WEBBALL : 18070, type : Book Section, mots-clés : nea;eaf;sml;etp;kny;hst;ant;lng;rcn;x.342;x.344;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Somaloid (g), Oromo (*? Quel oromo ?).    Langue du texte : en

Schlee, Günther (1987). Somaloid history: oral tradition, Kulturgeschichte and historical linguistics in an area of Oromo/Somaloid interaction. In Jungraithmayr, H. & W. W. Müller (Ed), Proceedings of the 4th international Hamito-Semitic congress, Marburg, 20-22 September, 1983, Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publishing Co.., pp. 265-315.

Date de la dernière modification : 2007-09-19