WEBBALL : n° 17939,
type : Conference Proceedings,
mots-clés : waf;lng;lxl;grm;u.000;
Langue du texte : en
Schachter, Paul (1974).
A non-transformational account of serial verbs. Los Angeles : African Studies Center & Department of Linguistics, University of California (UCLA), Studies in African linguistics, supplement 5, . pp. 253-270
Autres informations : Herbert F. Stahlke, “Serial verbs as adverbs: a reply to Paul Schachter”, Studies in African linguistics, supplement 5 (1974), p 271-277; Paul Schachter, “A reply to a reply”, Studies in African linguistics, supplement 5 (1974), p 278-282
Date de la dernière modification : 2007-07-05