WEBBALL : n° 12460,
type : Book,
mots-clés : waf;nga;lng;dct;grm;v.931;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Kanuri
Langue du texte : en
Lukas, Johannes (1937).
A study of the Kanuri language: grammar and vocabulary. London, New York & Toronto : Oxford University Press for the International Institute of African Languages and Cultures (IIALC). xvii, 253 pp.
Notes : Reprinted 1967 by Dawsons of Pall Mall for the International African Institute (IAI).
Autres informations : Mary R. Haas, American anthropologist, new series, v 40 (1938), p 507-509; I. C. W[ard], Journal of the Royal African Society, v 37 (1938), p 129-130; B. Honikman, Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, v 9 (1939), p 1124-1125
Date de la dernière modification : 2010-02-18