im Ost-Dangaleat (Gurea, Tschad)
[5948]   Ebobissé, Carl (1987) : Les verbaux de dangaleat de l’est (Guera, Tchad): lexique français-dangaléat et allemand-dangaléat
[6024]   Ehret, Christopher (1973) : Patterns of Bantu and central Sudanic settlement in central and southern Africa (ca. 1000 BC - 500 AD)
[6050]   Ehret, Christopher (1993) : Nilo-Saharans and the Saharo-Sudanese neolithic
[6109]   Elderkin, Edward Derek (1983) : Tanzanian and Ugandan isolates
[6127]   Elders, Stefan (2000) : Grammaire mundang
[22678]   Elders, Stefan (2001) : Defining ideophones in Mundang
[24234]   Erman, Anna (2005) : Le grammaticalisateur -ga en dan-blo
[6583]   Fédry, Jacques (1969) : Syntagmes de détermination en dangaléat
[6586]   Fédry, Jacques (1971) : Phonologie du dangaléat (Tchad)
[6587]   Fédry, Jacques (1971) : Masculine, féminin et collectif en dangaléat
[6588]   Fédry, Jacques (1977) : Aperçu sur la phonologie et la tonologie de quatre langues du groupe “Mubi-Karbo” (Guéra): dangaléat est, dangaléat ouest, bidiyo, dyongor
[6590]   Fédry, Jacques (1981) : Le dangaléat
[6592]   Fédry, Jacques (1990) : Verbes monosyllabiques en dangaléat
[6584]   Fédry, Jacques , Jonas Khamis & Moussa Nedjei (1971) : Dictionnaire dangaléat (Tchad)
[22910]   Flik, Eva (1977) : Tone glides and registers in five Dan dialects
[22918]   Flik, Eva (1978) : Dan tense-aspect and discourse
[7101]   Gasim, A. (1965) : Some aspects of Sudanese colloquial Arabic
[7450]   Gouffé, Claude (1970/71) : Notes de lexicologie et d’étymologie soudanaises, I: a propos du nom du “moustique” et de la “moustiquaire”
[7455]   Gouffé, Claude (1971/72) : Notes de lexicologie et d’étymologie soudanaises, III: contacts de vocabulaire entre le haoussa et le berbère
[7594]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1950) : Studies in African linguistic classification. Part 5: the Eastern Sudanic family
[29116]   Güldemann, Tom (2022) : The historical-comparative status of East Sudanic
[8029]   Hagège, Claude [André] (197-) : About system constraints in the presentation of phonemes in Mundang
[8133]   Hamid, Abdel Halim M. (1984) : A descriptive analysis of Sudanese colloquial Arabic phonology
[8340]   Hause, Helen Engel (1948) : Terms for musical instruments in the Sudanic languages: a lexicostatistic inquiry
[8474]   Heine, Bernd (1970) : Eastern Sudanic subfamily: a linguistic relationship
[8824]   Hillelson, S. (1925) : Sudan Arabic: English-Arabic vocabulary
[8826]   Hillelson, S. (1935) : Sudan Arabic texts, with translation and glossary
[8891]   Hochstetler, J. Lee , J. A. Durieux & E. I. K. Durieux-Boon (2004) : Sociolinguistic survey of the Dogon language area
[8991]   Holscher, Dan , Monica Macaulay & Marnie Jo Petray (1991) : Tone metathesis in the Dangme imperative
[24940]   Holst, Jan Henrik (2007) : Nilotic and Eastern Sudanic Phonology in a Wider Perspective
[26768]   Houméga, Munseu Alida (2014) : Prédication non verbale en dan de l'ouest
[9373]   Hurreiz, Sayyid Hamid & Herman Bell (Ed) (1975) : Directions in Sudanese linguistics and folklore
[9548]   Idris, Hélène Fatima (2004) : The status and use of African languages versus Arabic in Sudan: a sociolinguistic survey in Nyala, Darfur
[9694]   Jacobs, John & Barthélémy Omeonga (2002) : Texte et lexique indanga (Kolmonyi, Kole, Kasaï Oriental)
[9846]   Jeffreys, Merwyn David Waldegrave (1952) : Corsali 1515 on Bantu and Sudanic languages
[10557]   Kaye, Alan S. (1976) : Chadian and Sudanese Arabic in the light of comparative Arabic dialectology
[11333]   Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (1964) : The morphology of the Adangme verb complex
[11334]   Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (1966) : Ga, Adangwe and Ewe (Lomé)
[11340]   Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (1970) : The Adangme verb reconsidered
[11342]   Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (1971) : The Gã-Adangme tone system
[11344]   Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (1971) : A problem in the reconstruction of the Ga-Adangme consonant system
[11345]   Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (1972) : Linguistic pre-history and historical reconstruction: the Ga-Adangme migrations
[11346]   Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (1972) : Towards a dialect geography of Dangme. Part 1
[11350]   Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (1973) : A survey of borrowed words in Dangme
[11360]   Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (1987) : The Dangme language
[25206]   Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (2006) : Earliest Ga-Dangme culture, from a linguistic point of view
[11352]   Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (Ed) (1977) : West African language data sheets 1
[23919]   Labaere, [Révérend] [Père] Hubert (1988) : Grammaire losindanga
[12433]   Lucas, Maurice (1935) : Renseignements ethnographiques et linguistiques sur les Danakils de Tadjourah
[12700]   Magba, Elizabeth Ann (1996) : The INFL constituent in the Mundani languages
[12725]   Mahmud, Ushari Ahmad (1982) : Language spread as a wavelike diffusion process: Arabic in the southern Sudan
[25467]   Makeeva, Nadezda (2010) : Pronoms réfléchis en kla-dan
[26781]   Makeeva, Nadezda (2013) : Les préverbes en kla-dan
[27496]   Makeeva, Nadezda (2017) : Conjonctions de taxis en kla-dan
[27505]   Makeeva, Nadezda (2018) : Marques rétrospectives en kla-dan
[14038]   Montgolfier, P. de (1973) : Dictionnaire dangaléat (est), kaawo dangla
[14216]   Motingea Mangulu, André (1992) : Le parler des Indanga: un des dialectes móngo les plus méridionaux
[14246]   Mouchet, Jean (1938) : Vocabulaires comparatifs de quinze parlers du Nord-Cameroun ; partie 1
[15537]   Nyombe, Bureng G. V. (1998) : The Sudanic and Nilotic languages
[16218]   Parker, Elizabeth (1981) : Some aspects of the phonology of Mundani
[16220]   Parker, Elizabeth (1985) : The Mundani verb
[16221]   Parker, Elizabeth (1985) : Mood, tense and aspect in Mundani
[16222]   Parker, Elizabeth (1985) : Relative clauses in Mundani
[16225]   Parker, Elizabeth (1986) : Mundani pronouns
[16226]   Parker, Elizabeth (1989) : Le nom et le syntagme nominal en mundani
[22876]   Parker, Elizabeth (1992) : Realis/irrealis morphology and the consecutive verb construction in Mundani
[22890]   Parker, Elizabeth (1991) : Complex sentences and subordination in Mundani
[22891]   Parker, Elizabeth (1991) : Conditionals in Mundani
[16227]   Parker, Elizabeth & Christine Durrant (1990) : Mundani-English lexicon
[16223]   Parker, Elizabeth & Mary Annett (1985) : Mundani-English lexicon
[16382]   Persson, Andrew M. & Janet Persson (1984) : Sudanese colloquial Arabic for beginners
[23092]   Persson, Andrew M. , Janet Persson & Ahmad Hussein (1980) : Sudanese colloquial Arabic for beginners
[27938]   Peust, Carsten (2017) : Dangla historical tonology
[27939]   Peust, Carsten (2016) : Supplements to West Dangla grammar
[27941]   Peust, Carsten (2014) : A morphological sketch of West Dangla (Chad)
[16873]   Prokosch, Erich (1983) : Omanisches Wortgut im Sudan-Arabischen
[16948]   Puplampu, D. A. (19--) : Guide to the writing of Adangme
[16949]   Puplampu, D. A. (1945) : A short Adangme-English word book
[16950]   Puplampu, D. A. (1945) : Outlines of Adangme grammar in English and in Adangme
[16951]   Puplampu, D. A. (1952) : An Adangme script, 1
[16952]   Puplampu, D. A. (1953) : Adangme manner of speech: a study of the Adangme language
[17008]   Raimy, Eric (1997) : Syllable repair in Sudanese Arabic
[17065]   Rapp, Eugen Ludwig (1943) : Die Adangme-Gã-Mundart von Agotime in Togo
[26955]   Rilly, Claude (2016) : The Wadi Howar Diaspora and its role in the spread of East Sudanic languages from the fourth to the first millenia BCE
[25287]   Rongier, Jacques (2003) : Documents lexicaux donnés au LLACAN par l’auteur
[17417]   Ross, James (1991) : A preliminary attempt at the reconstruction of proto-Eastern Sudanic phonology and lexicon
[17426]   Roth-Laly, Arlette (1969/72) : Lexique des parlers arabes tchado-soudanais/An arabic-English-French lexicon of the dialects spoken in the Chad-Sudan area
[18400]   Sharif, Gasim Awn al (1963) : Some aspects of Sudanese colloquial Arabic
[24598]   Shay, Erin (1999) : A Grammar of East Dangla: the Simple Sentence
[18440]   Shimizu, Kiyoshi & Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] Williamson (Ed) (1968) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist
[18890]   Sprigge, Robert Gavin Squire (1967) : Collected field reports on tone in Adángbe dialect of Ewe
[24493]   Sprigge, Robert Gavin Squire (1977 [1973]) : Ewe (Adangbe Dialect)
[19147]   Stopa, Roman (1977) : The evoltuion of click sounds in West Sudanic
[25400]   Takács, Gábor (Ed) (2008) : Semito-Hamitic festschrift for A.B. Dolgopolsky and H. Jungraithmayr
[27566]   Tamis, Rianne & Janet Persson (2013) : Sudanese Arabic-English / English-Sudanese Arabic: A Concise Dictionary
[19579]   Thomas, Northcote Whitridge (1920) : The Sudanic languages
[19582]   Thomas, Northcote Whitridge (1920) : Sudanic names for the domestic fowl
[19587]   Thomas, Northcote Whitridge (1921/22) : Duplex stems in Sudanic languages
[19588]   Thomas, Northcote Whitridge (1921/22) : Determination and indetermination in Sudanic languages
[19924]   Trigger, Bruce G. (1964) : Meroitic and Eastern Sudanic: a linguistic relationship?
[19925]   Trigger, Bruce G. (1966) : The languages of the northern Sudan: an historical perspective
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[19928]   Trimingham, John Spencer (1946) : Sudan colloquial Arabic
[19947]   Trudinger, Ronald (1942/44) : [Padang (Dinka) dictionary]
[19949]   Trutenau, H. Max J. (1973) : A historical note on the size of the Akan, Gã and Dangme speaking populations in Ghana
[20018]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1940) : The eastern Sudanic languages
[28131]   Valentin Vydrin (2020) : The neutral aspect in Eastern Dan
[20509]   Vorbichler, Anton (1974) : Zur Problem der Sprachmischung in zentralsudanischen Sprachen
[24235]   Vydrin, Valentin (2007) : Les adjectifs en dan-gwèètaa. Suivi des Annexes: Fonctions syntaxiques des formes des adjectifs
[25133]   Vydrin, Valentin (2008) : Dictionnaire Dan-Français (dan de lʼEst)
[27790]   Vydrin, Valentin (2020) : Dan
[28286]   Vydrin, Valentin (2021) : Esquisse de grammaire du dan de l'Est (dialecte de Gouèta)
[28288]   Vydrin, Valentin (2021) : Dictionnaire dan de l’Est-français - suivi d’un index français-dan
[28355]   Vydrin, Valentin (2021) : Deverbal and deadjectival nominalization in Dan: Not as different as one might think. A reply to Baker & Gondo (2020)
[28742]   Vydrin, Valentin (2022) : Genitival constructions in Eastern Dan
[20782]   Weber, Joan & Martin Weber (1987) : A phonology of Kwanja (Súndàní dialect)
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[25271]   Wolf, Katharina (2010) : Une enquête socio-linguistique parmi les Amdang (Mimi) du Tchad
[21489]   Worsley, A. (1925) : Sudanese grammar
[21604]   Yokwe, Eluzai Moga (1984) : Arabicization and language policy in the Sudan
[28138]   Zheltov, Alexander (2020) : Plurality marking in Leko and Yendang groups (Adamawa, Niger-Congo) with some reference to noun classification