WEBBALL : 13609, type : Book, mots-clés : waf;nga;lng;dct;t.843;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Bini (00840).    Langue du texte : en

Melzian, Hans J. (1937). A concise dictionary of the Bini language of southern Nigeria. London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.. xviii, 233 pp.

Autres informations : H. L. M. Butcher, Africa, v 11 (1938), p 371-372; J. Lukas, Anthropos, v 33 (1938), p 1001; N. A. Fadipe, Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, v 9 (1939), p 1126-1127; L. Homburger, Journal de la Société des Africanistes, v 9 (1939), p 225; I. C. W[ard], Journal of the Royal African Society, v 37 (1938), p 408; David A. Munro, English-Edo wordlist: an index to Melzian’s Bini-English dictionary (Occasional publication from the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, n 7, 1967)

Date de la dernière modification : 2010-02-18