4 langues concernées

2005Nilo-Saharien > Soudanique oriental > Nilotique > lango

29 titres trouvés

[1862]   Bavin, Edith L. [Woock] (1981) : Lango: some morphological changes in verb paradigm
[1863]   Bavin, Edith L. [Woock] (1982) : Aspects of morphological and syntactic divergence in Lango and Acholi
[1864]   Bavin, Edith L. [Woock] (1983) : Morphological and syntactic divergence in Lango and Acholi
[1861]   Bavin, Edith L. [Woock] & Michael [Paul] Noonan (1979) : Vowel harmony in Lango
[29085]   Carollo, Bruno (1991) : A Practical Lango Grammar and Dictionary
[4261]   Clifton, John M. (1975) : Nonsegmental tone in Lango
[4679]   Crazzolara, Joseph Pasquale (1960) : Notes on the Lango-Miru and on the Labwoor and Nyakwai
[5722]   Driberg, Jack H. (1923) : The Lango: a Nilotic tribe of Uganda
[7856]   Gulliver, Philip Hugh (1951) : The name ‘Lango’ as a title for the Nilo-Hamites
[10324]   Kamoga, Fred[erick] Katabazi (1969) : Lwo instructions
[10325]   Kamoga, Fred[erick] Katabazi (1971) : Lwo instructions
[12634]   Maddieson, Ian , Timothy Shopen & Betty Jenny Okello (1974) : Lango tonology, suprasegmentals and paradigms
[12799]   Majors, Diane Richart (1993) : An analysis of intransitive/transitive Lango pairs using Localist Case Grammar
[12834]   Malandra, Alfred (1956) : English-Lwoo (Acholi) dictionary
[12835]   Malandra, Alfred (1957) : English-Lwoo dictionary
[26804]   Noonan, Michael (2013) : Linguistic Materials of Lango
[15293]   Noonan, Michael [Paul] (1981) : Lango syntax
[15294]   Noonan, Michael [Paul] (1981) : “tê” and the structure of Lango narrative discourse
[15296]   Noonan, Michael [Paul] (1992) : A grammar of Lango
[15291]   Noonan, Michael [Paul] & Edith L. [Woock] Bavin (1978) : The passive analog in Lango
[15292]   Noonan, Michael [Paul] & Edith L. [Woock] Bavin (1978) : The semantic basis of complementation in Lango
[15295]   Noonan, Michael [Paul] & Edith L. [Woock] Bavin (1981) : Parataxis in Lango
[15775]   Okello, Betty Jenny (1975) : Some phonological and morphological processes in Lango
[17136]   Reh, Mechthild (2000) : Migration, polygamy and interethnic marriage as causes of language birth: the southern Lwoo languages
[17137]   Reh, Mechthild (2002) : Multilingual reading and writing practices in Uganda among Lango/Ateso and Luganda speakers
[17917]   Savage, G. A. R. (1956) : The essentials of Lwo (Acoli)
[20037]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1958) : Some problems of junction in Lango
[20738]   Watson, K. (1974) : Identity deletion phenomena in Lango
[21478]   Woolford, Ellen (1991) : Two subject positions in Lango