15 langues concernées

00731Niger-Congo > Benue-Congo > Bantoïde > Grassfields > Ring > oku   (oku)
NomsOku ; oku

8 titres trouvés

[26132]   Blood, Cynthia L. (1999) : The Oku noun class system
[26134]   Blood, Cynthia L. & Leslie K. Davis (compiled by) (1999) : Oku - English Provisional Lexicon
[22882]   Davis, Leslie K. (1992) : A segmental phonology of the Oku language
[26133]   Davis, Leslie K. (1997) : Tone in the Oku Noun and Verb
[23897]   Nforbi, Emmanuel (1993) : Oku verb morphology: tense, aspect and mood
[24323]   Paulin, Pascale (1995) : Etude comparative des langues du groupe Ring - langues Grassfields de l'ouest, Cameroun
[28612]   Yensi , Agnes Mbibeh (1996) : The noun class system of Oku
[23898]   Yensi, Agnes Mbibeh (1996) : The noun class system of Oku