WEBBALL : 20818, type : Book, mots-clés : nea;etp;lng;map;x.342;x.335;x.240;x.336;x.333;x.400;v.711;
Langue du texte : en

Wedekind, Klaus (2002). Updating linguistic maps. SIL International. 30 pp.

URL : http://www.sil.org/silesr/abstract.asp?ref=2002-061
Notes : Corrections/comments to SIL’s Ethiopian map, specifically regarding the distribution of Oromo, Beni Shangul (Berta), Gurage/Hadiya/Kembata, Sidama, Wolaita, Omo, Keffa and Gambeta. Earlier version appeared 1994 in »SLLE (Survey of little-known languages of Ethiopia) linguistic reports«, n 13.

Date de la dernière modification : 2008-04-09