2 langues concernées

02487Niger-Congo > Kru > Oriental > guébie   (gie)
NomsGuébie ; gaɓʊgbʊ

9 titres trouvés

[28809]   Gnahore, Dalile Inés Laure (2006) : Essai sur le système verbal du gaɓʊgbʊ
[28853]   Oakley, Madeleine (2021) : Acoustic correlates to contrastive tone heights in two African languages
[28807]   Sande, Hannah (2019) : Phonologically determined nominal concord as post-syntactic: Evidence from Guébie
[28808]   Sande, Hannah (2014) : Verb movement and Lowering in Guébie
[28810]   Sande, Hannah (2017) : Distributing morphologically conditioned phonology: Three case studies from Guébie
[28811]   Sande, Hannah (2020) : Guébie (Côte d’Ivoire, Ivory Coast) - Language Snapshot
[28812]   Sande, Hannah (2022) : The phonology of Guébie
[28818]   Sande, Hannah (2018) : Classification of Guébie within Kru
[28800]   Sande, Hannah & Virginia Dawson (2022) : Counting mass nouns in Guébie