WEBBALL : 17714, type : Journal Article, mots-clés : naf;mrc;lng;lxl;x.211;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Arabia-go fuezu ~ colloquial Arabic of Fez (*? 2089).    Langue du texte : ja

Sakaedani, Haruko (1998). Arabia-go fuezu hougen niokeru bga (shitai) to xess (shinakere banara nai) / bga (to want) and xess (to need) in colloquial Arabic of Fez. Journal of Asian and African studies/Ajia Afuriku gengo bunka kenkyu 55., pp. 255ff.

Notes : The ‹g› in ‹bga› should be a Greek gamma. In ‹xess›, the ‹e› should be a schwa and the ‹s›’s should be subdotted.

Date de la dernière modification : 2008-04-28