9 langues concernées

90031Niger-Congo > Benue-Congo
NomsBenue-Congo ; Benue-Kongo ; East Benue-Congo ; bénoué-congo

36 titres trouvés

[2567]   Blench, Roger M. (1989) : New Benue-Congo: a definition and proposed internal classification
[3008]   Bouquiaux, Luc (1981) : Les langues bénoué-congo et leur classification
[4507]   Cook, Thomas Louis (1971) : Report of the Benue-Congo Working Group of the West African Linguistic Society
[5435]   Dimmendaal, Gerrit Jan (1995) : Metatony in Benue-Congo: some further evidence for an original augment
[6188]   Elugbe, Ben Ohi[omambe] & Tayo Bankale (2004) : Cognation percentages in Benue-Congo: implications for internal classification
[6475]   Faraclas, Nicholas G. (1986) : Cross River as a model for the evolution of Benue-Congo nominal class/concord systems
[7186]   Gerhardt, Ludwig (1978) : Benue-Kongo oder Kwa?
[7193]   Gerhardt, Ludwig (1983) : Lexical interferences in the Chadic/Benue-Congo border-area
[7212]   Gerhardt, Ludwig (1994) : Western Plateau as a model for the evolution of Benue-Congo nominal class systems
[7215]   Gerhardt, Ludwig (2002) : Pluraktionale Verben in einigen Benue-Congo-Sprachen des nigerianischen Plateaus, I: allgemeines, das suffix *S, seine Varianten, seine Kombinationen
[8950]   Hoffmann, Carl F. (1970) : Ancient Benue-Congo loans in Chadic?
[13630]   Menne, Martinus (1992) : Konkordanzmorphologie der Klassengruppe 1/2 im Benue-Kongo: zur Verbreitung von präverbalen a- und pränominalen u-
[13756]   Miehe, Gudrun (1985) : /l/ and /n/ in Benue-Congo
[13757]   Miehe, Gudrun (1985) : Die Präfixnasale im Benue-Congo und im Kwa: Versuch einer Widerlegung der Hypothese von der Nasalinnovation des Bantu
[13761]   Miehe, Gudrun (1991) : Die Präfixnasale im Benue-Congo und im Kwa: Versuch einer Widerlegung der Hypothese von der Nasalinnovation des Bantu
[14939]   Neumann, Sabine & Anne Storch (1999) : Locative class related affixes in some Benue-Congo languages
[15720]   Ohirí-Aníche, Chinyere (2004) : Reconstruction of initial velar and labial-velar consonants at the pre-lower Cross-Igboid-Edoid stage of Benue-Congo
[15979]   Orie, Olanike-Ola (1999) : Benue-Congo prosodic phonology and morphology in optimality theory
[20487]   Voorhoeve, Jan & Paul Polydoor de Wolf (Ed) (1969) : Benue-Congo noun class systems
[21215]   Williamson, Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] (1971) : The Benue-Congo languages and Ijo
[21262]   Williamson, Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] (1989) : Benue-Congo overview
[21272]   Williamson, Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] (1993) : The noun prefixes of New Benue-Congo
[21395]   Wolf, Paul Polydoor de (1983) : The ku/a-gender in Bantoid, Benue-Congo and Niger-Congo
[21417]   Wolff, H. Ekkehard & Ludwig Gerhardt (1977) : Interferenzen zwischen Benue-Congo und Tschad-Sprachen
[22653]   Amfani, A. H. (1990) : A glottochronology of four Benue-Congo languages in Zuruland
[23479]   Ọla, Ọlanikẹ Ọlajumọkẹ (1995) : Optimality in Benue-Congo prosodic phonology and morphology
[24592]   Olanike, Olajumoke Ola (1995) : Optimality in Benue-Congo Prosodic Phonology and Morphology
[25204]   Babaev, Kyrill V. (2010) : Reconstructing Proto-Benue-Congo person marking II: Proto-Benue-Congo
[25676]   Anyanwu, Rose-Juliet (2010) : Tense, Aspect, and Mood in Benue-Congo Languages
[26688]   Babaev, Kirill V. (2008) : Reconstructing Benue-Congo person marking I: Proto-Bantoid
[27447]   Watters, John (Ed) (2018) : East Benue-Congo: Nouns, pronouns, and verbs
[27764]   Good, Jeff (2020) : Niger-Congo, with a special focus on Benue-Congo
[27834]   Pozdniakov, Konstantin (2013) : Protolanguage and prototype: a “proto-letter” and a “proto-spirit” in noun classes of Niger-Congo
[28500]   Wolff, H. Ekkehard (2020) : Contact-induced disturbances in personal pronoun systems in the Chadic–Benue-Congo convergence zone in Central Nigeria
[28602]   Watters, John (2018) : East Benue-Congo
[28603]   Good, Jeff (2018) : East Benue-Congo noun classes, with a focus on morphological behavior