WEBBALL : n° 21354,
type : Journal Article,
mots-clés : caf;nea;eaf;drc;tnz;ant;pgm;lng;lxl;w.501;v.463;x.376;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Khoisan
Langue du texte : en
Winter, Jürgen Christoph (1986).
Structural specifics of hunter-gatherer kinship nomenclature: comparative African evidence from Khoisan, Mbuti and Dorobo. Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika (SUGIA) 7-2., pp. 433-452.
Notes : The title of the article appears as “Structural specifics of hunter-gatherer kinship terminology” in the table of contents.
Date de la dernière modification : 2007-09-20