WEBBALL : 3793, type : Journal Article, mots-clés : caf;drc;ant;lng;bnt;d.21;d.332;d.311;d.32;z.g.40g;v.463;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Mbuti (01854).    Langue du texte : en

Carpaneto, G. M. & F. P. Germi (1989). The mammals in the zoological culture of the Mbuti pygmies in north-eastern Zaïre. Hystrix 1., pp. 1-83.

Notes : Languages mentioned/exemplified include Kibali, Kibango, Kibudu, Kibira/Kibila, Lese, Efe, and Kingwana. All except Lese and Efe are Bantu languages.

Date de la dernière modification : 2007-07-24