15 langues concernées

163 titres trouvés

[22184]   [Anonymous] (1969) : Ethnological and linguistic studies in honour of N. J. van Warmelo: essays contributed on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday 28 January 1969
[22217]   [Anonymous] (1973) : Essays on literature and language presented to prof. T. M. H. Endemann by his colleagues
[22242]   [Anonymous] (1976) : L’améloration et la coordination de la contribution européene a l’enseignement des langues en Afrique
[22301]   [Anonymous] (1984) : African ethnonyms and toponyms: reports and papers of the meeting of experts organized by Unesco in Paris, 3-7 July 1978
[189]   Adebayo, A. G. (1995) : Modern European and Nigerian languages in contact
[192]   Adegbija, Efurosibina [Emmanuel] (1994) : Language attitudes in sub-Saharan Africa: a sociolinguistic overview
[394]   Akinlabí, Akinbiyi M. (Ed) (1995) : Theoretical approaches to African linguistics
[901]   Ansre, Gilbert (1977) : Four rationalizations for maintaining European languages in education in Africa
[1484]   Banjo, Ayo & others (Ed) (1981) : West African studies in modern language teaching and research
[1574]   Barnouw, Adrian J. (1934) : Language and race relations in South Africa
[1769]   Bates-Mims, Merelyn B. (1986) : Chez les noirs: a comparative-historical analysis of pidgin and creole languages
[2202]   Berghe, Pierre van den (1967/68) : European languages and Black mandarins
[2459]   Bitima, Tamene (1996) : European loanwords in Afaan Oromoo
[2495]   Blakemore, Kenneth & Brian Cooksey (1981) : A sociology of education for Africa
[2750]   Bokamba, Eyamba Georges (Ed) (1979) : Language policies in African education
[2824]   Bomhard, Allan R. (1984) : Toward proto-Nostratic: a new approach to the comparison of proto-Indo-European and proto-Afroasiatic
[2932]   Botha, T. J. R. (1977) : Watername in Natal
[3176]   Brann, Conrad Max Benedict (1978) : Functions of world languages in West Africa
[3178]   Brann, Conrad Max Benedict (1980) : Mother tongue, other tongue and further tongue
[3179]   Brann, Conrad Max Benedict (1981) : The future of European languages in Africa
[3181]   Brann, Conrad Max Benedict (1984) : Afro-Saxons and Afro-Romans: language policies in sub-Saharan Africa
[3334]   Brown, David (1989) : Speaking in tongues: apartheid and language in South Africa
[3352]   Brugnatelli, Vermondo (Ed) (1994) : Sem Cam Iafet: atti della 7a giornata di studi camito-semitici e indoeuropei, Milano 1o giugno 1993
[3362]   Brunner, Linus (1969) : Die gemeinsamen Wurzeln des semitischen und indo-germanischen Wortschatzes: Versuch einer Etymologie
[3434]   Budack, Kuno Franz Robert (1988) : Inter-ethnic names for white men in South West Africa
[3560]   Bynoe-Andriolo, Esla Y. & Mohamed Sorie Yillah (1975) : Predicative clefting in Afro-European creoles
[3830]   Carstens, Vicky May & Frederick Parkinson (Ed) (1999) : Advances in African linguistics: papers presented at the 28th annual conference on African linguistics, held July 18-22, 1977, Cornell University
[4050]   Chick, J. Keith (1989) : Intercultural miscommunication as a source of friction in the workplace and in educational settings in South Africa
[4157]   Chumbow, Beban Sammy (1980) : Language and language policy in Cameroon
[4158]   Chumbow, Beban Sammy (1984) : Foreign language in a multilingual setting: the predictability of the “mother tongue effect”
[4420]   Collison, George Omani (1973) : Language and concept development in Ghanaian elementary schoolchildren
[4474]   Constable, D. (1974) : Bilingualism in the United Republic of Cameroon: proficiency and distribution
[4475]   Constable, D. (1976) : Investigating language attitudes: Cameroon
[4789]   Cuny, Albert (1930) : La catégorie de duel dans les langues indo-européennes et chamito-sémitiques
[4790]   Cuny, Albert (1946) : Invitation è l’étude comparative des langues indo-européennes et langues chamito-sémitiques
[5150]   Demoz, Abraham (1963) : European loanwords in an Amharic daily newspaper
[5556]   Doke, Clement Martyn (1939) : European and Bantu languages in South Africa
[5819]   Dunjwa-Blajberg, Jennifer (1980) : Sprache und Politik in Südafrika: Stellung und Funktion der Sprachen unter dem Apartheidssystem
[6078]   Eisemon, T. O. , R. Prouty & J. Schwille (1989) : What language should be used for teaching? Language policy and school reform in Burundi
[6164]   Elson, Benjamin F. (Ed) (1986) : Language in global perspective: papers in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Summer Institute of Linguistics 1935-1985
[6344]   Essilfie, Thomas (1989) : The African linguist and his chores: language teaching programmes in SADCC universities and the philosophy behind them
[6494]   Farine, A. (1968) : Le bilingualisme au Cameroun
[6834]   Fraenkel, Merran (1970) : Zur Theorie der Lamed-He Stämme: gleichzeitig ein Beitrag zur semitisch-indogermanischen Sprachwissenschaft
[7272]   Ginneken, [Père] Jacques van (1938) : L’importance des latérales caucasiennes pour l’étude des langues africaines, indoeuropéennes et chamito-sémitiques: contribution à la grammaire comparée des langues du Caucase
[7757]   Groenewald, P. S. (1983) : Verslag: die onderrig van Bantoetale aan Blanke studente
[7790]   Grünebaum-Ralph, H. (1996) : Saying the unspeakable: language and identity after Auschwitz as a narrative model for articulating memory in South Africa
[7842]   Gugushe, R. N. (1978) : The teaching of Bantu languages in black schools
[8066]   Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1966) : The use of African languages in Afro-European contacts in Guinea 1440-1560
[8198]   Harlech-Jones, Brian (1982) : Language usage and preferences of a group of tertiary students
[8200]   Harlech-Jones, Brian (1986) : Education in Namibia, 1920-1960: the relationship of the administration of South-West Africa with the mission churches
[8334]   Hauptfleisch, Temple (1975) : Research into the position of the official language in the educational system of whites in South Africa: a literature survey
[8468]   Heilmann, L. (1949) : Camito-semitico e indoeuropeo
[8507]   Heine, Bernd (1979) : Sprache, Gesellschaft und Kommunikation in Afrika: zum Problem der Verständigung und sozio-ökonomischen Entwicklung im sub-saharischen Afrika
[8738]   Heugh, Kathleen (2002) : Recovering multilingualism: recent language-policy developments
[8823]   Hill, Clifford Alden (1982) : Up/down, front/back, left/right: a contrastive analysis of Hausa and English
[8918]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1983) : Relating Afroasiatic to Indo-European
[8924]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1991) : Indo-European and Afroasiatic
[9116]   Houis, Maurice (1975) : Langues africaines et langues creoles: interférences et économie
[9159]   Hubschmid, Johannes (1953) : Sardische Studien
[9160]   Hubschmid, Johannes (1960) : Meditterane Substrate
[9392]   Hurskainen, Arvi (2001) : Nordic countries in African linguistics: general sharing or special contribution?
[9672]   Jaarsveld, Gerhardus J. van (1989) : Gesprekstaboes en misverstand: taalhandelinge oor kultuurgrense heen
[9787]   Janson, Tore (1990) : Language change and metalinguistic change: Latin to Romance and other cases
[10272]   Kalombo, Mbogho (1985) : Observations on bilingual lexicography involving Bantu and Indo-European languages
[10775]   Kieswetter, Alyson (1995) : Patterns of code-switching amongst African high school pupils
[11017]   Kloss, Heinz (1978) : Problems of language policy in South Africa
[11168]   Kotey, Paul Francis Amon (1999) : New dimensions in African linguistics and languages
[11331]   Kropacek, Lubos (1994) : Fifty years of Swahili studies in Prague
[11681]   Lanham, Leonard Walter (1978) : An outline history of the languages of southern Africa
[11679]   Lanham, Leonard Walter & Karel P. Prinsloo (Ed) (1978) : Language and communication studies in South Africa: current issues and directions in research and inquiry
[11874]   Legère, Karsten (1990) : Sprachpolitische Positionen in Namibia in der jungeren Vergangenheit
[12101]   Lestrade, Gérard Paul (1934) : European influences upon the development of Bantu language and literature
[12119]   Levin, Saul (1971) : The Indo-European and Semitic languages: an exploration of structural similarities related to accent, chiefly in Greek, Sanskrit and Hebrew
[12120]   Levin, Saul (1995) : Semitic and Indo-European: the principal etymologies, with observations on Afro-Asiatic
[12187]   Lindfors, Bernth (1983) : Clicks and clucks: victorian reactions to San speech
[12346]   Louw, S. A. (1965) : Dialekstudie in Europa en in Suid-Afrika
[12555]   Maake, Nhlanhla P. (1994) : Dismantling the Tower of Babel: in search of a new language policy for a post-Apartheid South Africa
[12817]   Makoni, Sinfree B. (1998) : Conflict and control in intercultural communication: a case study of compliance-gaining strategies in interactions between black nurses and white residents in a nursing home in Cape Town, South Africa
[12851]   Malherbe, E. G. (1946) : The bilingual school: a study of bilingualism in South Africa
[12852]   Malherbe, E. G. (1978) : Bilingual education in the Republic of South Africa
[13167]   Mateene, Kahombo C. (1980) : Failure in the obligatory use of European languages in Africa and the advantages of a policy of linguistic independence
[13169]   Mateene, Kahombo C. (1985) : Reconsideration of the official status of colonial languages in Africa/Reconsideration du statut officiel des langues coloniales en Afrique
[13170]   Mateene, Kahombo C. (1985) : Colonial languages, as compulsory means of domination, and indigenous languages, as necessary factors of liberation and development/Des langues coloniales, moyens obligatoires de domination, et des langues autochtones, facteurs necessaires de liberation et de development
[13172]   Mateene, Kahombo C. (1985) : Failure in the obligatory use of European languages in Africa and the advantages of a policy of linguistic independence
[13520]   Meeuwis, Michael (1997) : Constructing sociolinguistic concensus: a linguistic ethnography of the Zairian community in Antwerp, Belgium
[13603]   Melber, Henning (1985) : Ein sprachloses Volk stirbt einen lautlosen Tod (Fremdherrschaft, Befreiungskampf und Dekolonisation: Probleme der Sprachpolitik für ein befreites Namibia)
[13644]   Meriggi, Piero (1927) : Il problema della parentela dell’Indoeuropeo col Semitico
[13653]   Merritt, Marilyn , Ailie Cleghorn , Jared O. Abagi & Grace Bunyi (1992) : Socialising multilingualism: determinants of codeswitching in Kenyan primary classrooms
[13662]   Merwe, H. J. J. H. van der & andere (Ed) (1964) : Studierigtings in die taalkunde
[14302]   Moyo, Themba (2002) : Mother tongues versus an ex-colonial language as media of instruction and the promotion of multilingualism: the South African experience
[14435]   Mtuze, P. T. (1993) : The language practioner in a multilingual South Africa
[14743]   Myers-Scotton, Carol (1978) : Language in East Africa: linguistic patterns and political ideologies
[14760]   Myers-Scotton, Carol (1993) : Elite closure as a powerful strategy: the African case
[15044]   Nges, Chia Emmanuel (1979) : A sociolinguistic survey of Cameroon urban centres
[15079]   Ngunga, Armindo Saul Atelela (1990) : O ensino de línguas na educacâo formal em Mocambique
[15080]   Ngunga, Armindo Saul Atelela (1991) : As línguas mocambicanas nos meios de comunicacâo social
[15655]   Odendal, François F. (Ed) (1978) : Gesag en norm in die taal- en letterkunde
[15709]   Ohala, John J. (1995) : A probable case of clicks influencing the sound pattern of some European languages
[15746]   Ohly, Rajmund (1990) : Johannesburg: a multilingual city
[15734]   Ohly, Rajmund (Ed) (1985) : Names conference: third congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa held in Windhoek, 25-26 September 1985
[16056]   Ouhalla, Jamal (1989) : Clitic movement and the ECP: evidence from Berber and Romance languages
[16233]   Parkvall, Mikael (2000) : Out of Africa: African influences in Atlantic Creoles
[16336]   Penn, Claire & S. Stafford (1971) : The importance of dialect in the perception of occupation in South Africa
[16365]   Perrot, Jean (Ed) (1981) : Les langues dans le monde ancien et moderne, II: pidgin et créoles
[16420]   Pettmann, Charles (1931) : South African place names, past and present
[16569]   Plessis, E. J. du (1973) : ’n Ondersoek na die oorsprong en betekenis van Suid-Afrikaanse berg- en riviername
[16581]   Plessis, Hans du (1989) : Die teorie van taalplanning
[16820]   Prinsloo, Karel P. (1972) : Die tweetaligheid van twee groepe universiteitstudente, en hul ingesteldhede teenoor die tweede taal: ’n voorondersoek tot ’n landswye opname
[16821]   Prinsloo, Karel P. (1978) : Institutions presently conducting research and inquiry in the field of language in South Africa
[16823]   Prinsloo, Karel P. (1980) : Taalbeplanning vir Suid-Afrika
[16847]   Prinsloo, Karel P. (1984) : Taalbeplanning vir Suid-Afrika
[16828]   Prinsloo, Karel P. , D. J. Stoker , A. M. Lubbe , A. E. Strydom , H. A. Engelbrecht & D. P. van Vuuren (Ed) (1982) : Aspekte van taal- en kommunikasieaangeleenthede in SWA/Namibië. Deel 1: Kavangos
[16829]   Prinsloo, Karel P. , D. J. Stoker , A. M. Lubbe , A. E. Strydom , H. A. Engelbrecht & D. P. van Vuuren (Ed) (1982) : Aspekte van taal- en kommunikasieaangeleenthede in SWA/Namibië. Deel 2: Damaras
[16830]   Prinsloo, Karel P. , D. J. Stoker , A. M. Lubbe , A. E. Strydom , H. A. Engelbrecht & D. P. van Vuuren (Ed) (1982) : Aspekte van taal- en kommunikasieaangeleenthede in SWA/Namibië. Deel 3: Namas
[16831]   Prinsloo, Karel P. , D. J. Stoker , A. M. Lubbe , A. E. Strydom , H. A. Engelbrecht & D. P. van Vuuren (Ed) (1982) : Aspekte van taal- en kommunikasieaangeleenthede in SWA/Namibië. Deel 4: Hereros
[16832]   Prinsloo, Karel P. , D. J. Stoker , A. M. Lubbe , A. E. Strydom , H. A. Engelbrecht & D. P. van Vuuren (Ed) (1982) : Aspekte van taal- en kommunikasieaangeleenthede in SWA/Namibië. Deel 5: Kaokolanders
[16833]   Prinsloo, Karel P. , D. J. Stoker , A. M. Lubbe , A. E. Strydom , H. A. Engelbrecht & D. P. van Vuuren (Ed) (1982) : Aspekte van taal- en kommunikasieaangeleenthede in SWA/Namibië. Deel 6: Kleurlinge
[16836]   Prinsloo, Karel P. , D. J. Stoker , A. M. Lubbe , A. E. Strydom , H. A. Engelbrecht & D. P. van Vuuren (Ed) (1982) : Aspekte van taal- en kommunikasieaangeleenthede in SWA/Namibië. Deel 9: Boesmans
[16837]   Prinsloo, Karel P. , D. J. Stoker , A. M. Lubbe , A. E. Strydom , H. A. Engelbrecht & D. P. van Vuuren (Ed) (1982) : Aspekte van taal- en kommunikasieaangeleenthede in SWA/Namibië. Deel 10: Tswanas
[16838]   Prinsloo, Karel P. , D. J. Stoker , A. M. Lubbe , A. E. Strydom , H. A. Engelbrecht & D. P. van Vuuren (Ed) (1982) : Aspekte van taal- en kommunikasieaangeleenthede in SWA/Namibië. Deel 11: Wambos
[16839]   Prinsloo, Karel P. , D. J. Stoker , A. M. Lubbe , A. E. Strydom , H. A. Engelbrecht & D. P. van Vuuren (Ed) (1982) : Aspekte van taal- en kommunikasieaangeleenthede in SWA/Namibië. Deel 13: total bevolking
[16841]   Prinsloo, Karel P. , D. J. Stoker , A. M. Lubbe , A. E. Strydom , H. A. Engelbrecht & D. P. van Vuuren (Ed) (1982) : Aspekte van taal- en kommunikasieaangeleenthede in SWA/Namibië. Deel 12: Capriviane
[16965]   Qualls, P. J. (1970) : The influence of the non-European nanny on language development of Johannesburg children
[17037]   Raper, Peter Edmund (1972) : Naamkunde-bronnegids I, 1970 (Onomastics source guide I, 1970)
[17038]   Raper, Peter Edmund (1972) : Streekname in Suid-Afrika en Suidwes
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[17043]   Raper, Peter Edmund (Ed) (1983) : Names/Name 1983: proceedings of the 2nd southern African names congress
[17042]   Raper, Peter Edmund & L. A. Möller (1980) : Naamkunde-bronnegids II, 1970-1978 (Onomastics source guide II, 1970-1978)
[17040]   Raper, Peter Edmund , Gabriel Stefanus Nienaber & J. S. B. Marais (1979) : Handleiding by pleknaamgewing (Manual for the giving of place names)
[17106]   Reagan, Timothy G. (1986) : Considerations on language and oppression: the place of English in Black education in South Africa
[17181]   Rensburg, M. C. J. van & H. F. de Bruto (Ed) (1972) : Taalseminaar 1972
[17224]   Rice, Frank A. (Ed) (1962) : A study of the role of second languages in Asia, Africa and Latin America
[17414]   Rosenthal, Eric (1965) : South African surnames
[17540]   Royen, Gerlach (1929) : Die nominalen Klassifikations-Systeme in den Sprachen der Erde: historisch-kritische Studie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Indogermanischen
[17633]   Russell, Joan (1990) : Success as a source of conflict in language-planning: the Tanzanian case
[17742]   Samarin, William John (1962) : Lingua francas, with special reference to Africa
[18283]   Sebeok, Thomas Albert (Ed) (1971) : Current trends in linguistics, 7: linguistics in sub-Saharan Africa
[18605]   Sinclair, A. J. L. (Ed) (1983) : G. S. Nienaber: ’n huldeblyk. Studies opgedra aan prof. dr. G. S. Nienaber in sy tagtigste jaar
[18622]   Singler, John Victor (1993) : African influence upon Afro-American language varieties: a consideration of sociohistorical factors
[18618]   Singler, John Victor (Ed) (1990) : Pidgin and creole tense-mood-aspect systems
[18709]   Smith, Christo Albertyn (1963/64) : Common names of South African plants
[18711]   Smith, Christo Albertyn & Estelle van Hoepen (1966) : Common names of South African plants
[18863]   Spencer, John [Walter] (1971) : Colonial language policies and their legacies
[18865]   Spencer, John [Walter] (1985) : Language and development in Africa: the unequal equation
[18879]   Spitulnik, Debra A. (1992) : Radio time sharing and the negotiation of linguistic pluralism in Zambia
[19137]   Stopa, Roman (1966) : Afrikanisch und Indogermanisch: zufällige Konvergenzen oder Substart- und Kontaktfaktoren?
[19145]   Stopa, Roman (1972) : Structure of Bushman and its traces in Indo-European
[19291]   Swilla, Imani N. (1992) : The relation of local and foreign languages to national needs in Africa
[19412]   Taute, B. (1948) : Die bepaling van die mondelinge beheer van skoolkinders oor die tweede taal
[19596]   Thomas, Benjamin E. (1960) : ‘Middle Africa’ and other regional terms
[19792]   Tosco, Mauro (2000) : Cushitic overview
[20074]   Tugendhaft, K. (1972) : Luria’s tests on traumatic bilingual or polyglot aphasians
[20114]   Tworeck, F. E. (1976) : Wie zufällig sind Ähnlichkeiten zwischen den Sprachen der Bantu und den indoeuropäischen?
[20225]   Valkhoff, Marius F. (1960) : Contributions to the study of Creole ; part 1
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[20688]   Wanger, P. Willibald (1929) : Afrikanische Völkernamen in europäischen Sprachen
[21020]   Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1973) : African language model in the class-room
[21333]   Wingard, Peter (1963) : Problems of the media of instruction in some Uganda school classes: a preliminary survey
[21451]   Wolfson, Nessa (1992) : Intercultural communication and the analysis of conversation
[21531]   Wyk, Egidius B. van (1968) : Die invloed van die Europese tale en die Europese linguistiese tradisie op die studie van die Bantoetale
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[21829]   Ziervogel, Dirk (1969) : Veertig jaar van taalnavorsing in Suid-Afrika