152 langues concernées

5 titres trouvés

[5666]   Doornbos, Paul & Marvin Lionel Bender (1983) : Languages of Wadai-Darfur
[10079]   Jungraithmayr, Herrmann (1978) : A lexical comparison of Dafur and Wadai Daju
[24178]   Koelle, Sigismund Wilhelm (1963 [1854]) : Polyglotta africana, or a comparative vocabulary of nearly three hundred words and phrases in more than one hundred distinct African languages
[12464]   Lukas, Johannes (1938) : Die Sprache der Sungor in Wadai
[12465]   Lukas, Johannes & O. Völckers (1938/39) : G. Nachtigal’s Aufzeichnungen über die Sprache der Mimi in Wadai