WEBBALL : 5744, type : Book Section, mots-clés : waf;nga;lng;lxl;x.532;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Margi (01566), Bura (01561).    Langue du texte : ru

Dubnova, Elena Zinovʼevna & T. E. Reutt (1973). [Materials on the lexicon of Margi and Bura languages]. In Okhotina, N. V. & A. B. Dolgopolʼskij (Ed), Bezpis’mennye i mladopis’mennye yazyki Afriki: sbornik statey [The unwritten and newly written languages of Africa: a collection of papers, Moskva : Izdatelstvo Nauka., pp. 83-174.

Notes : Not sure about the ordering of the authors.

Date de la dernière modification : 2020-12-09