WEBBALL : 1179, type : Thesis, mots-clés : waf;nga;lng;grm;smn;t.911;ths;
Langue(s) traitée(s) : Yoruba (00835).    Langue du texte : en

Awóyalé, [James] [Oladuntoye] Yiwola (1974). Studies in the syntax and semantics of Yoruba nominalizations. Urbana-Champaign : University of Illinois (PhD thesis). 473 pp.

Notes : Capo (1989:288) gives the title as “On the syntax and semantics of Yoruba nominalization”. The above is from Lauer, Larkin & Kagan (1989:205, n 5974).

Date de la dernière modification : 2011-09-21