WEBBALL : 9349, type : Journal Article, mots-clés : nea;eaf;kny;ant;lng;lxl;bnt;j.e.412;j.e.31d;j.e.32f;v.143;
Langue du texte : en

Huntingford, George Wynn Brereton (1930). Tribal names in the Nyanza and Kerio provinces, Kenya Colony. Man: a record of anthropological science 30., pp. 124-125.

Notes : Two tables containing ethnic names for various Kenyan groups, given in Nandi, Keyu, Kony, Sapei, Dorobo (= Okiek), Suk (all South Nilotic) and LuIsukha, OruSyan and LuNyala (Bantu languages).

Date de la dernière modification : 2007-08-29