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02299Nilo-Saharien > Soudanique oriental > Nord > vieux nubien   (onw)
NomsMahass ; Nubian ; Nubische ; Old Nubian

14 titres trouvés

[26639]   Alamin, Suzan (2014) : Noun Phrase Constructions in Nubian Languages: A Comparative Study
[3343]   Browne, Gerald M. (1981) : Griffith’s Old Nubian lectionary
[3344]   Browne, Gerald M. (1982) : Griffith’s Old Nubian lectionary
[3345]   Browne, Gerald M. (1988) : Studies in Old Nubian
[3346]   Browne, Gerald M. (1997) : Old Nubian dictionary
[3347]   Browne, Gerald M. (2002) : Grammar of Old Nubian
[7726]   Griffiths, J. G. (1955) : Bilingualism among the Mahass
[26563]   Jakobi, Angelika (2013) : Nubian kinship terms
[26638]   Łajtar, Adam (2014) : Old Nubian Texts from Gebel Adda in the Royal Ontario Museum
[26654]   Ochała, Grzegorz & Giovanni Ruffini (2015) : Nubische Berichtigungsliste (1)
[26640]   Ruffini, Giovanni (2014) : Idiom and Social Practice in Medieval Nubia
[26641]   van Gerven Oei, Vincent (2015) : Old Nubian Relative Clauses
[26637]   van Gerven Oei, Vincent W.J. (2014) : Remarks toward a Revised Grammar of Old Nubian
[26634]   Weber, Kerstin & Petra Weschenfelder (2014) : Reflections on Old Nubian Grammar