423 langues concernées
1492 titres trouvés
[507] [Anonymous] (1993) : Manuel de fulfulde
[21976] [Anonymous] (1---) : Birifor grammar
[21992] [Anonymous] (19--) : Buli grammar
[22000] [Anonymous] (19--) : Dictionnaire français-mashi
[22043] [Anonymous] (1928) : Vocabulaire français, oromo, abyssin
[22068] [Anonymous] (1936) : Nomenclatura elementare e espressioni nelle lingue amarica, galla, araba (dialetto tripolino)
[22072] [Anonymous] (1938) : Miners’ companion in English, Afrikaans, Sesuto and Mine Kaffir
[22102] [Anonymous] (1951) : The orthography of Sotho
[22110] [Anonymous] (1953) : Buli primer
[22122] [Anonymous] (1957) : Citumbuka-English, English-Citumbuka: some common useful words
[22124] [Anonymous] (1957) : Sotho: terminology and orthography 1
[22154] [Anonymous] (1964) : Dictionary Maninka-English
[22165] [Anonymous] (1966) : The phonology of Dagari
[22233] [Anonymous] (1975) : Sisaala-English, English-Sisaala dictionary
[22280] [Anonymous] (1982) : Bibliographie fulfuldé
[22284] [Anonymous] (1983) : Dialectes manding du Mali
[22291] [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Zaïre, Ciluba
[22297] [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexique du senufo de Ndorola
[22304] [Anonymous] (1984) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Tchad, Sara-ngambay
[22305] [Anonymous] (1984) : Revised Kono, Krio, Limba, Mende and Themne orthographies - workshop held during April 24-27, 1984
[22318] [Anonymous] (1986) : Lexique dogon, français
[22335] [Anonymous] (1989) : Ndebele dictionary sample
[22347] [Anonymous] (1991) : A Fulfulde-English dictionary
[22358] [Anonymous] (1995) : Conference report from the first Runyakitara conference, Makerere University, 1994
[22373] [Anonymous] (1997) : Glossário de conceitos político-sociais: caderno de trabalho na língua cimanyika
[23590] [Anonymous] (1966) : Health vocabulary, 1966: guide for translation into the language, Chinyanja, of the host country, Malawi
[17] Abba, Isa Alkali , Ibrahim Mukoshi & Gidado Tahir (Ed) (1991) : Studies in Fulfulde language
[19] Abbey, E. T. A. , Vincent Okunor & Emmanuel N. A. Mensah (1992) : Buli primer
[34] Abdel-Massih, Ernest T. (1971) : Tamazight verb structure: a generative approach
[23361] Abdel-Massih, Ernest T. (1971) : A computerized lexicon of Tamazight: Berber dialect of Ayt Seghrouchen
[64] Abe, Maya (2002) : [Language use of the Ma’a people]
[80] Abera Nefa (1982) : Oromo verb inflection
[81] Abera Nefa (1988) : Long vowels in Oromo (generative approach)
[85] Aberra Daniel (1994) : Verb-affixes in Ari
[86] Aberra Daniel (1994) : Word formation in Ari
[23215] Abouba, Kamal (1993) : Morphologie nominale du chaoui
[140] Abu-Manga, Al-Amin (1986) : Fulfulde in the Sudan: process of adaption to Arabic
[143] Abu-Manga, Al-Amin (1991) : Arabic loanwords in the Nilotic languages of southern Sudan
[145] Abu-Manga, Al-Amin (1995) : The Songhai speech communities in the Sudan with special reference to the Songhai speakers of the Blue Nile
[141] Abu-Manga, Al-Amin & Herrmann Jungraithmayr (1988) : On the middle voice in African languages (Fulfulde and Somali)
[160] Adam, Jean Jerome (1954) : Dialectes du Gabon: la famille des langues téké
[169] Adama, Hamadou (1997) : Les nouveaux prénoms des Peuls du Cameroun
[188] Addisu, Tolesa (1988?) : Ethno-historical background of Oromo language and literature
[273] Adjekum, Grace (1990) : The Dagaari spelling symbol “MH”
[390] Akinkugbe, Femi (1976) : An internal classification of the Yoruboid group (Yoruba, Isekiri, Igala)
[432] Aklilu Yilma (1993) : [Includes Oromo sentence repetition tests (SRT). Revised version appeared 2002 as »Fast linguistic assessment of multilingualism in Ethiopia: a progress report«, SIL electronic survey reports (SILESR), n 2002-045]
[474] Alalou, Ali (2003) : The pragmatics and syntax of deixis in Tamazight (Berber): the case of the morphemes ‘d’ and ‘nn’
[473] Alalou, Ali & Patrick Farrel (1993) : Argument structure and causativization in Tamazigt Berber
[497] Alemayehu Haile (1981) : Omotic and Kushitic verbal markers: a possible isogloss
[505] Alemgena Belete (2003) : Interrogative sentences in Oromo
[514] Alexander, Neville (1992) : Harmonising Nguni and Sotho
[556] Ali, Mohammed (1989) : Trends in Oromo lexicon and lexicography
[557] Ali, Mohammed (1991) : Antonyms and some related problems in Oromo
[622] Aloys, (1---) : Vocabulaire kikumu-kifransa
[638] Amatigue, Guirou (1987) : Aspects of Dogon sentence structure
[721] Anders, H. D. (1934/35) : A note on a south-eastern Bushman dialect
[756] Andersen, Torben (2002) : Studies in western Nilotic languages
[772] Anderson, Stephen Craig (1981) : An autosegmental account of Bamiléké-Dschang tonology
[22887] Anderson, Stephen Craig (1980) : A autosegmental account of Bamileke-Dschang tonology
[794] Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (19--) : Unpublished grammatical and lexical materials on Oromo and Somali
[818] Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1974) : Note on the linguistic situation of the Somali and Galla in Kenya
[824] Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1976) : Introduction to written Oromo
[832] Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1980) : Some observations on the present orthography for Oromo
[852] Angkaaraba Saanchi, James Nubabong (1980) : The nominal phrase in Dagaari
[877] Ankei, Yuji (1986) : Nomenclatures comparées de mammifères dans deux langues bantoues: songola (D24) et ombo (C69)
[878] Ankei, Yuji (1986) : Connaissance populaire du poisson chez les Songola et les Bwari: ethnoichtyologie comparée ds pêcheurs du fleuve Zaïre et du Lac Tanzganyika
[883] Annett, Mary & Anna Kohler (1975) : Enquête dialectale fali
[980] Arensen, Jon[athan] Edward (1989) : On comparing language relationships: a case study of Murle, Kacipo and Tirma
[1018] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1978) : The development of Fulani studies: a linguist’s view
[1069] Ashtiany, Julia (1993) : Media Arabic
[1091] Assebe Buli (1981) : Oromo substantives: some aspects of their morphology
[1135] Avermaet, E. van (1955) : Langage rythmé des Baluba
[1141] Awambeng, Elizabeth Ncheafor (1991) : A generative phonology of Nkwen
[1142] Awambeng, Elizabeth Ncheafor (2002) : Tonal processes in Nkwen: an autosegmental perspective
[23941] Ayuʼnwi, N. Neba (1996) : Aspects of a generative phonology of Pinyi
[1311] Baines, John (1985) : Color terminology and color classification: ancient Egyptian color terminology and polychromy
[1347] Bal, Willy (1974) : O destino de palavras de origem portuguesa num dialecto quicongo
[1366] Baldi, Sergio (1992) : Arabic loanwords in Hausa via Kanuri and Fulfulde
[1367] Baldi, Sergio (1995) : On Arabic loans in Hausa and Kanuri
[1509] Banti, Giorgio (1988) : “Adjectives” in East Cushitic
[1511] Banti, Giorgio (1991) : Invariable verbal paradigms in some Omo-Tana languages
[1512] Banti, Giorgio (1991/92) : Some concord-less verbal paradigms in Omo-Tana
[1556] Barnard, Alan (1978) : The kin terminology system of the Nharo Bushmen
[1575] Barnwell, Katharine Grace Lowry (1966) : Notes on the Mbembe clause system: a preliminary analysis
[1576] Barnwell, Katharine Grace Lowry (1966) : Reading and writing Mbembe
[1577] Barnwell, Katharine Grace Lowry (1969) : The noun class system in Mbembe
[1578] Barnwell, Katharine Grace Lowry (1969) : A grammatical description of Mbembe (Adun dialect), a Cross-River language
[1579] Barnwell, Katharine Grace Lowry (1974) : Mbembe
[1609] Barreteau, Daniel (1995) : Vowel and tonal variations within the consonantal framework of the verbal stem in Central Chadic languages
[22592] Barreteau, Daniel (1978) : Aspects de la morphologie nominal en mofu-gadar
[1626] Barry, Abou-Dardaye (2000) : Les emprunts du peul à l’anglais
[1703] Basset, André (1948) : Écritures libyque et touarègue
[1707] Basset, André (1948) : Sur la toponymie berbère et specialement sur la toponymie Chaouia Aït Frah
[1780] Batibo, Herman M. (1988) : Root affixation rules in Zairean Swahili as evidence of earlier Bantu rules
[1862] Bavin, Edith L. [Woock] (1981) : Lango: some morphological changes in verb paradigm
[1863] Bavin, Edith L. [Woock] (1982) : Aspects of morphological and syntactic divergence in Lango and Acholi
[1864] Bavin, Edith L. [Woock] (1983) : Morphological and syntactic divergence in Lango and Acholi
[1869] Baxter, Paul T. W. (1990) : Oromo blessings and greetings
[1871] Baye Yimam (1981) : Oromo substantives: some aspects of their morphology
[1872] Baye Yimam (1986) : The phrase structures of Ethiopian Oromo
[1873] Baye Yimam (1987) : Relative clauses in Oromo
[1875] Baye Yimam (1988) : The subject of infinitives in Oromo
[1876] Baye Yimam (1988) : Focus in Oromo
[1877] Baye Yimam (1990) : The structure of Zayse NPs
[1879] Baye Yimam (1994) : Some aspects of Zergulla morphology
[1897] Bearth, Thomas & Christa Link (1980) : The tone puzzle of Wobé
[22966] Bearth, Thomas & Christa Link (1978) : Les tons du wobé: étude fonctionelle
[1894] Bearth, Thomas & Hugo Zemp (1967) : The phonology of Dan (Santa)
[1939] Bechon, S. (2000) : Description de la langue sangu, langue bantu du sud-ouest de la Tanzanie
[1957] Becker-Donner, Etta (1944) : Über zwei Kruvölkerstämme: Kran und Grebo
[1991] Beguinot, Francesco (1950) : Gli studi sull’epigrafia libica e sulle iscrizione Tuareg in Italia nell’ultimo quarentennio
[23355] Belaid, Boudris (1993) : Tamawalt usegmi: vocabulaire de l’éducation français-tamazight
[22641] Belnap, R. Kirk (1993) : The meaning of deflected/strict agreement variation in Cairene Arabic
[2040] Bender, Marvin Lionel (1968) : Remarks on the glotto-chronology of northern Ethiopian Semitic languages
[2077] Bender, Marvin Lionel (1986) : A note on the copula and genitive in Oromo
[2085] Bender, Marvin Lionel (1990) : The limits of Omotic
[2088] Bender, Marvin Lionel (1990) : Gender in Omotic
[2093] Bender, Marvin Lionel (1994) : Aroid (South Omotic) lexicon
[2094] Bender, Marvin Lionel (1994) : Comparative Aroid (South Omotic): syntax and morphosyntax
[2097] Bender, Marvin Lionel (1996) : The limits of Omotic revisited
[2104] Bender, Marvin Lionel (1997) : Upside-down Afrasian
[2112] Bender, Marvin Lionel (2003) : Omotic lexicon and phonology
[2115] Bender, Marvin Lionel (2003) : The Omotic lexicon
[2114] Bender, Marvin Lionel , Gábor Takács & David L. Appleyard (Ed) (2003) : Selected comparative-historical Afrasian linguistic studies, in memory of Igor M. Diakonoff
[2135] Bendor-Samuel, John Theodor , Donna Skitch & Esther Cresmann (1973) : Duka sentence, clause and phrase
[2140] Bendor-Samuel, John Theodor , Elizabeth J. Olsen & Ann R. White (1989) : Dogon
[2134] Bendor-Samuel, John Theodor , Esther Cresmann & Donna Skitch (1971) : The nominal phrase in Duka
[2200] Berger, Paul (1938) : Die südlichsten Hamitensprachen Ostafrikas: Überblick über die vorläufigen Ergebnisse meiner linguistischen Forschungsreise 1934-36 in das abflusslose Gebiet Ostafrikas, II: die Iraku-Gruppe
[2224] Bernini, Giuliano & Vermondo Brugnatelli (Ed) (1987) : Atti della 4a giornata di studi camito-semitici e indoeuropei, Bergamo, Istituto Universitario, 29, novembre 1985
[2227] Bernsten, Jan[ice] Graham (1998) : Runyakitara: Uganda’s ‘new’ language
[2237] Berry, Jack & Gordon Innes (1957) : Notes on the phonetics of the Grebo language of Liberia
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[2278] Bertho, [Révérend] [Père] J. (1953) : La place des dialectes dogon de la falaise de Bandiagara parmi les autres groupes linguistiques de la zone soudanaise
[2324] Beuchat, P.-D. [Cole] & Derek F. Gowlett (1981) : S. Sotho woordeboek/S. Sotho dictionary
[2328] Beyer, Klaus (1993) : Lexikalische Entlehnungen aus dem Mande in die Songhay-Sprache
[23983] Bibeau, Gilles (1978) : L’organisation Ngbandi des noms de maladies
[2366] Bickmore, Lee Stephen & Michael T. Doyle (1995) : Lexical extraprosodicity in Chilungu
[2376] Biddulph, Joseph (1985) : Introduction to Bushman
[2401] Biesele, Megan [Marguerite] [Anne] (1994) : A new orthography of the Ju|’hoan Bushman language and its political/educational implications
[2402] Biesele, Megan [Marguerite] [Anne] (1995) : Patrick Dickens’s Ju|’hoan linguistics work: educational and political implications
[2403] Biesele, Megan [Marguerite] [Anne] (1998) : Idioms of identity: Ju-|’hoan-language political rhetoric 1987-1992
[2404] Biesele, Megan [Marguerite] [Anne] (1998) : Creativity and conservation: Ju|’hoan language education projects
[2419] Biloa, Edmond (2003) : L’influence du français sur l’anglais camerounais
[2422] Bimson, Kent [David] (1976) : Comparative reconstruction of Mandekan
[2425] Bing, Janet [Mueller] (1991) : Color terms and lexical classes in Krahn/Wobé
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[2435] Bird, Charles Stephen (1970) : The development of Mandekan (Manding): a study of the rôle of extra-linguistic factors in linguistic change
[2437] Bird, Charles Stephen (1971) : Some observations on the phonology of Mandekan: diachronic and synchronic regularity
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[2456] Bissila, S. B. (1991) : Description phonologique du laale (dialecte teke du Congo)
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[2460] Bitima, Tamene (2000) : A dictionary of Oromo technical terms, Oromo-English
[2482] Black, Paul D. (1973) : The Konsoid dialect chain
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[2544] Blecke, Thomas (1998) : Nomen, Verb und (Proto-)West-Mande-Syntax: neue Evidenz aus den Bozo-Sprachen
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[2550] Bleek, Dorothea Frances (1928/29) : Bushman grammar: a grammatical sketch of the language of the |Xam-ka-!k’e ; part 1
[2551] Bleek, Dorothea Frances (1929) : Comparative vocabularies of Bushman languages
[2552] Bleek, Dorothea Frances (1929/30) : Bushman grammar: a grammatical sketch of the language of the |Xam-ka-!’e (continuation) ; part 2
[2559] Bleek, Dorothea Frances (1939/40) : A short survey of Bushman languages
[2560] Bleek, Dorothea Frances (1956) : A Bushman dictionary
[2558] Bleek, Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel & Lucy Catherine Lloyd (1938) : Das wahre Gesicht des Buschmannes in seinen Mythen und Märchen
[2570] Blench, Roger M. (1993) : An outline classification of the Mambiloid languages
[2577] Blench, Roger M. (1996) : Report on the Tarokoid languages
[2586] Blench, Roger M. (1999) : Reports from Plateau field trips 1998-1999. Brief notes on Ningye, Cara, Bu, Hasha, and Rukul.
[2589] Blench, Roger M. (2003) : ‘We have our own small one insise’: hidden languages of the Ngasic group
[2565] Blench, Roger M. & A. E. Edwards (1988) : A dictionary of the Momi (Vere) language
[2591] Blench, Roger M. & John Garah Nengel (2004) : Notes on the Panawa (Bujiyel) people and language
[2652] Boadi, Lawrence A. (1972) : The development of some affixes in the Bia and Central Akan subgroups of Tano
[2682] Bodomo, Adams B. (2000) : Dàgáárè
[2719] Boelaert, Edmond (1957) : Systematiek der bloedverwantschapstermen bij de Nkundo
[2737] Bokamba, G. D. (1971) : Specificity and definiteness in Dzamba
[23773] Bond, Oliver (2006) : A broader perspective on Point of View: logophoricity in Ogonoid languages
[2842] Bontinck, Frans (1991) : L’ethnonyme “mongo”
[2853] Bonvini, Emilio (1995) : A propos et en marge de “Greater Chadic”: le cas du voltaïque
[2860] Boone, Douglas W. , David P. Bradley & Caroline A. Grant (1992) : Central Yambasa survey report
[2864] Booysen, J. M. (1982) : Otjiherero: ’n volledige grammatika met oefeninge en sleutels in Afrikaans
[2866] Booysen, J. M. & J. Muharupu (1987) : Otjiherero terminologielys/terminology
[2869] Borello, Mario (1995) : Dizionario oromo-italiano/Oromo-Italian dictionary
[2873] Boris, Gilbert (1958) : Lexique du parler arabe des Marazig
[2897] Bosha, I. (1993) : Taathira za kiarabu katika kiswahili pamoja na kamusi thulathiya, kiswahili-kiarabu-kiingereza [The influence of Arabic language on Kiswahili with a trilingual dictionary, Swahili-Arabic-English]
[2909] Bostoen, Koen (1997) : Het Shaba-Swahili: geschiedenis en bronne
[2953] Botne, Robert Dale (1989/90) : The historical relation of Cigogo to Zone J languages
[2966] Botne, Robert Dale & Andrew Tilimbe Kulemeka (1998) : Asymmetric corodination in Lega
[22908] Bouka, Léonce Yembi (1989) : Teke and its dialects in Congo: status of the research
[859] Boukhris, Fatima (1989) : Le verbe en tamazight: lexique et morphologie (parlers des Zemmours)
[2982] Boulinier, Georges (1976) : Bibliographie linguistiques comorienne
[2983] Boum, Marie Anne (1980) : Le groupe menchum: morphologie nominale
[2987] Bounfour, Abdellah (1984) : Linguistique et littérature: études sur la littérature orale marocaine
[2993] Bouquiaux, Luc (1964) : A propos de la phonologie du sara
[3022] Bourquin, Walther (1927) : Die Sprache der Phuthi
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[3069] Boyeldieu, Pascal (1982) : Structures sociales et particularismes linguistiques en pays de langue ‘ngbandi’: eléments pour une étude
[3082] Boyeldieu, Pascal (1991) : De deux a trois registres tonals: l’exemples des verbes sara-bongo-baguirmiens
[3084] Boyeldieu, Pascal (1993) : Identité tonale et filiation des langues sara-bongo-baguirmiennes (Afrique centrale)
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[3219] Breedveld, Anneke (1988) : Nasal-plosive sequences in Fulfulde
[3250] Bresnan, Joan & Lioba [Priva] Moshi (1988) : Applicatives in Kivunjo (Chaga): implications for argument structure and syntax
[3281] Brisson, Robert (19--) : Vocabulaire bira
[3289] Brockett, A. A. (1985) : The spoken arabic of Khâbûra on the Bâtina of Oman
[3342] Brown-Edminston, A. B. (1932) : Grammar and dictionary of the Bushonga or Bukuba language
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[3381] Bryan, Margaret Arminel & Archibald Norman Tucker (1948) : The distribution of the Nilotic and Nilo-Hamitic languages of Africa
[3396] Brye, Edward & Elizabeth Brye (2001) : Rapid appraisal and intelligibility testing surveys of the eastern Beboid group of languages (Northwest Province): ALCAM [871, 872, 873, 874, 875] of the Donga Mantung Division and unclassified ALCAM [885, 886] of the Menchum Division
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[22958] Burmeister, Jonathan L. (1988) : Personal pronouns in Anyi and related languages
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[3619] Callender, John B. (1975) : Afroasiatic cases and the formation of Ancient Egyptian constructions with possessive suffixes
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[3718] Caprile, Jean-Pierre (1972) : Études et documents sara-bongo-baguirmiens
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