WEBBALL : 20477, type : Generic, mots-clés : saf;nmb;lng;grm;bnt;r.31;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Herero (00445).    Langue du texte : af

Volschenk, Philippus Albertus (1968). Herero: volwasse onderwys, met oefeninge. Windhoek : Inboorlingtaalburo, Departement van Bantoe-Onderwys (SWA/Namibië), , (Drukskrif). 18, 7 pp.

Notes : The first Herero orthography came 1968. A similar kind of thing by Meinhof (translated into Afrikaans from German) was also in circulation at the NLB. Volschenk’s booklet was used in nightschool courses.

Date de la dernière modification : 2008-04-28